As a high school student it can be hard to go through day to day life and still be relaxed. That is why it can be a great thing for a student to have a sport in their life. All though there are many benefits of playing a high school sport, the three main benefits to focus on are keeping kids active and safe. Helping to increase students social skills. It gives a great incentive to keep good grades in school. High school classes are certainly tougher, but sports can help ease that because they help to relieve the stress, and give students support and some new friends.
Every kid has a lot of things to balance, and two of the biggest things to balance in their everyday life is getting proper exercise and keeping themselves safe. The average problem for most teens even though they don’t want to admit it is they aren’t active. Sports help solve that problem because it gives kids a reason to exercise. Many times when a person plays in a game or practices they’re not even thinking about the fact
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They want to live up to their potential on and off the field. When students are in school getting good grades may or may not be a big deal to them, but when they are in a sport suddenly it's a huge deal. No one ever wants to be ineligible. Studies done by the CDC ( The Center of Disease Control) show that kids are more likely to complete school and get better grades when doing sports. Similar research looked to see if sports participation can detract from academic performance and found that it has no detrimental impact on students (“Psychological and Social Benefits of Playing True Sport”) . Then there is the fact that, with the support of the team, students always know that if they need help the team will be there to assist in any class. A team will always be there for them and to help keep them on the right track in
They are held to a higher academic standard, resulting in higher grades (Logos). In most cases, if a student does not meet the grade requirement, they are not allowed to participate. This motivates students do not care as much about academics to work harder and get better grades. Schools that have strong athletic programs also have higher test scores. Participating in sports can help students find a place where they fit in It has been proven that student athletes have higher self-esteem, which leads to higher academic achievement. Sports are a great way to burn off steam and relieve stress after a long day of school. Not to mention, involvement in sports is a great way to make long lasting friendships and it makes school more enjoyable. Athletes are more involved in school activities and in the community. This helps bring the community together. Sports enrich and contribute to education.
High School sports are a major part of the American society with over 5 million adolescents participating in sports every year. In the news broadcast “Kids and Sports” by CBS News it tells you that youth sports can greatly benefit a child in many different ways. Youth sports are helpful because they help develop character and confidence, keeps children healthy, and has positive effects on adolescents academics.
According to "Are High school sports good for kids?'' by Daniel Gloud ''High school sports increase educational aspirations and helps kids stay determined."High school sports provide learning experiences to students and help students maximize efforts on their work.
“Sports teaches you character, it teaches you to play by the rules, it teaches you to know what it feels like to win and lose-it teaches you about life.”(Billie Jean King) Most students from first grade to twelfth grade say that sports are a big part of their life and make them who they were meant to be in a positive way. Some people might argue that students in sports or extracurricular activities have lower grades than the other students, but it's the opposite way around. Sports improve your performance in school because they strengthen your concentration ability and leadership traits.
High school sports make student athletes strive for better success in their education. Sure some Schools have a minimum G.P.A requirement of 2.0, and to get that all your classes have to be “C” or better. Well that’s better than letting them have a 1.0 and letting them play. It makes them have something worth studying for, For example my friend Bryan Garcia does not like school or work but he is always looking for ways to make his grades better so that he may play with the John F. Kennedy soccer team. Also not all the states in the United States of America have a G.P.A requirement to play in a sport activity, twelve out of the fifty states in the USA require a G.P.A to play."A High School Athlete 's GPA Vs. Average High School Student 's GPA." Everyday Life. N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Feb. 2016.”Sports participation is associated with higher GPAs, lower dropout rates and stronger commitments to school compared to the average,non-athlete high school student”. Also they made a study for Kansas in 2008-2009 between athletes and non-athletes,Academic Performance Of Athletes And Non‐Athletes, and Page 41. COMPARING THE ACADEMIC PERFORMANCE OF HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETES AND NON-ATHLETES IN KANSAS IN 2008-2009 (n.d.): n. pag. Web.”high school athletes earned higher grades,graduated at a higher rate, dropped out of school less frequently, and scored higher on state assessments than did non-athletes”. Student athletes have a greater chance of graduating with a 3.0 or more. They are more
How can sports help a student’s performance in school? To be able to play sports in school, students need to maintain their grades, thus motivating learners to do well in school (Harris). In addition, a sport allows a person to come out of their comfort zone to meet new people and build up their self-image. Athletes also experience positive health benefits. Especially at a young age, playing sports can help to reduce diabetes, heart diseases, and other sickness that could be very harmful to students (Morris). Sports is something all students should participate in because of its positive effects. Therefore, schools should require students to join at least one sport. Participating in sports will help students build their academic success, develop character and improve their
According to the article Are High School Sports Good for Kids?, over 5 million young
First of all sports keep our youth out of trouble. “Sports lead to less smoking, drug use, pregnancy, and risky sex”(“Active Kids Do”). Sports lead to less of all these things because most high school sports have a two hour practice 4 - 5 times a week plus a game so, in doing that it gives less time for our youth to be caught up in illegal activities. Also kids will have to feel the rave of the coach if they get in trouble because that usually means they can’t play a game and the whole team is depending on them. All in all sports help kids stay out of trouble.
