"Your assumptions are your windows on the world. Scrub them off every once in awhile, or the light won't come in." Isaac Asiman describes an assumption in a visual way. When people make an assumption, their view of the world becomes dimmer and darker. The window will get more tainted and the outside world won’t be as clear as it used to be. Their windows will be completely dark until all they can see is their reflections staring back at them with wondering eyes. The individual has been so sure of themselves that they didn't realize the world was slipping away into a dimming light. Now, all they are left with is darkness. Everyone has been pushed away by that individual's vision of how things are ought to be. It’s until that they see their own reflection do they see that the world has closed off. For the light to reappear in their life again, the person will have to see the other side and get in touch with the reality of the world. Once the …show more content…
Whenever someone makes an assumption, they will look for clues that will back up their assumption. This happens a lot when someone is trying to figure out if two people are dating or not. If someone assumes that the two are dating, they will keep their assumption hidden until they have all the facts. One reason why assumptions stay hidden from us is that they are so deeply ingrained; the assumptions may appear when we come across a certain person or group that’ll remind us of the assumption. People can also make assumptions about different cultures. While we may have a culture a certain way, another country may have there’s a completely different way. Whenever we travel to another country, we will need to bring the different assumptions to light that way we can learn about their culture with an open
Everyone views culture differently, and if newcomers are in our area, we expect them to be able to adapt to our ways and to be open to new experiences. Another example would be the days of the week. In America, the majority of us keep track of the days, whether it is with a calendar or our phone. In the Congo, they keep track using their fingers and leave out the names of the days.
Usually when two cultures meet, they do not usually agree with each other and the result of that do not usually end up well, which can lead to misunderstandings, preconceptions and denials.
What are the core assumptions and key features of the biological and psychoanalytic perspectives in psychology? In what ways are they similar and how do they differ?
Least Dangerous Assumption (Jorgenson, 2005) was a very thought-provoking read. Donnellan’s idea of least dangerous assumption, I agree with. Teachers should assume that students with significant disabilities are able to learn to assume the reverse is harmful to the students (Jorgenson, 2005).
If we understand the complexities of the cultures around us, we can better relate to the people engaged in the other cultures. It also allows us to better understand why others are acting the way they are. At the hospital I work at, we are taught about how others use the word “yes.” For instance, I might ask if they understand the paperwork they are signing and they will respond with “yes.” However, to them the “yes” might not be an agreement with the understanding the paperwork but they are using “yes” to be respectful. One then must clarify whether they truly understand
Everyone has a history, a story that ends with the present day. It is these stories that give us insight into our own habits and traditions. Humans have a natural desire to know where we come from and are always looking for way to explain things. I have been told many different stories about my family's history. I have relatives from Norway, England, France, Italy and Germany. My family has always taught me the importance of knowing who came before me, and I have been taught many different things about what makes me the person I am today. My maternal grandfather's family was from Italy, my grandfather is a first generation American. His wife, my grandma’s family is from Norway, my great grandmother was born and given up for adoption in a small outside of Bergen, Norway. My grandfather on my dad’s side of the family was born in Pennsylvania. His family history goes back to the civil war where many relatives of mine served for the Confederacy, the Larimers were once Lorimers, Huguenots who fled French prosecution to England. The one side of the family I knew very little about was
Have you thought of someone’s culture as weird? Have you thought that you are completely different from them? If so, what prompts us to make that assumption. Culture is a very good reason for this. So, to what extent does one’s culture inform the way one views others and the world? Culture informs a person on the way others are and the world.
What are cultural assumptions? Cultural assumptions are defined as assumptions that are commonly known throughout a culture. These assumptions are highly relevant in the modern society we live in. It doesn’t matter who you are or where you come from, you will always have your own assumptions. Literature plays a key part in what kind of assumptions we will have, right from the age we begin to process information in our minds. This leads me to the assumption that has stuck with us since our childhood days. Stepmothers. There is a strong cultural assumption that stepmothers are ‘evil’ people, who force their way into other families and are malicious to their stepchildren. Assumptions like this influence our perceptions and lead
Knowledge about some differences between yours and the other person’s culture can, for instance enable you to plan an event so that you have the best chance of enabling the communication to run smooth. It helps us to have curiosity and knowledge about the customs and norms of other cultures and the meanings associated with simple actions so that we can understand reactions and can influence the action by preventing misunderstandings as far as possible. This involves being aware of our own rules and prohibitions so they can be evaluated and examined in terms of appropriateness in different situations, otherwise we make judgment based on acceptable criteria.
Historically, humanism finds its roots in the mid-20th century. Abraham Maslow developed his hierarchical theory of motivation in 1943. Carl Rogers published person centered therapy in 1946. In the 1950’s, Maslow and Clark Moustakas invited others to meetings among other psychologists interested in forming an association dedicated to a more humanistic perspective.
When we interact with people from other cultures it is important to understand that there is a history behind how they view us and how we view them. Many cultures within our country, as well as throughout the world, have such different belief systems from ours that if we don’t make a point of learning about the history behind other belief systems
Different cultures have different values, and sometimes these differences can be stark. Gender, for example, could prove problematic in countries
What may have been the norm for one may not be the norm to another, especially when it comes to the cultures of foreign lands. Cultural norms often are so strongly ingrained in an individual's daily life that the individual may be unaware of certain behaviors. Until these behaviors are seen in the context of a different culture with different values and beliefs, the
The major arguments I found while reading a section from A Good Book, in Theory: Making Sense through Inquiry by Alan Sears and James Cairns, would be finding your voice, common sense assumptions, defamiliarization, formal theories which include social order and conflict. Finding your voice consists of being able to overcome unequal power structures and the ability to express yourself in theory by working your own thinking into an analytical perspective that provides you with a framework to engage with formal theories. Common sense assumptions are a blend of personal taste and opinions and wisdom learned through experiencing your own life, using common sense is not enough in theoretical thinking because no one knows
Assumptions are automatic opinion that come to mind. Many times we us our assumptions to make a decision on something or someone. When making assumption we sometimes overlook the facts and make an assumption based on what we think about that situation or person. We make assumption at times based on our experiences in life. Our assumptions also help to shape us into the individual we are today. Harris (2011) found that many individuals make daily decision based on assumptions. We operate in assumptions in many ways