High School Graduation Day
Many people have experienced the over whelming excitement that you feel as you approach high school graduation day, and for me, that’s a day that I will never forget. The amount of emotions that you feel on graduation day is unbelievable, and I have yet to experience anything else like it. I can remember feeling anxious to celebrate the big day with my friends and family, while at the same time I was panicking thinking about having to walk across the stage in front of that many people. Then, the more I thought about the reality of graduation day, I started to get curious, but nervous, about being able to start a new chapter in my life once graduation day had passed. There are several reasons why I, still
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As the end of the night approached us, I couldn’t stop thinking about how many mixed emotions I had about starting a whole new chapter in my life. I couldn't wait to go to college, meet all new people, get a degree so that I could start my career path, but I knew that meant I had to say goodbye to my two best friends, who were moving several hours away from me. This was one of the hardest things I had ever had to do in my life. We all cried a little, and then made promises to keep in touch, and then we were off into the real world! I was very happy to be at this point in my life, but I was scared deep down inside.
When I look back on this day now, I still remember every detail as if it was yesterday. I was so proud, and happy to be able to celebrate such an amazing day with all of my friends and family. I know I will never forget how embarrassed I was walking across the stage in front of all of those people, feeling famous after taking so many pictures, making our final memories together at our graduation parties, and then being a nervous wreck when it was time to go out into the world without my best friends at my side. High school graduation day was a very emotional day for me, but it was by far the most exciting day I have ever experienced in my
Sophomore year of high school was a very different experience than the other years of school, mainly because, in English class, we had to use a blog. Most of the time, I used the Chrome browser to access it, but I occasionally used the Internet Explorer browser or Firefox browser. The host of the website was Weebly.com, a company that allows people to create their own website. When we made our blogs, we included many types of essays and reviews to videos or items we saw in class. Often times, this included attaching a hyperlink to a picture or text so that it would be easier to access a certain resource. This class allowed us to learn about certain websites and how they are formatted, like a wiki. Although it wasn’t a good source, we sometimes used Wikipedia because it was the easiest to use and find information about our topics.
The weather cleared up and me, along with my entire class and teachers, got to enjoy a beautiful ceremony. Lining up we started to proceed out to the football stadium from the gymnasium, my mind would not stop thinking. I just could not stop remembering what it took for me to get to this day. The stress that I endured studying for the SAT, filling out my applications and most importantly, perfecting my essay. The idea that I was not going to be living in this beautiful town I have spent my life in, brought a flood of emotions. Thoughts of my friends not being by my side next year made me feel as if I was sinking into a deep hole; this place, this town has had so much to offer to me. The past two years that I had spent in this place were the most emotional and exciting times of my life. I knew even though I was not going to be waking up in my familiar place anymore, I would be waking up in what was to become my new familiar place. I knew that even though my friends would not physically be there with me every day, that they would be there when I called them. If it were not for all of the people I have met along the way, I do not think I would have ended up where I am today. It just is a common thought for whenever I get sad about everything ending, I remind myself that there is a new beginning coming and it is going to be amazing. The place that I have spent my whole life
I graduated from high school just two months ago. Graduating high school is supposed to be this huge milestone in your life, but now looking back, that was nothing compared to what I'm about to experience in a few short weeks. In less than three weeks I will be moving three hours away from home to be attending the Tuskegee University. I can count on my hand, how many of my family members have attended and graduated from universities. I have no
With all the emotions going on in my head I feel the excitement. I’m so excited for what my future will look like, how I’m going to change as a person, and what new things I’ll learn on the way. I’m also excited to get my driver's license, got to Prom, to graduate, to go into high school ASB, and all the basketball games. I’m so happy, and lucky, to be going to high school with such great friends that I can count on, trust, and know they’re by my side. Let the excitement of the future carry on!
For generations the children from the rural farming community of Wrongberight, Virginia receive their educational instructions at the community’s one-room school house. When a student becomes eligible to graduate a High School Commencement Ceremony is held on the last Thursday in May. The Class of 1965 offers up one - Homer Gilmore, a shy lanky boy with pale green eyes, sun bleached hair, and who trips over his tongue every time he speaks.