Sports are embedded in many American schools in a way they are not anywhere else. One element of our educational system consistently surprises them, “Sports are a huge deal in American schools,” says Earl Smith of the New York Times. The positives have always outweighed the negatives in the case against high school sports. As Sato Kai state, “The benefits of sports as part of the education process are abundant and sometimes beyond quantifications,” According to many academic specialists, sports offer formative and life long lessons such as: discipline, responsibility, self confidence, and accountability. These skills can furthermore excel your later life and give you a greater chance of being employed in a high level job. Participation in high school sports helps your later development as an adult and teaches you life long skills that can't be taught elsewhere.
Almost all student athletes get butterflies before that Friday night football game, before the fans get to watch them compete, or even the to get the ability to practice. Many argue that high school sports are a distraction in the classroom or even cause career ending injuries. There are many different scenarios that prove that high school sports do the exact opposite of those. When it comes to high school sports, it keeps students fit, boosts a student’s academic performance, and enhances a student’s self-esteem. High school sports are very beneficial and for anyone who is looking to take on a new challenge to take on.
High school sports also has a benefit to an athlete's physical health. Today’s teens are exposed to a great amount of entertainment avenues such as television, video games, and other media devices. These things allow teens to be lazy. Young people generally get less physical activity as they get older. By being physically active it can help prevent obesity. The experience of sports, exercise, and kinesthetic activities helps boost teens’ bodies. Involvement in sporting activities keeps teens moving and and keeps them engaged physically which is vital for their overall health and
If students are having a hard time with school or even with life, participating in a sport may really help students with all of their situations. Participation in sports keep teens out of trouble, 89% of individuals on Hailey Baker's article say participating in a sport does help. One individual said, “ Sports keeps teenagers out of trouble.” They will be at practice more then they will be out on the streets getting in trouble. If they get in trouble they won’t be able to play so they try their best to stay out of trouble.
I believe yes they should gain life time benefits because these high school students have worked their way through high school managing a sport and all there classes the student who get the life time benefits have worked for that and had worked a lot harder than an average student some students even have to manage a job , school and work all together and has to maintain a good GPA for college.
One thing that is a positive outcome in sports is the overflowing happiness people get when they participate in competitive sports. One example is that “children who were involved in sports were more assertive, had greater confidence in their skills and physical appearance, and reported more positive feelings than those who didn’t participate. (Merkal, Donna, Youth sport: positive and negative impact on young athletes, 201, May 31).” If children hold an extreme love for the sport they play, most children use that sport as an escape. Playing sports blows off steam and helps people relax. “Physical activity stimulates various brain chemicals that may leave you feeling happier and more relaxed. (Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research ,Exercise: 7 benefits of regular physical activity, 1998).” Playing sports can help bring families or other kids together to build strong bonds. “It appears that US children are healthy and happy as they engage in this traditional pastime, and families report higher levels of satisfaction if their children participate. (Macdonald, Brian, Kids in Sports, Part 5: Can sports help shy kids to make friends?, 2009).” A pat on the back from a parental figure is enough to keep kids going and doing their best. Because sports make children happier, they are more prone to keep playing which all in all makes children happier and it teaches kids to do what makes them happy. With suicide being the second biggest fatality for adolescents doing what makes them happy can be a life or death situation.
Sports can be a unifying force, too. Parents of high school students who participate in sports have higher expectations for their children. They will drive their children to work harder and achieve more potential. Girls find participation in sports to be a way to break gender stereotypes, enhancing their sense of possibility. Also, playing team sports can minimize feelings of difference and isolation.