Hi, Donnie, my name is Marie Stevenson. I am first-time college student it has always been my dream since childhood. I wanted to become an author, but God led me into another direction. I live in Oklahoma City and am a pastor of a small congregation. You wrote that you live in Norman are you a fan of the Sooners? The King James Version of the Bible is my favorite version. I am majoring in Christian Ministries, What is your major?
“The Things They Carried” by Tim O’Brien is a magnificent book illustrating the physical and mental impacts of the Vietnam War on soldiers. “The Things They Carried” gives an insight into the lives of the soldiers and the experiences brought upon them before, during and after the war. One theme that stands out is that the soldiers in the book carry not only physical items, but also thoughts and feelings such as the memories of their loved ones and burdens of those who have been lost.
The book The Upside Down Kingdom by Donald B. Kraybill does an analysis of the bible in a different approach taken by readers. The main point of the book is to help readers understand Gods kingdom in a world that is turned upside down. Kraybill shows how upside down and radical the kingdom was in the first century Palestine and how it is the same in today’s society. In other words Kraybill illustrated the image that people who are at the top of the pyramids, the wealthy and the powerful, will be at the bottom of the pyramid in Gods kingdom if they are not humbled towards the poor and hungry. The book also clarifies the importance of practicing religious principle through the teachings of Christ in relation to the poor and suffering. In
Last year, I took Karen Rieger’s class, “Unlocking the Mystery of the Bible” by Jeff Cavins. This class really opened my eyes! I finally got to see the big picture of the bible. Jeff Cavins presented the story of salvation from creation and the fall through the coming of Christ to the establishment of the Church. I love the color coded Bible timeline chart. It arranges the key people, places, and events of Sacred Scripture in chronological order.
It is known to most that the gospels often differ from historical facts due to the writer of each gospel putting significant emphasis on particular actions and attributes of Jesus. Also a major part in this difference is the fact that the gospels were written 35-60 years after the death of Jesus and some of these memories have altered over time. Differences in conflicting evidence, writing to different communities, writing during a different time period, and with different intentions are all more reasons as to why these gospels conflict with historical facts. There is said to be six accounts that are subdivided into two separate traditions. These two traditions are those having to do with the appearance of Jesus in Galilee
The Bible is a sacred book of scriptures that Christians and people of the Jewish faith believe is the written account of the word of God. Many different authors composed the works that make up the Bible. It is said that Jesus Christ is the son God who was sent to be the Lord and Savior of all people. Many Christians and Jewish people believe the Bible is the way of life. Those who believe and follow the beliefs of the Bible and God’s word will have eternal life if they accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior. The Bible has been in print and given to others for hundreds of years. The first King James Bible was published back in the year 1611. Within the King James Version, it used to contain what are now known as the canons. A biblical canon is a set or series of related books. The canons, within the King James Version, these were called the books of the apocrypha. Apocrypha means ‘hide away’ in Greek. The apocrypha is a collection of books that were located in between the Old Testament and the New Testament. For over 270 years, the books of the apocrypha were published in the King James Version of the Bible.
“A thousand times in history a baby has become a king but only once in history did a king become a baby.” The Bible and other written documentation was written by man, so people think it’s flawed and not the word of God. They’re not able to walk by faith and not by sight. This means that if they don’t see Jesus and the miracles that He performed, they don’t believe all the “stories” in the Bible happened in real life. People who believe in the Bible, walk by faith, meaning that they trust in God. Jesus Christ, the Son of God, was born of a virgin, died and was resurrected for the sake of all humanity.
The Scarlet Letter by Nathaniel Hawthorne tells the story of a woman who was gifted a child through the sin of adultery. There are five scenes that stand out in this book. The first one being the first scene of the book, where Hester is on the scaffold. The second significant scene is when Dimmesdale went to Chillingworth for medical health. The following scene is from when Dimmesdale yelled into the town during the night from on the scaffold, followed by the forest scene, and concluded with Dimmesdale’s death scene.
The building blocks and foundation of the bible and a biblical world view starts in the first eleven chapters of Genesis. Without this primeval history we would not have the understating of numerous things, developing many questions and doubts in our faith. It is the basis of our natural world; how it has begun and came to be. The basis of our identity; how we got here, by who, and the reason for being. The basis for our relationships; how they should be, and for what reasons. The basis for civilization; what we are to do here on earth, why we do it, and for what or whom we do this for. Again the first eleven chapters are essential to many aspects of my world view and the beginning to everything I know, see, and understand
Wealth plays a big part in manipulation. People or countries with money seem to be in control. This is because they have the best of everything, if its technology, equipment, lawyers, anything you can think of they are going to have it and win. In Animal farm money doesn't play a role but in terms of manipulation to those who don't have power it certainly does! In the books situation the pigs would be the ones with all the money living the high life.The fortunate people with money have access to everything and have the benefits of warm clothes, a roof over our heads, a meal to come home to every night and medicine to help us get better when we are sick. In third world countries such as Africa and the Philippines people only have limited access
The book of James was written by James, a servant of the Lord. James identifies himself
The final English Standard Version (ESV) Bible translation revision regarding gender is “potentially dangerous” because of its negative implications, according to a biblical scholar.
Created by Johannes Gutenberg, The Gutenberg Bible was the first mass produced book through the use of a moveable printer. Known for its artistic Latin writing, the Bible only has forty-nine copies remaining, one residing at the Harry Ransom Center at The University of Texas at Austin. The Gutenberg Bible exhibits religious qualities from the message, directly from God, and the original purpose of the creation of the Bible.
The human race has always looked to a higher power, or explained the events of the world through some outside force outside of their own. There have been many organizations thank can thank their existence to these higher powers. Religion was formed from superstitious practices, and offered an explanation for that which was unknown. One of the largest and most accepted of theses religions is Christianity. The Christian faith follows the teachings of the bible, which holds the Old Testament in the first section, and the New Testament in the second section. The Old Testament is essentially the same as the Jewish Torah, but it’s the New Testament that really defines the Christian religion since it teaches what they believe the last messiah,
The Bible is composed of many different stories and narratives. Each one of these individual stories contributes to the greater story of the Bible; sometimes called the Grand Story of Scripture. Within each Story, they have elements that define the setting, characters, climax, and themes. The overall Grand Story of Scripture contains these elements in each of the five divisions: prologue, epilogue, and three acts in between.
The Gospels goal is to combine the gospel message with other important material as it relates to Jesus' life and teachings. Collectively to say that Jesus is the one true Savior of the world and through him we could have eternal life.