I had so many questions! What was even going on? Then it all clicked when I looked back at how this day went. It was a surprise graduation party! When I originally graduated high school back in June, I had been writing full-time so I opted to work instead of planning some type of celebration. All my friends from back home had made the trip up, and almost every close family member was able to make some type of appearance. Since school was quickly approaching, it was wonderful to see everyone one last time before I got busy with a whole new challenge at Curry. At the time, I hadn’t even realized it, but it was like I was closing the book on the childhood portion of my life. Without a doubt, it turned out to be my favorite moment of the summer just because of the element of surprise. Getting told how proud people were of me and that they truly believed in what I wanted to do, will stick out in my mind forever. It was the perfect ending to a summer that would likely be my last, before I entered true adulthood and started carving out my own path in this
It was finally the day everyone had been talking about all summer. Nerves shot through kids bodies when they would even think about this day, however, I was not concerned. I was prepared to begin a new journey in my life and to see how high school would change me. My dad always told me, “high school is the best years of your life” and “don’t ever wish high school away,” which sounded like crazy talk to this incoming freshman.
It’s not always easy to be the good obedient God-fearing child, although this was highly expected coming from a Judeo-Christian Latin-American family of scholars. Samantha felt the constant pressure of having to be the perfect kid from early on in childhood. She remembered the first time that her views of this were shattered. While she maintained an honor roll status all through kindergarten to second grade, in third grade she finally made friends and at the same time she earned her first C. It seemed that the world around her would be completely destroyed by this letter grade in elementary school. How dare she bring shame into the family, even though her older brother consistently brought lower notes home, and was praised if he earned anywhere near a C. That C was a complete catastrophe. She made friends, she got a C, and she got the crapped spanked out of her. She remember getting a heads up from her father that she would get a spanking for her grades, and remember wearing 7
Today was the day June, the fourteenth graduation day I got up with butterflies in my stomach. It started at two o'clock, but the students had to be there by twelve to make sure we all came on time. I was so nervous to go to graduation because I got a call less than 24 hours ago about a speech I wasn't prepared for. My mom could see the nervous look in my face and told me “ you're going to do great don’t worry, we're all proud of you.” After my pep talk, it was time for me to start getting ready. My cousin curled my hair and my
Not only did Red get on the committee, it looked like she would get voted President without even trying. She was really excited, but tried to keep her smile down to just a grin.
The last bell rang, and all the kids at Southport County High School bombarded the door of the classroom. It was Friday and all the kids attempted to jam through the door at once. Jane, who sat at the back of the class, waited quietly for her peers to leave. When all the kids clogging the door had left, she rose from her desk, told her language teacher, Mrs. Phyllis, “Goodbye,” and sauntered into a stream of shouting kids.
The audience based on this narrative is for young teen’s in high school. High school students would be interested in this story as it relates to the struggles in school and the issues that come across that may feel like it is having an effect on their life. This narrative shows teen’s that many things can affect you in life, no matter how big or small they are. It also shows that everyone needs help, to stand by your friends and family through hard times. The audience should view the story as moments that they shouldn't take for granted, but also to help a close friend or family member around them in the best and worst of times as everyone needs that is always willing to be there for. The inspiration for the storyline came
If you were to ask any of us two years ago, I'm sure the last thing on our minds was graduation. In fact, graduation has sort of snuck up on me, and this past week I've been left wondering, "Where have the past four years gone?"
Happy Graduation!!!!!!!!!! So, let me just say I am so proud of you for to making it to this point in life. Believe me I understand high school isn’t easy so congrats to finishing. Look at you. You're committed to college, you have a great set of friends, you got all your classes planned and things are looking bright — that is, until you realize the life that you've known for the past 17 or 18 years or so is about to change forever. Now you are in the real world and this is when shit gets real. college is like a weird bridge between childhood and adulthood. It's that next step to becoming independent adult. First apartment, first job, first paycheck, and even insignificant things like the first meal you cook for yourself, first real-world date, etc. Suddenly, you're not a kid anymore. you'll go from your simple part-time job to a real career in a matter of four or five years (and pay taxes, too). At some point, you'll look at the adults around you and think, "I might be closer to them than to being a teenager”. But Sooner than all that, you'll be living independently without the constant guidance of your parents or guardians. Even in college, you'll have to fend for yourself, do your own laundry and all the while somehow adjust to keeping yourself alive all on your own. Not Only are your responsibilities going to change but you also don't have the advice and opinions of your lifelong friends the same way you have had all your life (texting and calling don't always have the
“Tomorrow is it!!! The day we all graduate and become high school students.” This was my thought as we were coming to the end of school. I never thought about being ready to leave middle school. It felt just like yesterday when I was the new kid in 2nd grade. Time flew and now i'm a day away from graduating.