At Conway Springs High School students are expected to dress in a manner which does not interrupt the learning process (“Dress Code”). Having a strict dress code can cause students to want to wear those clothes more often leading to more students not wanting to come to school. Even though these rules apply not everyone follows them, which means the Board of Education needs to be strict on telling students what they aren’t allowed to wear, but here in Conway Springs only a few students are sent home to change while the other students are breaking the dress code. Most of the dress code I agree with, but some should be changed. For example no yoga pants unless there is a looser fitting shirt to go over, open shoulder shirts and clothing with holes above the knee. These rules apply more to girls than they do guys, but why should the way girls dress revolve around guys. …show more content…
This doesn’t make sense because a guy should have to wear a shirt the same length as a girl because it is fair for a guy to be able to wear a longer cut off when they have the same body parts girls do. Girls aren’t allowed to wear shirts that show their shoulders because it is distracting to the student body, but why does my shoulder have to be covered. Another example on how our dress code revolves around the guys is girls aren’t allowed to wear yoga pants unless covered by a long shirt because it distracts the guys. Yoga pants are no different than girls wearing skinny jeans or jeans because they are just as tight and a lot of them have bedazzled pockets on the back which makes the guys want to look
Dress code has been proven to be sexist. For example, the staff at schools make female students stand just to see if their shorts are long enough, if their shirts cover their shoulder, if their pants have holes above the knee, or if they are wearing any pants that are tight, which if they are a shirt must be covering their bum. Girls are targeted when it comes to dresscode. Why? All because of how society views their bodies. “It’s telling women and girls that it’s your responsibility to control boys and men and their presumed aggressiveness.”
In a specific article posted by The Atlantic, a middle school student named Maggie Sunseri realized that her school’s dress code had a major difference for males and females. She mentions, “I’ve never seen a boy called out for his attire even though they also break the rules.” I also agree with her on this. Although I went to a catholic school where we had to wear our school uniforms, I constantly see all over social media how girls are treated differently for breaking the policy. I have seen that girls are sent home for showing their shoulders, collar bones, for wearing their skirts too short, or for even wearing leggings because it is too tight against their skin.
However, dress codes should promote professionalism and not tell girls to cover up or they are a
People many think that guys have just as many rules as us. However, girls have dress codes that are enforced, and guys don't always have that. People are expected to dress the way society thinks we should dress. Those expectations just aren't realistic for 2017. People of any race, gender, or sexuality should be able to express themselves through the way they dress.
Why is dress code stricter for girls? I’ve always wondered why dress code is stricter for girls. Girls tend to get pointed out the most for dress code; sometime it’s for a silly reason. Now I know you’re probably wondering why I’m writing about this subject, well I’m a girl who should have the rights to express their body without a boy getting turned on or “distracted”. No girl should get pulled out of class because you can see their shoulders and /or wearing leggings. Pulling a girl out for class for showing their shoulder is more distracting than see a shoulder. I believe that this world is still very sexist. If not then why don’t boy have a stricter dress code? Or should I say why don’t they enforce dress code like they do to the
Are those shorts too short? Is that an off the shoulder top? Are those open toed shoes? Students face foolish problems like these on the daily. School dress codes have been around for ages without much change.
School dress codes have become a very large issue,though it always has been, but now that students have been protesting against their school's dress code there have been many more problems that are surfacing between the school district and the students. School dress codes are taking away the purpose of school, students come to learn, and to be educated, but instead are forced to change their clothing because it doesn’t fit the school dress code. The dress code solely takes away students creativity and their right to explore with clothing. The administration also tells students to “not care what others think” then take students out of class and tell them that the length of their shorts is making a
At school guys can get away with wearing too short shorts for guy, yet girls must deal with being dress coded every day. Dress code forbids us from showing are shoulders, bra straps, stomachs, etc. It isn't a girl's fault that we must wear bras, because of this there shouldn't be dress codes against bra straps. I don't believe that there should be anything against girls and how they dress, how we dress. Every single girl knows the struggle of dress code and must try and be in dress code even though it limits how they express themselves in their clothes and sometimes limits comfortability. Dress code is obviously made for girls, you can tell because "Boys shorts are made longer, their tank tops have thicker straps, and they have no bra straps or cleavage to hide." according to, they also state "No one is monitoring the length of any guy’s cargo shorts, but someone is always watching for a dress that comes up a little too short." Which shows favoritism is boys or
Dress code is teaching girls that’s it’s not okay to wear shorts or tank tops because “boys will be boys” and we need to cover up to create a distraction free learning environment for them. The blame is being forced upon the girls, saying that it is our fault for how boys perceive us. We need to teach male faculty and students to stop over-sexualizing a woman's body. These rules are degrading girls and making them feel bad about their bodies all because a boy can’t control himself in front of us. Why are we teaching boys that it’s okay to blame girls for their lack of self control? Dress code promotes rape culture and sexism, how could anyone think that that is
For example, in many schools, girls are not allowed to wear shorts or skirts that do not reach a certain length, tank tops, low-cut blouses, or leggings. In the rulebook, restrictions like these are given the explanation “for modesty purposes”, however, there are no similar restrictions on boys’ attire. Girls’ attire is often chastised for being “inappropriate” or “distracting to the boys”, but the opposite never seems to occur. This is why I believe school dress codes are a biased policy. Enforcement of the school dress code seems to be aimed almost exclusively at girls.
1. Some consider the overall dress code policy to be sexist as girls are still allowed to wear skirts and dresses while boys are effectively forced into wearing long pants and complaints about boys being given too much leniency are present from the female population.
Have you ever been excluded from learning because of what you wore to school? In most schools, dress codes are set in place to provide a better learning space for all students. Having a dress code can oppress students because students are given the impression that they should not express themselves. Not all families can afford the clothes that abide by the rules. For example, some students don 't have the means to pay for new clothes, so they have to use hand-me-down clothing. Enforcing a dress code can lead to more problems in the long run because of the exceptions made for students who are athletes and cheerleaders. Many school faculty members including teachers and administrators think that keeping a dress code will keep students looking appropriate while learning, but this idea is wrong because it keeps students from expressing themselves and, the dress code singles out women.
Why is this rule in place? Many thinks it will districted the males in high school, if you are a female. The saying “boys will be boys” is a big factor of why females can not wear leggings, yoga pants and ect.. Males get to wear whatever they feel like wearing. So, why can not girls? Some girls like to wear leggings or yoga pants to be conferrable.
Children and Teenagers express themselves by what they wear. That is one of the biggest arguments schools have and the overall biggest problems is dress code. Teenagers and children like to feel free and wear things that make them unique. Dress codes does not really affect the way students learn. I think that children should be able to wear what they want to school and not get sent home for it being to provocative or inappropriate.
At schools “dress code” is one of the main gender stereotypes, why? Because in private school’s girls have to wear shirts and boys have to wear jeans. In other schools’ girls have to make sure that their shoulders and stomach and legs aren’t showing because they feel that it causes distraction in a classroom. The only thing that boys have to worry about as to pose to dress code is to make sure that their shirts don’t have any drugs, or sexual things on them and that the colors they wear aren’t gang relate. Dress code in school was placed to make sure kids don’t feel left out and make school a lot safer, but is