1. Recent changes to the High Year Tenure (HYT) waiver process timeline at the E6-E8 level for fiscal year 2016 are too short. This change has caused extremely compressed timelines for members to make the necessary preparations after they have been identified for mandatory retirement. It has also led to uncertainty months into the assignment year for units with HYT candidates. The Coast Guard needs to expand the E6-E8 HYT waiver timeline to align with the E3-E5 HYT waiver timeline. 2. HYT was reintroduced in 2013 in accordance with ref (a) due to extremely high retention rates, above 94 percent, and an overall reduction in the number of Coast Guard billets due to budget cuts. These two factors directly impacted enlisted advancement and the …show more content…
Aligning the E6-E8 waiver process with the E3-E5 waiver process will better serve the needs of the members being reviewed. Under the current timeline members only have four months from the time they are notified that they must retire to their required retirement date of 1 September. If members are planning their terminal leave out they could be on terminal leave by late May, only a month after being notified. This timeline gives members limited time to complete the required Transition Goals, Plan, Succeed (TGPS) course and set up with the Veterans Administration including review of their medical records. It also shortens the time they have to plan for a career after the Coast Guard. The argument will be made that members identified as HYT candidates should start planning well in advance for the possibility that their waiver will be denied. The counter argument is they are being required to do a lot of extra work that may be unnecessary if their waiver is granted. Moving the timeline to align with the E3-E5s in November will alleviate that extra work as well as give them four more months to plan if their waiver is denied. There is a tremendous amount of stress that is put on a member going through the HYT process. The Coast Guard making a decision on waivers earlier and members being told their fate sooner will help alleviate some of that …show more content…
Over the course of the past three years there have been multiple changes to the HYT process. These include phasing in PGPs and extensive changes to the waiver process. There may be resistance to a sense of need for yet another change. This proposal is fairly simple to incorporate but will have great benefits to smoothing out the process and will not add any cost to the service. It will benefit the members by removing uncertainty in their future earlier and give them more time to plan for retirement. It will benefit units by completing the waiver process before the assignment slating process so they can better communicate the units needs with the detailers. It will benefit the detailers by providing a clearer picture of what billets need to be filled as well as advancement needs before the start of slating and the advancement year. The Coast Guard needs to expand the E6-E8 HYT waiver timeline to align with the E3-E5 HYT waiver
1. Purpose: To provide information and facts on the removal of ineligible promotable soldiers (SPC/CPL/SGT) from the promotion standing list
With the Coast Guard’s High Year Tenure (HYT) policy, Career Retention Screening Panel (CRSP), and the reduction of recruits going through boot camp Air Station Atlantic City is currently seeing out of its 132 available billets, 12 E-7 and above, 16 Aviation Survivalist Technicians, 6 retirements from HYT, 3 civilian jobs currently being filled by Coast Guard personnel, and additionally 17 billets are currently not filled. This brings CGAS Atlantic City Enlisted Aviation Engineering personnel (that are able to go to the NCRADF) to 71 personnel. These available personnel cover the Area of Operations (AOR) with two Bravo Ready crews and go to NCRADF. The empty PAL vacancies, as well as the NCRADF, were not thought of when Brooklyn Air Station and Cape May Air Station were merged to create CGAS Atlantic City. Such a shortage of personnel has led to a myriad of personnel going to the NCRADF on back to back deployment. Each deployment they are away from their families is for 21 days and after a four
In recent years, the Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) has found itself guarding against a tsunami of negative public opinion, unrelenting media coverage and at times, a contentious relationship with the U.S. Congress. Despite these challenges, the administration (VBA) has made enormous strides in reducing the pending inventory of the oldest claims, improving quality, and has undertaken the largest technological transformation in its history. If the VA is to continue to provide timely and quality service to Veterans, VBA must significantly increase enrollment and utilization of Vocational Rehabilitation and Employment (VR&E), Education programs and continue to streamline and modernize the disability compensation process.
If this action is not approved all Sponsorship ETPs will come to the Commandant for approval. Soldiers out processing Fort Lee must have an assigned sponsor in ACT or have an approved ETP in order
After reviewing Mr. Castro's qualifications and experience, and current education enrollment, I concur with the waiver request. I personally observed Mr. Castro's skills and active support during 17.2 and concur that he has the needed skills to makes him a good candidate. After speaking with the government logistics team, he has a proven track record that he can successfully meeting the requirement of the position. He has historical knowledge of NIE/JWA systems that would be an asset to the team.
