
Hildegard Peplau Interpersonal Theory Paper

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Nursing is an interpersonal process of close interaction between nurses and patients. Hildegard Elizabeth Peplau, American nurse; mother and founder of modern psychiatric nursing. In 1952 Hildegard Peplau analysed and documented findings conducted through four phases of the interpersonal theory. The interpersonal theory explains the purpose of nursing that helps patients identify their mental and physical difficulties; also referred to as psychodynamic nursing. Peplau was working as a medical assistant in psychiatric nursing in Columbia, New York 1947 and became an executive director and president of the American Nurse Association. She focused on the nurse-patient connection, that is formed through a professional relationship influenced by verbal and Nonverbal communication. The interpersonal theory promotes four different aspects of nursing care, however, Hildegard's Peplau's interpersonal theory is replicated and implemented in modern, nursing practice through seven types of nursing roles; although the interpersonal theory is proven to be used in …show more content…

These five factors are replicated and demonstrated in modern nursing practice, these factors are recognised to improve a patient's health and well-being.
The element of listening is implemented to have the ability to interpret and listen to a patient's primary information or to understand a family relative's concern, as well as ensuring accuracy when reporting medical issues to another health care professional, as well as being able to demonstrate precision when explaining and analysing symptoms, diagnosis and progress. As stated previously communication is used to collaborate analysed data about the patient to ensure the patient is provided with professional and accurate interpersonal nursing

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