
Hidden Homelessness In Canada

Decent Essays

The global economy and social patterns have experienced huge dynamics with time and have changed significantly concerning economic growth, development, and social welfare parameters. Over the years, few countries have emerged as prominent players in the global economy and have shown significantly admirable traits regarding progress in economic, social, political as well as human welfare domains. Canada has been one such country (Schneider pp. 5-7). In the recent few decades, Canada has shown significant progress in the overall framework and currently ranks tenth in the world regarding nominal GDP. The real estate industry is the most dominant sector, the country also is one of the largest exporters of natural gas and petroleum on the one hand …show more content…

According to the empirical evidence, in the current periods, more than 200,000 residents in the state have to face homelessness, and at least 150,000 of the residents are compelled to use homeless shelters at any given point of time (Patrick). There is also another complicated phenomenon occurring in this country, which can be termed as “Hidden Homelessness.” This, by the definition of the term, refers to those Canadians who cannot afford to have their own homes and have to stay with their relatives or friends. In this aspect, it is important to emphasize on the statistics regarding the homelessness in the country which is elaborated in the following section (Crawley et al. pp. …show more content…

The problem is, however, acuter in case of specific sectors of the population, especially in fact of single adults lying in the age group of 25 to 55 years, who account for nearly 47.5% of the total homelessness in the country. 20% of all the homeless people in the country comprises of youth, with the problem being acuter in the cases of transgender and different sexually oriented people. The aboriginals of the country are also highly vulnerable to this issue of homelessness, with their problem expanding even more with time (Evenson and Carolann). Homelessness in the country, however, is of different types, depending upon the nature, tenure, and extent of homelessness, which, concerning the scenario in Canada, can be elaborated as follows:
Chronic Homelessness- This type of homelessness refers to the problem of long-term lack of shelter, which accounts for homelessness of nearly 4000 to 8000 people in the country.
Episodic Homelessness- The residents in the country who move in and out of the shelters in the country multiple times in a year, which comprises of nearly 6000 to 22000 people in the country (Gaetz et

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