Hi Micayla! God is also very important in my life. I have been in a kindergarten class for all three semester of my student teachering but with two different CT. Yes, kindergartners are very funny, they can tell you weird and funny stories but I like working with them because they are egar to learn and are very genuate. I will love to visit Australia one day. I love your photo is very nice. Enjoy this semester.
Saint Margaret School has a great impact on my faith. Each Day, I feel that we are growing closer and closer to God. God is extremely important in my life because He keeps me strong. When I feel that everything is wrong in my life, I pray to Him. Praying to God is important because, “God surely listens, understands and knows the hopes and fears you keep in your heart. For when you trust in His love, miracles happen.~unknown” God is also important to me because He has given us His one and only Son so that anyone who believes in Him shall not perish, but have eternal life. This shows how much He truly cares for us.
The insights provided by you and kindergarten team assisted me in growing as an educator. It was terrific to see young faces light up as they got to know and understand me. Thank you for the opportunity to be able to educate your student and help them develop and grow.
Our country is known as a country of immigrants. Doors are open all the time for those who are willing to come legally to add an extra values to our nation. Our country needs immigrants who have ideas, skills, and knowledge to allow us leading the world. We do not need immigrants who are willing to enter to our soil illegally and become dependent on our government help. Our country needs people who are proud to be independent, supporting their families, and paying their income taxes. Those taxes help the government improve and build our road, schools, hospitals, and more. If our officials become more tolerant with illegal immigrants, they are automatically facing our country and economy to jeopardy. Our officials should learn from what happen
William Cole Eng 201 Dr. Frame 11/10/14 Macbeth: Influencing Macbeth Throughout the story of Macbeth, it is hard for Macbeth to repent and change course despite his guilt. The reason behind this is the outside influences throughout Macbeth. One of the main antagonist for Macbeth is Lady Macbeth. She is constantly influencing him in his life.
My student teaching experience in Dutton Christian as a student teacher has equipped me to teach in the kindergarten setting. I love working with young children because they are in their years of greatest curiosity. Also, I have taught kindergarten in the summer. Kindergarten teachers can bring joy and beauty, mystery and delight into the hearts of little people.
"Making yourself valuable to your family and society by studying, learning, growing, earning, helping, giving and saving, is important, but first your must follow the wonderful wisdom of God to retain, teach, and give true love value in your lifestyle and generations to come." ~ Jon Barnes
Why is teaching an important profession to me? Life is about something, but what it is about for me it is the passing of knowledge that will make society move forward. Without the teacher, we would be in the dark, because, the light of someone teaching would not be. We would not advance as a society, on Medicare or agricultural advances.
Today was my first day in my elementary education field placement, which was in Kindergarten. I did not know what to expect in the Kindergarten classroom, so I went with my knowledge learned from my textbooks. The classroom was a warm and inviting room that made you feel happy and comfortable. The classroom was filled with brightly colored posters that pertained to many different academic content such as a number line, an alphabet, a calendar, different vin diagram charts, how to make words by letters chart, math procedures, ways to read, need to know words, how to sound out words, and a behavior chart. The room was like a magic learning palace.
As I walk into the classroom, the first graders' faces light up with smiles of eagerness. They are genuinely enthusiastic to start their homework with my help and rush over with their worksheets and freshly sharpened pencils. As I help them with their math or reading, many of the kids divulge details about their lives at home.
Upon first entering college, I struggled deciding at such a young age what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Through babysitting and volunteering with pre-school aged children at my church and through a school program called STARS, it became evident to me I had a love for helping children. It fascinated me to see how they viewed the world around them and how quickly they learned new truths everyday. Nevertheless, I knew I would not get the full enjoyment interacting with children as a schoolteacher because the teacher to student ratio is so large. Classroom demands would make it much more difficult to devot individualized attention to each student, and I did not like that concept. So
Children, have always had a special place in my heart. There is something about the glow in a child’s eyes that makes me want to help them in any way I can. I have always heard about God moving in people’s lives, however after babysitting teacher’s children afterschool when I was in elementary school, to helping teaches a little girl we homeschooled a while back, I had not seen Him move that much in the lives of children’s I came in contact with.
So you want to be an elementary school teacher? It’s a challenging career, requiring patience and social skills, as you have to be able to wrangle a room filled with rambunctious children. Once you get through the tough stuff, the career is filled with immeasurable rewards. Being an elementary school teacher is not just going into a classroom and teaching kids how to add numbers, where something is on a map, or how to write. This career is far deeper than that, you will build a relationship with each and every student and ultimately build the foundation of the students’ future education. Elementary school teachers guide their students through a crucial period in their lives. This career is a good choice for people who want to make a
I. Attention Grabber: In the last twenty years, the reputation of marijuana has evolved and possibly in the best way. People’s opinions have shifted from seeing the hemp plant as a drug with no use other than a temporary high, to a plant that could possibly be the definition of versatile.
In this assignment, I will be going into depth who God is, I will talk about humanity, Jesus, as well as Restoration. They will all be very tricky for me to write about, but I feel like the restoration of humanity will be the most difficult. This paper will hopefully give some new insight to how important God is in this world, and how much of a part He played in the creation of this world.
All career paths have ups and downs, and are important. Personally, I think teach is one of, if not, the most important career. For the simple fact of teachers are the foundation of every other career. I haven’t always wanted to be a teacher, I wanted to be a doctor, a lawyer, a dentist, a veterinarian, a flight attendant, anything but a teacher. But, God has taken my hand and dragged me down a path I didn’t know was for me and he showed me that this, teaching, was everything I could ever want and more. On my journey down this path I will have many things to look forward to and strive towards.