Kären Matison Hess, PhD., (d. 2010) wrote extensively in law enforcement and criminal justice, gaining a respected reputation for the consistent pedagogical style around which she structured each textbook. She co-authored multiple editions of MANAGEMENT AND SUPERVISION IN LAW ENFORCEMENT, CONSTITUTIONAL LAW AND THE CRIMINAL JUSTICE SYSTEM, CRIMINAL INVESTIGATION, and JUVENILE JUSTICE, in addition to INTRODUCTION TO LAW ENFORCEMENT AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE. Her work and influence are still evident in this new edition.
Christine Hess Orthmann holds an M.S. in criminal justice from the University of Cincinnati and has been writing and researching in various aspects of criminal justice for over 20 years. She is the author of numerous Cengage Learning
Although all employees should be assets to their organization, certain employees, because of their respective strengths and talents, may be better suited for certain tasks. In the organization I where I work, the Claiborne County Sheriff’s Office, there are several individuals who would be both happier and better suited for different areas of criminal investigations. Several problems persist within the organization that prevent both the agency and the individuals employed by it from achieving their full potential. While there are a host of departments within my organization, the focus of this essay will be on the Criminal Investigations Division in which I work. I will also include a few thoughts on the administrative structure of my department, address some of its problems and offer my own solutions for overcoming these
Mid-Term Reflection Introduction to Criminal Justice. Introduction In this paper, I will reflect on my experiences and insights gained over the last few weeks in my Introduction to Criminal Justice class. Throughout the course, I encountered several Eureka moments that reshaped my understanding of the criminal justice system. Eureka Moment 1:
Schmalleger, F. (2012). Criminology Today: An Integrative Introduction (6th ed.). Retrieved from The University of Phoenix eBook Collection Database
Grant, H.B. and Terry, K.J. 2008: Law Enforcement in the 21st Century. (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle, River, NJ. Pearson/Prentice Hall.
This research project is an analysis of six scenarios. The scenarios are as follows: History and rolls of law enforcement in society, Levels of jurisdiction, Distinction among the multiple functions of Law enforcement agencies, Analysis of Historical events that have shaped modern policing practices, Ethical and professional behavior in the workplace, and Evaluation of how knowledge, skills, and attitude learned in this course apply to your chosen career. There will also be a summary of reactions on Ethical and professional behavior in the work place. Included in the second section, there will be six scenarios. The responses will incorporate knowledge of
Indeed, if I had been able to get “Justice Administration Police Courts, and Corrections Management by Peak, (8th ed.),” for $162.53; I would have avoided the unnecessary stress during readings, and during the test. As well, the exam wouldn’t have been overwhelming. Even though, I received a B in the class, it’s possible that I could have received an A. In the same way, the time spent reading incorrect chapters, could have been spent on other classes. As well, it would allowed each student the benefit of achieving their best. I am not certain how the problem occurred, but I do know, it was unnecessary. Focus is increasing regarding this issue. The idea of students saving on textbooks, is exploding. As a result, the market is changing. In light of this report, as a final recommendation, I would encourage Wake Tech to consider adopting an open-source textbook. Clearly, it would it save students on expenses, and reduce the confusion associated with outdated editions. As well, I recommend the communication between the Professor and the Department Head, be improved. These adjustments would allow each student to succeed to his or her fullest capacity. In conclusion, my recommendation would be that the latest edition, “Justice Administration Police Courts, and Corrections Management by Peak, (8th ed.)”, be
I believe that it is dire for criminal justice professionals to know and understand the history of the field of corrections to promote progressive change and enhancement. It is simply impossible to progress without knowing where the system has failed or faltered. I find this essential in a field that directly influences and affects humans. Professionals in the field of criminal justice are not only responsible for meeting the needs and desires of law-abiding civilians, but they are, more critically, responsible for responding to and reprimanding lawbreakers.
J., Gaines, L. K., & Glensor, R. W. (2009). Police supervision and management: In an era of community policing (3rd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
When an individual chooses a career in law enforcement they realize it can be a very rewarding, yet dangerous career path to take. Most people often hear about all the potential dangers such as officer involved shootings and physical confrontations before making the choice to join the ranks of the few who will always stand for what is right. However, today there is a new danger to law enforcement known as the mass media which adds a whole new realm of difficulty to an already taxing job. The negative effects of the media can be felt nationwide by law enforcement agencies and these effects include creating a divided community, unrealistic expectations, and the devastation of current and future law enforcement careers. This presentation
Authors Note: All questions and concerns on this paper can be addressed to Sheila Capers, Saint Leo University, Criminal Justice, Savannah, GA. Email: Sheila.capers@email.saintleo.edu.
In every community there is an element of crime. During my time as a Law Enforcement Officer, I had a front row seat to see the intricate and often violent interactions between the two. There were still many aspects I did not have a full grasp on. During my time in this class, I gained a more complete understanding of how the judicial and incarceration process worked. In this paper I will discuss what I found enlightening about the course materials. I will also discuss the information I gain from the guest speakers. Lastly I will make my recommendations for the class in the future.
In conclusion, In 2016 the three challenging issues administrators in criminal justice will face is The budget, Inadequate training, and the media. These are issues that everyone should be concerned with especial criminal justice students. One question the budget is faced with is there be enough money to sustain the growing criminal justice system. WIll the training be enough to teach officer when there are in the streets. How do we not let the media influence how we feel. We have to
Leadership involves the commitment, dedication, and risk taking attitude of the individual, which also includes other skills to accomplish the tasks. “In a criminal justice organization, leadership is essential to the success of the goals of the organization” (McKinney, 2008).Criminal justice professionals should develop and maintain leadership skills in their professional and personal lives because they are role models, and their decision-making is suppose to be trusted by the public. The field of criminal justice is very broad, which includes professions like law enforcement, information security, and forensic science; however, there are many career choices in that field that require
1. Siegel, L. J., & Worrall, J. L. (2013) Essentials of criminal justice , Belmont, CA
Aleno, L., Griffith, S., Weaver, K., & Wright, S. Florida Department of Law Enforcement, Criminal Justice Standards and Training Commission. (2008).Middle management (Version 2008.8). Tallahassee, FL: Florida Department of Law Enforcement.