On September 29, 2016, the U. S. Navy announced that it would modernize the enlisted ratings of the Navy. The plan includes the installation of occupational specialty codes. These codes are similar to those used in the other services. The plan also called for sailors to be referred to by only their rank, such as Petty Officer First Class. The modernization of the enlisted rating system has caused morale issues in the fleet, makes job field detailing better, and aligns with the other branches.
SUBJECT: Regular Army Precision Retention: The Commander’s Allocation Process 1. Purpose: To provide information on Precision Retention which can be found at: https://www.hrc.army.mil/milper/12-308 2. Facts: a. The Army Retention Program has denied over-strength Soldiers the opportunity to reenlist for continued service in their primary Military Occupational Specialty (PMOS) or forced them to reclassify.
The Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA) wants to expand the Concurrent Retirement and Disability Pay (CRDP) law so more people may benefit from it (Air Force Sergeants Association). The two bills that would help this cause are H.R. 303 and H.R. 333. The intent of H.R. 303 is “to permit additional retired members of the Armed Forces who have a service-connected disability to receive both disability compensation from the Department of Veterans Affairs for their disability and either retired pay by reason of their years of military service or combat-related special compensation” (Congress). The intent of H.R. 333 is “to permit retired members of the Armed Forces who have a service-connected disability rated less than 50 percent to receive
The United States Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) is a government-run military veteran benefit system that provides essential financial and medical assistance to veterans and their families that are located all over the world. (www.va.gov) As the country and the military’s needs change, the VA needs to continue to evolve and grow. With this thought in mind, it is necessary to understand how the department is coping with the many different challenges that they are currently facing to effectively address the current issues and policy pitfalls. The most critical issues presently facing the VA, is the concern over long increasing wait-times and backlogs for services, which have emerged since 9/11 and are primarily the result of the growing
In order to ensure that claims currently assigned to non-rating workload bundle, which require a rating decision receive, appropriate consideration, this concept paper proposes review of the non-rating bundle. If approved, the Design Team will explore options and make recommendations regarding potential redefinition of the workload bundles. Specifically, this Design Team would explore the relocation of claims requiring a rating decision from the non-rating bundle into the rating bundle with the intent of optimizing services for seriously disabled Veterans requiring eligibility determinations, improving fiscal responsibility thereby promoting greater stewardship over limited resources.
Military status protection covers the employment rights of military veterans and reservists. The two most important laws that protect the rights of veterans and reservists are the Vietnam Era Readjustment Assistance Act (VERA) of 1974 and the Uniformed Service Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA) of 1994 (Mathis, Jackson, Valentine, & Meglich, 2017). In this paper we are going to focus on the most recent law that effect employers the USERRA.
The new Weapons Petty Officer (WEPO) requirement in the Ordnance manual is detrimental to the Patrol boat fleet without a Maritime Enforcement Specialist (ME) or Gunners Mate (GM) billet. The new requirement of a WEPO having to be an E-6 at an afloat unit with three or less officers is not beneficial to the 87’ cutter fleet. Keep in mind that units without a ME or GM will traditionally have a Boatswains Mate (BM) as the WEPO. With this recent change in the ordnance manual, the Operation Petty Officer (OPS) on board 87’s is now required to be designated as the WEPO. This creates three unforeseen issues to include, but not limited to Training, Man-power, and extra duties/responsibilities. First, let’s glance at the training aspect of becoming a WEPO in today’s Coast Guard. The weapons system program is tracked by a navy program called the “3M” program. This system has only been relevant to the coast guard since the last 5-6 years. The training takes approximately 8+ hours to complete just to become certified to run the maintenance program which in itself is not trouble-free to complete. Once the training is complete and you are certified to run the 3M program, you must now build your maintenance schedules which are extremely time consuming and tedious. This is just the administrative portion not including physically conducting the required maintenance. The training is inadequate at best, to become proficient with the 3M program since it is difficult to comprehend in nature and
Commenter argues that the new rule to apply for pension benefits will result in unnecessary delays that will result in denials for veterans and beneficiaries. VA will make the application process easier for veterans and beneficiaries to apply and know the qualification on how to receive VA pension benefits.
Senior Enlisted Leaders should understand the importance of travel claim control and procedures because it will help to prevent non-compliance of Navy travel regulations at the command level. This paper will cover the background information of Permanent Change of Station (PCS) travel claim requirements, the impact on commands for not complying with travel regulations, and the recommendations made to prevent non-compliance.
One of the great changes the Pentagon wants to grant is, to allow troops to extend in their current duty stations with the exchange of an additional commitment to serve more time in the military. The Department of Defense is in the plans of requesting Congress to update the current the federal law that would grand all commanders more authority to use non-monetary incentives to grant more extended service