
Hillary Clinton Weaknesses

Decent Essays

As the presidential election draws near, there comes a time when we, the American people, must decide what we desire in a leader. Many factors come into play when choosing the specific characteristics that our commander-in-chief must exhibit in order to protect the United States and make it prosper. Firstly, with an unforeseen rise in the audacity of terrorist groups, our president must be skilled in quick-decision making; the well-being of her people must come before all else. Secondly, our president must be utterly candid and honest with her citizens; cronyism has shaded the eyes of the people for far too long. Finally, with trillions and trillions of dollars in debt, our president must be well-acquainted with the best and most cost-effective route to economic and financial stability. Hillary Clinton brandishes not a single one of these impetuses to the vitality of America; furthermore, she cannot be president or our country will fall apart at its very foundation. …show more content…

Secretary Clinton’s campaign website quotes that she desires to “defend the Affordable Care Act (Source 4).” Why Hillary wants to kick a dead horse is beyond me, but one thing is for sure: Obamacare failed miserably. 12 of 23 of the ACA’s CO-OPs (Consumer Operated and Oriented Plans) kicked the bucket, and it is truly kicking America’s finances in the behind, losing 1.2 billion dollars in loans (Source 4). If Secretary Clinton needs 50% of the electoral votes to win the presidency, shouldn’t more than 50% (12 of 23) of Obamacare CO-OPs failing be enough to get rid of it? Why should we keep ANY aspect of it? The ACA is similar to a moldy piece of bread; if any mold is visible on the outside, the entire infrastructure, the foundation of the bread itself, is infected. Do we want our country to be

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