
High School Dress Code Essay

Satisfactory Essays

At Conway Springs High School students are expected to dress in a manner which does not interrupt the learning process (“Dress Code”). Having a strict dress code can cause students to want to wear those clothes more often leading to more students not wanting to come to school. Even though these rules apply not everyone follows them, which means the Board of Education needs to be strict on telling students what they aren’t allowed to wear, but here in Conway Springs only a few students are sent home to change while the other students are breaking the dress code. Most of the dress code I agree with, but some should be changed. For example no yoga pants unless there is a looser fitting shirt to go over, open shoulder shirts and clothing with holes above the knee. These rules apply more to girls than they do guys, but why should the way girls dress revolve around guys. …show more content…

This doesn’t make sense because a guy should have to wear a shirt the same length as a girl because it is fair for a guy to be able to wear a longer cut off when they have the same body parts girls do. Girls aren’t allowed to wear shirts that show their shoulders because it is distracting to the student body, but why does my shoulder have to be covered. Another example on how our dress code revolves around the guys is girls aren’t allowed to wear yoga pants unless covered by a long shirt because it distracts the guys. Yoga pants are no different than girls wearing skinny jeans or jeans because they are just as tight and a lot of them have bedazzled pockets on the back which makes the guys want to look

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