
High School And College Similarities

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It is important for students already in college to know the similarities and differences between high school and college in order for them to help new students to have a successful transition. Most students are aware of the basic similarities and differences. They know that time management is extremely important in college. Students are aware that they do not have as many restrictions on clothing in college. Also, they may be aware that in college, they will acquire more freedom. If students learn more about the similarities and differences between high school and college, they could provide tips for new students coming into college, such as siblings and other family members. Many students coming into college don’t realize that they will be exposed to different diverse values which they weren’t exposed to in high school. Their values in high school were probably their parents’ values and their decisions were made for them. In college their values will change and they will start making their own decisions. In high school, everybody knows everybody. Students in high school are more likely to know more than half of their classmates than students in college. They know most of their classmates from middle school, elementary, or both. Friends in high school are constantly together. They meet after school, at football games, on the weekends, and even on holiday breaks. College leads to a significant shift on friendships. Students will probably not know anyone in their classes and

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