
Hester Prynne In The Scarlet Letter

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In The Scarlet Letter, Hester Prynne acts as Nathaniel Hawthorne’s focal character. She plays the role of both the main character and the protagonist. Hester Prynne begins as a very arrogant person, by being insolently proud of her sin. But by the end of the novel, Hester’s personality changes as she becomes a helpful and nicer person. In the beginning of the novel, Hester plays the role of a pompous person, who show no embarrassment for the crime or sin she has committed. Hester plays the role of a victim in the beginning of the story because of her mistakes. Her life was not the best after the mistake that she had made which was to have an affair with Arthur Dimmesdale, also known as the town minister who was a high-minded person and had …show more content…

While the authorities wanted to take Pearl away, Hester continues to fight for what she believes that was right for Pearl. Hester wanted Pearl to have a father in her life, but what kept Hester from telling everyone was Dimmesdale’s reputation. What Hester had to do when she was out of jail was to wear a big letter A. The letter A represented her bad behavior or for her sin, which in this case has been adultery. Hester Prynne’s actions throughout the story demonstrates how powerful she remains by explaining to the readers how during the Puritan’s time the people has treated her. How Hester reacted back to the situation remains by staying a strong, carefree person. What she had to deal with was human vs society, since the society was constantly judging Hester. She has survived the whole conflict with her towards the Puritan citizens.The townspeople’s view towards Hester Prynne changes very much from the beginning and the end of the story. In the beginning of the novel, people treated her poorly for her unaccepted mistake, but in the end she was known as a hero.. The townspeople were so harsh on Hester because of her adultery sin, but then they saw the good in her. “ It is our Hester,—the town's own Hester,—who is so kind to the poor, so helpful to the sick, so comfortable to the afflicted!” the novel mentioned in chapter 13. The quote indicates how the townspeople …show more content…

Many of the townspeople’s views of Hester Prynne had changed drastically when they have noticed how Hester true colors were. The author’s themes of the story was sin, guilt, and legalism. He describes sin throughout the novel by mentioning what Hester did and her consequences because of her actions. Guilt, was how Dimmesdale felt since he was the prime minister. He has a very high reputation and if the people find out who the baby was, everything would have to change for him and the way of living. Guilt proves to be an effective emotion, because it pushes Hester into reforming herself and eventually being forgiven and respected by her community.At last, legalism was explained how Hester was rejected by the people because of her sin. It is explained as how Hester chooses not to conform to their rules and beliefs. As a result, Hester transformed the letter A to a symbol instead of her sin where she felt shame. At last, Dimmesdale was able to confess his sin after seven years of hiding it to protect himself and the people and right after he dies. Hester continues to live her life in the colony and wears the letter A because she feels empty without it. It represents a big part of her

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