
Hills Like White Elephants Symbolism

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In the story “Hills Like White Elephants” Earnest Hemingway constantly talks about throughout the entirety of the story white elephants and this operation. It is through symbolism that you begin to understand the story better. Just about every movement in this short story has an underlying meaning. Which better help you understand the story better such as the characters’ actions and decisions. For example, the white elephants that are mentioned throughout the story symbolizes the unborn child. The story describes the child as long and white. The long stands for the long process of having child and how the child would consume eighteen long years of the couples lives. The whiteness of the hills refers to the purity and innocence of the unborn …show more content…

In fact, throughout majority of the story he is talking about this “operation”. Trying to convince Jig to have this operation which is the abortion of the baby. He says things like “It’s a really simple operation, Jig” (Hemingway, pg. 790) as if trying to soothe her saying it’s a simple operation and she should have no worries. The American then goes on to continue trying to soothe Jig so she will get the abortion. When Jig is asking him what makes him sure that she’ll be just fine he goes to say “That’s the only thing that bothers us. It is the only thing that’s made us unhappy.” (Hemingway, pg. 791) Clearly showing that he feels that keeping the baby is a danger to their relationship and is making them unhappy. He then begins to act sympathetic telling Jig she doesn’t have to get the operation if she doesn’t want to, but once Jig says “we can have everything” he quickly says “no, we can’t” showing that he really doesn’t care about Jig’s feelings. At one point he even goes to say “once they take it, you’ll never get it back.” In a way threatening Jig who then tells him it hasn’t been taken yet in which the American replies “we’ll wait and see”. This makes it seem as if he’s giving her no choice but to get the operation. All the American is concerned about is continuing the lifestyle they are living now filled with traveling and drinking. He also seems …show more content…

In the very beginning of the story as the waitress is bringing them their beers Jig is off in a trance observing the hills. After a few minutes Jig makes the statement “They look like white elephants” referring to the hills. This is the first statement where the “white elephant” in other words the unborn baby is mentioned. Jig saying the unborn child looks like a white elephant is her saying the hill is a huge obstacle they have to come over. Then the part about the white elephant, which usually stands for something that is unwanted or a burden which in this case is the unborn child, she’s coming to realize that this is a huge obstacle which is going to be a burden on me and my relationship. Jig’s perspective of the “white elephant” begins to change after her and the American receive their second round of drinks. Jig then says “Everything tastes like licorice.” Symbolizing their relationship as dark and boring. Later on saying “That’s all we do, isn’t it- look at things and try new drinks?” This is where Jig is trying to tell the American what she thinks of their relationship. That it is sort of dark like licorice, then going to complain that all they do is the same thing over all the time “look at things and try new drinks”. Implying that their same routine is starting to get old making the relationship dull. Here is when Jig begins to

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