
Hickman In School

Decent Essays

Hickman. A little town where not much happens. The school originally started a long time ago and was very tiny. My father went to school here in the late 1960’s, where there was only about twelve people per classroom. The only building standing from when he was here is the old auditorium which used to be the calfeteria. A lot has changed from the late 1960’s, families from all over the county commute to the little town, so their kids can have a great education, like Mr. Bynum says, “Hickman is the best school around.”
When I was the age of 4, I came to the Hickman preschool for approximately 3 days, my mother wanted to see how the school worked but ended up not liking it and took me back to the old preschool I originally went to. After preschool was over, I went to kindergarten at Hickman. I didn’t have to go on the waiting list because my older sister, (Madison), was in second grade here, and I already lived in Hickman. Since Hickman is a small school compared to others, I met everyone …show more content…

Vandenbosch, always be ready for Mr. Bynum's random screams, a lot of people want to come to Hickman so appreciate what you have, and lastly, Sonora is God’s land. Most of these examples only kids from Hickman know but some of them are good life lessons, from Hickman kids get impacted on by the teachers, they teach us good manners and how to respect others. The teachers at Hickman get to know the kids on a personal level, and impact the kids lives for the good. I have learned at Hickman that it is okay to be different or basic, if you are nice to everyone you will have friends. All the kids at Hickman are friends with each other, and we all grew up with each other. I learned that Hickman will always be a second home to me, and when we come back for the luncheon, we all will be welcomed back with open

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