
High School Transition Essay

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Many people remember their high school years. Going to football games, finding a prom date, and figuring out what they are going to do in life are some of the many things people recall from high school. These individuals also remember the transition from middle school to high school and note how fun yet challenging it was. To help ease this transition, I have developed three words of advice for upcoming freshmen: Take risks, take it seriously, and make memories.

Life is full of risks and high school is a time in life where you can take risks without having to face major consequences if they go wrong. They are loads of classes, club, and activities to get involved in. Whether it be trying out for a sports team, taking a unique class, or attending an extracurricular activity, high school is full of opportunities. With all these options to choose from, you are more than likely to find something new you may like. Finding new things you like will help you become a more well-rounded individual and may assist you in finding future …show more content…

These statistics start in the first year of high school, so it’s important to take it seriously from Day 1. The more work and effort you put into high school, the easier it makes college. Whether it be getting credits for college with AP tests or dual enrollment, or getting positive SAT/ACT scores, taking high school serious can lighten the burden of college both academically and financially. Another reason to take high school seriously is that it can help in finding your future career. Working diligently in all of your class will help you determine what you enjoy doing and what you don’t enjoy doing. This will help you in discovering your interests in life and in turn help you find your future profession. Striving to do well in high school will not only help you in future education but in your forthcoming

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