Hi Helen That was very sad for this patient. I think one of the problems of this patient is knowledge deficit of the disease process. There are many cases when a patient does not know the end result of a disorder, they seldom refuse the treatment. When they finally accept to have any medical intervention, it becomes too late.
On April 8, 2016 at approximately 1500 hours, I made contact with Heather Curtis at 8307 Centennial Road in reference to a domestic dispute. Mrs. Curtis stated that her husband Marc Curtis sent her multiple text messages to her phone stating that she couldn’t have the kids and that the police would have to kill him before he goes to jail or give her the kids back. This was the result of an argument after Mrs. Curtis refused to pick him up from work because he had taken her EBT card. Mrs. Curtis stated that he hasn’t been acting normal and may possibly be going through a psychotic break. Mrs. Curtis was advised to go to the Prosecuting Attorney’s Office to get a restraining order and given a copy of this report number. Mrs. Curtis was also
There have been court cases taken to trial where the evidence has been uncovered to have been retrieved under a violation of the Fourth Amendment, and consequently declared invalid. Such evidence was either obtained without a warrant or under unreasonable search and seizure. In cases where evidence is obtained under a violation of expectation of privacy, suspects can fight back in court and be held unaccountable for their crimes. They walk out of court with neither fines nor a sentence. With this said, evidence is off limits when retrieved under a violation of the Fourth Amendment. Otherwise, the evidence is valid and can be used to determine a criminal's luck from the moment the enter a court of justice.
Evening Jackie - Kelly just advised me despite the promises made regarding the home at Park Crossing At Glen Mills, the VP has decided to pack pedal stating the price is too low, although an identical home with the same specs is currently under contact for the same price? Unfortunately, I don't have the luxury of waiting for them to make up their mind while there in possession of our check, while we sit here mystified. I need our check back no later 09:00 tomorrow to exhaust my options with other builders. If this appears to be an issue, please as the listing agent to provide me with the contact information to their VP and the corporate office.
In terms of the intensity and duration, the disease is life-long and is accompanied by increasing emotional and physical pain. Most of this pain is derived from slowly loosing major bodily functions like walking, speaking, eating, blinking, and even breathing (Canadian medical journal: http://www.cmaj.ca) The extent of those affected include himself and his family members who are most likely suffering emotionally as well. The degree of pain and the extent to which this pain affects others is greater than the pleasure that could be derived from allowing the disease to progress further in answering no to Rob’s request. Thus, under utilitarian principles, the doctor should uphold Rob’s request for physician-assisted death.
Reading this piece, I think morale had played a role in the decisions of Martha Hale and Mrs. Peters to intentional-ly hide evidence or distort the crime scene. However, the decisions of Martha Hale and Mrs. Peters can be viewed as dishonest in allowing the investigation to appropriately be take place in order to resolve a crime.
critical thinking. This suggestion by the physician might have been the last nail in the coffin.
My initial impression based the information given about the patient in Sonja Bradburn’s case regarding the elderly gentleman2 is sympathy for his current depressed mental state and his lack of physical activity. It is challenging to comprehend anyone struggling enough to end their own life. Moreover, it becomes human nature to want to aid this gentleman any way possible to improve his condition. What is or has caused this individual to reach this point and how can it be reversed? Initially, my bias towards this gentleman is negative, not because of him or what he did, more so it is never easy communicating with a patient whose mental state is severely depressed. Communication has to be clearly managed before speaking to avoid trigger topics
The 18th Amendment of the Constitution which prohibited the sell of alcohol was first proposed in 1917, and then would get approved 2 years later in 1919. One year later on January 17, 1920 the Amendment would start to be in effect. Even before it was passed over half of the country had already banned it. Publically many had denounced it yet privately almost everyone thought the decision would be one they would soon end up regretting. With this law now in effect, there ended up being a rise in crime due to a rise in bootlegging which is the transportation of alcoholic beverages. The government was starting to face a dilemma because there was still a demand to drink, but people had no other option aside from obtaining it illegally.
We came to this decision because we felt that if a few professional psychiatrist can render him mentally competent than he should be allowed to make his own decisions because it is moral. This is moral because people should be allowed to do what they want with their body, and as Cowart says it is, “the right to control your own body is a right you’re born with…” (Cowart 2). However, this is refuted when that person cannot make rational decisions because that person would be mentally incompetent. People that are mentally incompetent are incapable of making decisions that are in their best interest. We also discussed his mother and how all she cared about is for him to receive treatment which we thought was a bit selfish. This is a typical parental perspective considering that parents do not want to outlive their children. However, she should have sought out what was best for him and what he was going to be happy with and not her. As a group we also felt that he should have received better pain treatment especially since Cowart found out later that they could have done more for his treatment. If someone is in as much pain as he was and when a doctor is confronted with the request to die, that doctor should be doing everything he or she can to bring down the pain.
Lacking of knowledge can lead patient refuse treatment including life style changes, diagnostic tests and medications.
The treatments, the side effects are to the point that are not worth fighting for any longer and are just exhausted. They would much rather be healthy again. The patient should be able to proceed with physician-assisted suicide.
When a patient finally comes to the conclusion that they would like to bring their lives to an end, they are to end or opt out of enduring physical and emotional torture. I believe that if he or she first has been diagnosed by multiple separate sources with no room for error regarding the severity and mortality of their disease, other individuals should not have the authority to deny this option of relief. This practice, over the past ten years, has consistently accounted for “approximately one out of every thousand deaths per year” which may appear insignificant, but “one in fifty patients talk to their doctor about it, and one in six talk with family members” (“Existing ‘Last Resorts’”, 1). Most of these candidates will find great solace
The bad thing about the situation was that medically there was nothing more that could be done for this patient. All the family could do was to sit by his bedside and wait for their loved one take his last breath, and to be at peace.
The Constitution establishes the basic rights of all Americans, provides directions on how the government should function and the basics of law and order. Additionally, the Bill of Rights protects the liberties of individuals. When injustices occur, laws are wrongly enforced, or individual rights are violated, it is the obligation of citizens to take a stand against these transgressions. Civil disobedience and peaceful resistance to these infractions are a forceful means to cause change and have a positive impact on a free society.
Most of the times, due to extensive suffering, most patients simply give up; with no hope left, they start to believe that the only way out of interminable pain and discomfort is to give up on their lives. Utter hopelessness makes them highly vulnerable and at the same time impulsive too. So, they easily fall victim to the temptation of ending up their own lives with just little assistance from people like Dr.