Hi Ria,
Thank you for a great post! I agree with you that it is crucial to gauge the participant's knowledge before giving out the presentation. One of the main reason of this strategy is to discover your audience educational level and other relevant information that can help the presenter to build common ground. In other words, finding your audience perspective and cultivate that idea into the presentation.
According to La Barge (2007, p. 1), the significance of pre and post test is essential since it allows the evaluation of the participant's outcomes of the educational program. Furthermore, the instructor was able to assess the fundamental knowledge and confidence of the learner which are quintessential elements of learning.
In a similar
The data from the pre-test can be used to adjust what the teacher covers during the activity, such as a student understanding the difference of the adjustment knobs and instead needing a deeper understanding of how each knob affects the image of the specimen. This could also be seen in an improvement from the pre-test to the post-test, such as a student meeting the objective successfully after instruction. Both assessments could also be used to gauge how well the students understood the information the activity presented and help the teacher adjust further learning and lessons afterwards, by including more instruction on how the microscope functions during a practical application test, such as an experiment using a
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Thank you for your email. The remaining 210$ will be paid by my adviser research grant. I had a discussion with Jen regarding this, and she mentioned that the GSA would be fine with this split of budget. From what I see, I believe there are two ways
Do you know why the deposit is over $10.13 for; Tuesday, April 11, 2017? I will contact Officer Chamber to pull the video footage for yesterday cash transactions and speak with Teri about pulling a report.
I believe we might have an opportunity to work with International Paper next year. In order for us to be in the best position to do that, it would be great if we could have our Safety Programs complete according to their requirements. We need to have a Driving Safety and Spill Prevention program. Do you think you can help me get these programs together, please? Let me know if there is anything I can do to help.
Hai Resmy, good post, I like the portion you mention that Patient record plays an important role in the hospital’s ability to maintain JCAHO accreditation and are required for financial reimbursement. From a purely regulatory standpoint The Joint Commission requires the Standard of Staff are competent to perform their responsibilities. Staff competence is assessed and documented once every three years or more frequently as required by hospital policy or in accordance with law and regulation. There are numerous Joint Commission standards that require nursing documentation and can pose challenges to an organization. Nursing documentation is an overcomplicated process. Although many Joint Commission standards require documentation, hospitals
After reviewing your order tracking details, I found that your order has been in Sunshine West, Vic since 27/01/2017. No details was provided to us with regards to why the order has been stuck in that location.
Thank you for recommending PMG Printing, although they offered me a discount, Christopher thinks the cost is too high. I was wondering if you knew of any local companies selling ball caps and jackets with removable liners?
3. How much does the audience know about the topic? If little, start with the basics. If they have extensive knowledge, you can explore more complex issues.
I believe that peers or any type of audience can go ahead and analyze the content that is being presented and evaluate it to see if the information that is being provided is educational and informative as well as acknowledgeable and convincing at the end. At the end, when a presenter has finished presenting personally I believe it’s important that you have left your peers as well as your overall audience with possible information on the topic that they will acknowledge and most importantly learn from it. Also, acknowledging what is going to be discussed needs to match the age and audiences that you tend to aim. Another method also includes being able to see if the presenter is ready to go and presents personality as well as information that is being presented is brought out clearly and close the presentation with proper conclusions and acknowledgeable
Some teachers may say a pre-test is a waste of time and it not useful, but I believe differently. I included a pre-test in lesson plan because I thought it would be useful for the students to understand what content they know and what they need to work on, before the first graded assignment was given. If students understand their strengths and weaknesses right from the start, they can create a better plan of how
A good presenter is someone who ensures the information being presented is interesting, is not made up or fake, not a speech or written essay being read off paper. As someone who is performing a presentation, you should always ask these questions to ensure the audience is getting the best possible experience. 1.How does/is your audience (going to) feel about the subject being presented? What would they want to hear me talk about? 2.Is my delivery being executed in such a way the audience gets the clear message in the tone desired? Ensure you're getting the message across and getting across the way you want. 3.What is the objective of my speech? What is my speech trying to accomplish? What is the motive? 4.How would I feel if I were the audience?
Through the initial assessment I find out what my learners’ priorities are. It is important to have their previous learning experience, as David Minton says, “It is actually not possible to ignore prior learning because it determines what the students select from what is presented to them” (2002, page 62).
The intended audience for the presentation is identified and their level of understanding of the presentation topic is assessed
Play is such an important part of childhood development, and for Rona, it would be best to work on allowing her to use play as a natural form of self-expression, play as a way to be open to change and ways to adapt to new situations, interpersonal/social aspects of play. The first goal probably would be best to work on in an individual session. I am going to make the assumption that Rona did not have the most secure attachments while she was living in group residence. Because of this, it most likely influenced her ability to form relationships and she was unable to gain a true sense of “I-ness.” In an individual therapy session, the therapist can work with Rona to work on expressing herself through the use of play and be comfortable with her own emotions.