
High School Sports Research Paper

Satisfactory Essays

Sport Unlimited
A recent study shows that more than 7.6 million students in 2010-2011 played high school sports during the school year. US News estimates about 55.5% of high school students participate in a sport. With this in mind, one would think that there are no problems involving high school sports. When in fact, the are many problems with high school sports that aren’t apparent to everyone. Some of these problems include; politics, money, and consideration.
Politics are always going to be a problem, regardless if you play a travel sport, or if you play with your high school. Politics in sports can mean many different things. Particularly, when coaches offer one child a spot simply because their sibling was on the team in a previous year. This can be very unfair to athletes that are an only child, the oldest child, or the only kid to play that sport. It may put these select children at a disadvantage because the …show more content…

Even though football does bring in a lot of revenue for the high school, my first two years of high school it seemed that as soon as football ended it was like all sports ended. There was no talk about basketball games, hockey games, or lacrosse games. Everything revolves around football. The past two years it has gotten a lot better, the Athletic Director makes announcements at lunch telling all the students about any big games that are happening that day or over the weekend. This is very important because when more students know about other sports they could be playing it can help as motivation. When I was in the eighth grade I didn't even know lacrosse existed, and next year I'll be playing division 2 lacrosse. If I had known about lacrosse when I was younger I might have been able to play division one, that's why people need to spread the word about sports other than

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