Sport Unlimited
A recent study shows that more than 7.6 million students in 2010-2011 played high school sports during the school year. US News estimates about 55.5% of high school students participate in a sport. With this in mind, one would think that there are no problems involving high school sports. When in fact, the are many problems with high school sports that aren’t apparent to everyone. Some of these problems include; politics, money, and consideration.
Politics are always going to be a problem, regardless if you play a travel sport, or if you play with your high school. Politics in sports can mean many different things. Particularly, when coaches offer one child a spot simply because their sibling was on the team in a previous year. This can be very unfair to athletes that are an only child, the oldest child, or the only kid to play that sport. It may put these select children at a disadvantage because the
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Even though football does bring in a lot of revenue for the high school, my first two years of high school it seemed that as soon as football ended it was like all sports ended. There was no talk about basketball games, hockey games, or lacrosse games. Everything revolves around football. The past two years it has gotten a lot better, the Athletic Director makes announcements at lunch telling all the students about any big games that are happening that day or over the weekend. This is very important because when more students know about other sports they could be playing it can help as motivation. When I was in the eighth grade I didn't even know lacrosse existed, and next year I'll be playing division 2 lacrosse. If I had known about lacrosse when I was younger I might have been able to play division one, that's why people need to spread the word about sports other than
Sports don’t work to attract students to school. High school sports do have many benefits. The success of a sports team has a negative effect on non-athletic students.
Zanesville would get a 19-yard catch by Andrew Everson and then a 17-yard run by Murphy to give the impression that their offense was ready to turn it on. Then with 2:49 left in the half Everson would get sacked by Marques Sherman for
You can be successful in sports by being a good sport. Also by having a good attitude towards others and the referees. Scoring a lot of points is also important too because if you don't score points then your team can't win.
I don’t know about you, but I love sports. Whether we’re playing, or just watching, I enjoy sports. Yet here at Rocky Ford Jr. Sr. High school, we don’t have that many sports. We have the basic sports such as, basketball, baseball, wrestling football etc. However, there are simple solutions when it comes to sports.
In this article, Amanda Ripley discusses how sports are becoming increasingly important in high school. She shares the view from exchange students and what they see when they come to the United States. She gives an example of Premont, Texas, where the superintendent wanted to eliminate sports. His main reason for doing this was budget problems. They tried this in one school, and that school’s enrollment numbers dropped.
Another Sunday, another Sunday with the New York Mets being blown out. After taking 2 out of the 3 from the Colorado Rockies, the Mets currently sit 9.5 games out of second wild card spot in the National League. It would have been nice for to the Mets end up sweeping the Rockies and end the weekend 7.5 games out. With 7 games remaining on the home stand, I believe that if the Mets want to be involved in a discussion for the wild card spot, they will need to at least win 5 of the games. With 4 games against the Cardinals and 3 against the lonely Oakland A’s, it won’t be easy. As seen the weekend before the all-star break, the Mets went to St. Louis and lost 2 out 3, including only scoring 1 run in the final two days. The end of
Simply put, politics tend to have its grasp on youth sports when those in powerful positions abuse their positions to create outcomes not based on merit. A good example is a school board member demanding certain team members, originally cut by the coaching staff, to be reinstated during team selection.
It’s Friday night the timer is ticking the whole school cheering for your team, your body aching and exhausted from pep rallies all day. The lights glistening. There are three seconds left you make the winning touchdown and you score. You won the championship for your team. Do you want all of these memorable times taken away? Schools need to invest into their sports programs like never before. Schools should not get rid of sports because sports relieve stress, they improve physical and academic health, and kids can afford school sports since club sports are more
Sports in high school are important because they involve students in school activities, build self-esteem, create social relationships, teach teamwork and cooperation and provide positive mentors. School activities can unite a school where students, faculty and staff, and parents
High School sports are a big part in the high school experience. Many kids participate in high school sports each year. Some kids do many more sports than others and kids get injured during them. Playing a sport in high school is difficult because you have to worry about school work and family & friends. Also, many people do not make some of the sports team they will try out for and be embarrassed of themselves. Schools should not continue to fund sports because of school work, injuries, and embarrassment.
Could you imagine a world of not that many kids going to college? Not a lot of healthy and happy kids? Well we can’t. Without high school sports, not a lot of kids would be happy or healthy. Parents who care about their child, support sports, or cares about our next generation then help save sports! Today’s generation of teens are getting more and more lazy as technology increases. High school sports will keep kids more busy and get them off their phone/tablet and on the field.
America’s baseball diamonds, soccer fields, hockey rinks, and basketball courts have never been so busy with children. The number of kids involved in an organized sport is not what is so groundbreaking. It’s the way in which children are playing or how their parents are arranging for them to play that may be cause for concern (Ferguson). Much controversy surrounds youth sports with the biggest disagreements coming over parental involvement and the intensity of play. Although there are many benefits for team participation, there is a growing fear that the negatives are starting to outweigh the positives.
High school sports have been like a tradition. Many people enjoy it due to the fact that people with interests in sports have a chance to get their hobby as a career. It also adds some miscellaneous benefits. For instance, the article “What in the Name of High School Football” states that, “For example, a multi-year study conducted in Michigan has shown that children who participate in sports have increased educational aspirations, closer ties to school and increased occupational aspirations in youth.” With all those benefits, high school sports appear with a cost. Expanding just this department ignores the further important academics, the majority of sports players boast a shortage on time, and the injury rate of sports can be extreme.
High school is all about having good grades and making sure that all the sporting teams make it to state. Highs school sports have been around since the late 19th century to the early 20th century. Since then, students, teachers, and other parts of the community have made sports a priority over academics. Some parents, administrators, and even teachers are wanting to get high school sports taken away. They say it takes up too much time, cost too much money, and too dangerous. Even though these things may be true, there are plenty of alternatives to make sure that high school athletes can live their dream.
According to Amanda Ripley, once Premont High School removed their sports, the campus was “eerily quiet,” but, “this quiet had an upside” (11). She also found that one student stated, “There was all this extra time,” and, “You never got behind on your work” (Ripley 11). It is obvious that freeing schools from their sports is a great way to allow students to catch up on their work, and gives them more time to increase their effort after school. Henceforth, it is a good idea to remove sports from schools to allow students to have more free time.