Hi Sami, I read your paper and saw some of a younger me in your writting technique. I noticed your attempt to combine random sentences hoping and wishing for the best. I advanced my writing techniques by practicing writing for fun. I will explain to you the main rules of writing which include paragraphs, transitions, and transitional phrases. Writing is essential and can be easily done with continuous practicing. Working on organization is key to your progression as a writer. I also improved my writing by having others read over it and I would get their opinion. A reader should be able to understand your paper on the first or second reading. Being crystal clear and organizing paragraphs will help the reader to a easy reading experience.
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Transition are essential because they tie two paragraphs together, summarizing the last one and introducing the new one. Transitions are required to connect and conjoin between paragraphs to give the main idea of the paper. Transitions help the reader understand your viewpoint. Transitions are like batteries in a machine, without the batteries it would be difficult to turn the machine on. A paper without transitions has a sense of missing information and non configuration. Transitional phrases (or words) are esential because they create the transitions. The reason behind transitional words being so important is without them transitions would not occur. They are considered as the main tool. Transitional phrases are like a screw in a box of tools, you couldn't hang an item without using a little screw although you have a big box of tools, nothing else works. Some examples of transitional phrases are: between, above, under, …show more content…
Putting your main ideas into paragraphs is necessary to digest the text. Organizing your paragraphs and sentences is key to writing a well written paper. Just remember to be clear with your papers while giving solid examples along the way. Transitions between paragraphs are needed to change subject fluidly. Transitional words are also essential to writting an exceptional paper. Think of paragraphs, transitions, and transitional devices as a sports game, the field are the paragraphs, the players are the transitions that lie on the field and the ball is the transitional device that ties them together. With this advice and some practice you should become a great
Everybody has their own methods for writing; however, I believe there is always room for improvement. Chapter 3 in Everyone’s an Author has shown me that writing involves processes that need to be mastered through constant practice. It also revealed helpful tips on how to develop writing processes that can help write effective papers.
In this chapter, Lunsford details the planning and drafting process for a writer to organize their ideas with either a formal outline or a rough plan. Lunsford reminds writers to be flexible during the drafting process and not to think twice about changing elements of the essay at this point in the process. Lunsford goes on to explain the qualities academic paragraphs must have these include unity, development and coherence. To obtain unity within a paragraph all sentences should relate to the topic sentence of the paragraph. When developing a paragraph it is important to switch between general and specific ideas in the paragraph, while supporting those ideas with details, evidence and examples as required. Ensuring a paragraph is coherent is crucial when developing an academic paragraph. Because readers need to be able to follow a writers ideas easily, Lunsford gives her readers a method to follow to achieve this goal. This method includes using the general to specific ideas, repetition, parallel structures, and using transition words. The author notes that this method should also be used to link paragraphs
First, to work on my paragraph organization skills, I started off using two methods, which was brainstorming and webbing. Later on, I found that free-writing along the way also helped me brainstorm ideas to put into my writing. These strategies were from Writing for Success in Chapter 1. It helped me learn to keep my paragraphs in correct sequence and not scrambled in the essays. Which before, it caused
To write great transition sentences, you must understand transitional phrases and words such as “however”, “although”, “meanwhile”, etc. These are just a few of the many transitional words that you can use to make you paper cohesive. They are easy to employ in a sentence and give your reader clarity as to the direction a paper is moving in a very subtle way. Take a close look at the following sentence: In addition to reading the entire checklist and writing many drafts, Susan reached out to her peers for a fresh perspective on her paper. Can you spot the transitional phrase? Try this in your own writing and see exactly how powerful transitional phrases can
As I look back into my high school years, I thought I wrote papers well. But then coming into a college environment, my papers were mediocre. By overlooking at my past papers, I found that they were unorganized, sloppy and had bad use of diction. From now on, I will use the tools I learned in English 1100-40 as a foundation for the future papers I intend on writing in college. Following the criteria of organizing ideas so that they flow, impacting the reader with diction and also by being creative, will help become an ideal writer. Following the criteria of staying motivated in short and long term goals, taking responsibility for actions and finally the ability to study well will help me develop into a supreme student.
Paragraphing is used to separate ideas, to give each one its own setting so that it can be fully and clearly developed without interference from others.
No one wants just an essay with no flow or motion. As people do not want a river with many rocks in the way, students do not want the clarity of the expository blocked by unnecessary words and phrases. Transitions help people to remove these jagged words, allowing for the essay to stay clear and flowing. Students have learned that the clarity of the essay stands crucial to the whole of the
When writing a paper it can be very difficult unless you break it up into sections. When I had to write my first paper I felt like a man on a desert island all alone without a clue on how to do anything. But with the help of a few teachers they taught me how to survive on the island of writing papers. What the teachers taught me was that just like everything in life it needs to be taken in steps. The steps they taught me still apply to the papers I write to this day.
The main purpose of paragraphing is to separate ideas, so that they could all be fully developed without the interference of other ideas.
Kurt Vonneguts "How to Write with Style" is full of very helpful writing tips. He has his eight steps of writing, which he describes in great detail. Throughout the whole reading I keep having memories of a story that my friends father told me. He explained how he writes papers as a lawyer and professor for over 30 years. He said that he lists all of his main ideas down in bullet points and starts the paragraphs off. Then you write the story by bullet point four or five paragraphs at a time so you don’t get bored and don’t get writers block. This was helpful information, however he never really went into very much detail about how to elaborate on smaller topics. This story gave me a very descriptive path to follow to have a successful paper.
There are some different ways that I can improve my writing; first, I can use the website that on the Moodle such as: paper rater, thesis generator. These resources would help on make some corrections on my paper specially the past and present tense and also the world choice. Other way can be improving the weaknesses of word choice is by collecting world from all the reading that I have, all the unfamiliar world should be mark down. The resources that could improve my transition phrases are in the Little, Brown Compact Handbook page 46; also go to CRC before turning in the paper will be very helpful
The word 'consequently' contributes to greater unity or cohesion between sentences and allows the text to flow more smoothly.
When composing an essay, or journal entry, or just plain writing, I struggle as a writer with avoiding awkward or wordy phases in my written work. This struggle is yet again based on last year’s experience and feedback from my English class. Improvement with this struggle can be made by the following strategies: reading over my paper more carefully, avoiding the use of words that sound intelligent but don’t flow with the paper, and editing my paper with peers. Recognizing this struggle and following these strategies would improve my writing.
Over the past few months, I have learned several different writing techniques. While all of the different types of papers were difficult to write, I believe that my writing skills have improved. In fact, I did not understand all of the assignments, but I did try to do my best on all of them. While I should have used more transitional words in between sentences and paragraphs, I feel that I learned a great deal. It is true that I have not had very much writing experience and the writing process is difficult for me. Sometimes, I do admit, it takes days to complete one assignment, but it will be worth it when I am a proficient writer.
(Technique 1: transitions) The process of writing is not so simple. It takes a lot of effort to bring thoughts from one’s mind to the physical plane that is a piece of paper. One of the more difficult parts to writing is being able to transition from one idea to another. Without proper transitions, writing is just bits and pieces being forced together instead of many thoughts flowing seamlessly from one to another into one conglomerate piece.