This article examines whether children’s daily attendance rates affects language within the context of a high quality preschool. The study was broken into two stages, one having 129 children in 14 classrooms and the other having 160 children in 46 classrooms. They results showed a positive relation between daily attendance and language development. Results also showed that at-risk children, who have a great attendance rate, show an accelerated language growth. The reason I chose this article was because it showed its strengths through its results by having two separate groups. During my times of observing, I have noticed that there is a variety of children who are absent, and at times it’s the children that need more help with their language
First, the author gives some advices to parents that how to choose a right preschool for their children. Second, the author focuses on what the children could learn at preschool. In the article, Kathleen McCartney states that “from preschool, the children start to know the numbers, letters, and shapes, etc. And more important, they learn how to socialize with other children, how to share and contribute to circle time” (Kanter, 2007, para. 3). Social communication is one of the most important components for humans, and it starts from children. The author uses this quotation to make her argument stronger because Kathleen McCartney is Parents advisor, professor of Education, and president of Smith College (Kanter, 2007), but the author does not show the opposite side in this article. This article shows bias at this point. I will use this article to support my argument in essay
For my journal article critique I chose Development Approaches to Teaching: Three Preschool Programs. By Amy Sussna Klein from Earlychildhood News
The article Preschool is For Real by Julie Poppe is based on how we should create high quality preschool. It states that over the years funding for early childhood education has went up and enrollment has increased as well. Teachers today have a lot of responsibility when it comes to teaching preschool. They need to making learning fun and simple, but they also need to follow state guidelines and curriculum. With preschool becoming more popular, states are changing their curriculum. Many researchers have found that preschool is incredibly important to young children but only if the program is of high quality. Poor quality can actually have a negative effect on the children. They article outlines what it means to be a high quality preschool
Early childhood educators are expected to know more about the brain development of the child, in order for him to read and write, but on the other hand, for the educator to communicate in a better way. The educators have to keep in mind the aspect of life where the children has to interact with the immediate environment and and sensory awareness. Moreover, the children has to learn to take responsibilities of their actions therefore, the educators role has expanded as there is a more complex and diverse society.
As early childhood educators we all have our own philosophies and approaches to education. There are several types of early childhood programs. Each program has its own philosophies, methods, and program goals. Every early childhood educator is unique making each early childhood program experience special. Consistently, early childhood programs offer educational foundations that prepare young students for their educational futures. In this paper I will focus on comparing and contrasting two programs that stood out to me, Ridgeline Montessori and the Whitaker Head Start.
There is increasing facts that kids get to learn a lot after going to preschool. They become to learn about alphabets, numbers, and shapes. In addition to this, they gain knowledge about how to socialize like sharing thoughts, foods & things, being friendly with other children and include in a group of children.
This paper will inform the reader of the differences between day care and preschool. This paper will discuss the beneficial importance of children attending preschool for not only the children, but also the parents as well as the school environment. This paper will inform the reader of how to search for the best preschool for their child. This will include location and environment.
I really enjoyed reading your post and your experience working with a universal preschool. Universal preschools are “state-funded preschool programs” (Rock, 2015). These programs can be confused with Head Start Programs, however, the difference is one is state-funded while the other is federally-funded (Rock, 2015). I agree with you that this program is not a waste of money. I feel that a lot of other people have the same opinion. According to Bredekamp (2014, p. 5), “73% of voters in one poll said they supported funding to improve the quality of child care even if it meant paying higher taxes”.
Several people may ask the question, “What makes the difference in a family centered preschool?” This paper will help outline the importance of a family centered program versus a preschool that focuses only on the child. The learning of the children in family centered preschools are enhanced due to the focus points not only being on the child, but the family too. Educators can best help children achieve effectively by meeting the nine essential elements(Morrison, 2009). One of those nine elements is to develop a partnership with parents, families, and friends of each child. The focus of this paper is Abraham Maslow’s whole child
President Obama claims that providing high-quality preschool for all four year olds in the United States will help save the government money over time and will help create more stable families with parents that can hold a job. Obama says in his State of the Union Address in 2013 that America must equip its citizens with the adequate job training and skills to be able to fill the job openings that the economy is creating. In order to do this, Obama suggests starting learning at the earliest age possible and providing a high-quality preschool program for every single child in America. He claims that this will benefit families on an individual level and society as a whole as more equipped, educated citizens are produced. Although Obama has high
The historical roots of Early Childhood Education is important because it shows the development towards improving the lives of children. It helps shape today’s issues from learning from past events. Current issues influence what happens for children and teachers as medicine, education, and psychology help build early childhood teaching.
The article (“Raising Children: A Character-based Approach To Residential Child Care",2014) disguises how the understanding of ethical behaviour is difficult to teach to a young child. We don't have the same perspective on life as the child and we don’t know what they go through in their everyday lives, so it's difficult to show them the importance of ethical behaviour. In order to grow well we must develop some of the following virtues wisdom,justice,courage, temperance (Barnes and Thomson,2002). He broke down virtues into two parts, virtues intellectual and virtues morals. Intellectual which can learnt by an educational background and morals which is learnt by some sort of experience, such as by a role model. Right reasoning, emotion,
The education of the young mind is an important step in preparing the child for future learning experiences. The evolution of early childhood education has changed how adults and parents view the importance of offering stimulating and exciting opportunities to the very young. Early childhood Education offers the young child learning experiences that benefit them throughout their educational career. They soon embark on a whole new world of learning. These children are not only experiencing standard brain growth, but verbal and physical skills as well. Early childhood education teachers use a variation of techniques for instructing. They use lesson plans, worksheets, and even teacher resources for these young minds.
There are various significant practices which promote health and safety in early childhood centres to take in to account. This essay focuses on nutrition across the early years, providing a safe environment and identifying and responding to childhood illness and how teachers can encourage and promote these practices to the children.
Though all of childhood is an exciting learning experience, the beginning of formal education whether a part-time nursery school program or a full day of kindergarten-is a momentous occasion. The best preparation is emotional in nature. The child who feels secure and loved and who has had experiences with developing positive relationships with adults and other children is well equipped to venture forth.