
Hills Like White Elephants Literary Analysis

Decent Essays

A theme in a story can have a controlling and meaningful purpose, or it can also be insignificant and used to entertained the readers. Authors centralize their story on a specific topic to make it easier for the reader to understand the story and to reveal the central ideas purpose. Ernest Hemingway’s “The Hills Like White Elephants” is a short story that reveals miscommunication. A suspenseful story that builds up tension amongst the characters. An American and a girl named Jig are having a discussion about an abortion. Both of them have different plans and they are trying to come to an agreement. However, neither is listening to one another nor are they communicating. In the end, they don't come to an agreement. They would both rather escape …show more content…

Hemingway provided many symbolic objects one of them being the white elephants. As Jig is looking towards the hills she mentions that “‘They look like white elephants’”(237). The symbolic meaning of the white elephants is their unexpected: her pregnancy. After the American says that he has “‘never seen one,’”Jig says “‘No you wouldn’t have’”(237). In other words, a man like him could not have recognized such rare and unique thing. Jig understands that he doesn't value the things that he has, and in this case their unborn child, which is never mentioned. Another symbolic object is shown when she tells him that the drink they are drinking is not all that great “‘It tastes like licorice… that’s the way with everything’”(237) demonstrating how she is used to the same thing over and over again and is ready for a change. Furthermore, symbolism is shown through their conversation, she is trying to communicate with him but he isn’t listening and finally she says “I realize”(239) she has come to the realization that he is not the man she would like him to be. Both characters are trying to communicate but neither of them are taking the time to

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