
High Cho Experiment

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One of the reasons that this lab was performed was to examine the effect that CHO had on prolonged exercise. In the high CHO experiment, the theory was that with an increased amount of CHO in the system would prevent the hepatic glycogen sparing. In the low CHO (high protein) diet, that the body could maintain the exercises breaking down the protein for energy. So the question that is asked is which diet provides the best source of energy for prolonged exercise. To start examining the differences of the two diets the caloric intake of the three days is necessary. In the high CHO diet, the average caloric intake of the macronutrients for the three days were: CHO 708 calories, Protein 205.5 calories, and Fats 146.7 calories. In the low CHO …show more content…

The experiments variables agree with the theoretical expectation that a high CHO diet is better than a low CHO diet. The biggest supporter of the theoretical expectation is that the subject could not sustain the exercise for the full ninety minutes. In the high CHO experiment, the subject ran for the full ninety minutes at higher speed (5.55.8mph) and lasted longer on the TAT (50.69 seconds). While the low CHO experiment, the subject lasted seventy-five minutes at a slower speed (5.45.1 mph) and lasted 30.75 seconds. The first variable is blood glucose levels in both experiments. At the very beginning of the high CHO diet experiment the blood glucose was 107 mg/dL which is slightly higher than standard blood glucose. As the exercise started, the blood glucose decreased to 69.3 mg/dL which is the lowest it ever reached in the experiment. After that initial drop the blood glucose rose 72.1 mg/dL and it was maintained in the mid-seventies for the rest of the experiment. As for the low CHO, this was not the case. In the beginning, the blood glucose started at 69.1mg/dL which is bad because the standard level at rest is 80-100 mg/dL. At the very first measurement of blood glucose, the value actually increased to 73.1 mg/dL which is the highest it reached through the experiment until the TAT. So the question is: what is the difference between these two diets …show more content…

The next question that needs to be asked is what happens to protein after exercise. In the previous section, it was discussed that there is protein synthesis and protein breakdown and it is controlled by glycogen. In a review article Tipton and Wolfe (2001), explain there are three factors that play a role in protein synthesis: type of exercise performed, intensity, and condition. The goal of training is to get better so understanding the best way to stimulate protein synthesis is important. In resistance training, this is important because protein helps rebuild the

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