Hi Kandee,
First off, thank you so much for supporting our school's watershed grant. These three models have been used this year to help student's learning. I have never had to create a report and deliverable section so please bare with me if I have it incorrect, but attached you will find the Report on our student's learning and the watershed models.
Second, over winter break you had mentioned that you desired to come to our class and discuss grants. The timing kept falling through. Would you still like to come and discuss scholarship opportunities with our students? We have a few days remaining, our school year ends May 20th and we would love to have you out.
Thanks once again,
I hope all is well with you. As you probably already know, I am not at Bowdoin for the fall semester. My father has said he has spoken to you about the issue already, so I know you are informed about my situation. I hope we can sit down and talk about it when I return to campus in the spring. Regardless of that I am not writing this email to you today about that subject.
Explain how you plan to apply to your lesson planning on exploring water and gardens to each of the four (4) aspects of Learning Outcome 2?
The monetary contribution from The Mabel de Koevend Memorial Art Scholarship or The Dr. Linda Schele Memorial Art Scholarship would improve my artistic career next year not only financially but also through the opportunity to buy better supplies. I am currently working two jobs to support myself financially. The contribution from at least one of these scholarships would loosen the pressure I have experienced throughout this year, and I feel full-heartily that I could go back to working a singular job versus the two I work now. The contribution from either The Mabel de Koevend scholarship or The Dr. Linda Schele Memorial Art Scholarship would allow me to get better supplies and/or the needed supplies to succeed in my art career not only next
It was a night like no other, the whole world asleep, and at peace. Little did Gabriel know, this was his last moments to see the world. For tomorrow, he would lose something he always held dear. As Gabriel lies in his bed, not knowing what tomorrow brings, he closes his eyes, and falls fast asleep. In the middle of the night, he hears a sound like no other, a strange ringing. The noise grows louder and louder, and a whisper saying, “Open your eyes.” When Gabriel tried to open his eyes, either his eyes were not cooperating, or its was just too dark; because all he saw was darkness.
Hey! Today we are going to talk about the watershed and how they affect the ecosystems and how we are going to keep it clean.
I wanted to reach out and express my excitement for the opportunity to matriculate at Feinberg in the fall, as it has always been my first choice for medical school. However, in light of receiving a full scholarship from another medical school, my decision has become incredibly more difficult. I still hope to be able to attend Feinberg, but the grant award I received, although generous, does not cover enough for me to be able to afford attendance without personally taking on large quantities of debt. Thus, I wanted to reach out and inquire about the possibility of receiving additional scholarship funds. I would be more than grateful for any type of additional assistance that would allow me to attend. Thank you so much your
Background (1 ¶): What is the Duck Creek Watershed? What problems is it facing? What is being done so far to remedy these problems? Who is working on this problem?
Determining a watershed BMPs for homeowners/HOAs and local communities is quite a broad subject maybe separate into homeowners and businesses. Homeowners are businesses are very different when it comes to management. I do like how you explained the damage being done and the ways in which this issue could be fixed. (population change) What are some of the recent construction projects in the area that are causing this unfiltered run off? (parking lots, roads, building, apartments) Discuss the future constructions that may occur. What are some of the chemicals running into the river? Which species have been hurt or killed because of these chemicals? The way in which you explained structural and non- structural BMP was excellent. Focusing more
To begin this email I would like to discuss updates since my application. I have become eligible and applied for my school's National Honors Society. I have received A's in every course I have taken last year and this year. My courses this year include three AP classes and and two honors classes. While many students lose their drive during their senior year, I have continued to work my hardest and challenge myself with rigorous cources.
I hope all is going well for you on the beautiful day. I am sending this email to attempt to appeal for an opportunity to work the full twelve week program over the summer. I understand that there are many students who do not have the financial support to pay for the next year of room and board, and understand if I am denied.
A few weeks ago I talked to you about how in the mind tap gradebook I had all of the homework that was due before I started your class with zero, and I was wondering if you could fix that. The first homework that was assigned while I was in class was in the 5th week (February 3rd.) You requested me to send you an email letting you know about it and you were going to work on it.
Since the United States of America were first established, the news media has had a large and important role in influencing the people. Even during the American Revolution, the press helped to shape the public opinion in favor of the patriotic agenda through newspapers and pamphlets. In the Early Republic, Broadsides became popular with the people and, in the Jacksonian Era, a more voters inclusive press, the “penny press”, and the Associated Press, using a new technology known as the telegraph, rose in popularity. But, more events along the way saw to the growth of the news media as we know it today.
Unfortunately, I am unable to apply for the Scholarship Opportunity as I was unable to rearrange my work and internship schedule in order to attend the Friday morning class. If there are any future changes to the schedule or times offered please know I would be interested in applying.
In Book II, Chapter 1 of the Nicomachean Ethics, Aristotle writes that the moral virtues arise in us “neither by nature…nor contrary to nature” (1103a24). The following will address and dissect Aristotle’s asserting by addressing (1) how the moral virtues are not by nature, (2) how they are not contrary to nature, and (3) how exactly moral virtues arise in human beings. Aristotle’s claims that moral virtues do not arise in us by nature can best be described through his analogy of human sense perception. As humans we possess the power of sight and hearing irrespective of any actions we perform or training we undergo. Rather than practicing or cultivating the art of sight of hearing, we “first acquire the potentiality and later exhibit the activity”
Let me take the opportunity to congratulate you first for your admission into the Ph.D. program at Alberta Business School. All SMO (Strategic Management and Organization) members are happy for your success. I am a first year Ph.D. student in the same department and will be starting my second year from next fall. The purpose of this message is to encourage you to consider taking a course, ‘Organizational Institutionalism’, that will probably be offered in the Winter 2018- in your second term.