
Hindu Nationalism And Its Impact On India

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of India, due to which it remained marginalized as an electoral post (not social post) for a while. The primary support of Hindu Nationalism comes from the Northern and Western parts of India. Being a center right movement, it is seen to have major differences with Congress. They are driven by ideology and faith, and are traditionally conservatives. It is seen that they are able to mobilize a large section of the population who trust leaders and parties that use religion as a mobilizing factor. India being a Hindu majority country, has a large Hindu religious voter base and the BJP over the year have been able to mobilize on this portion of the population who are driven by the idea of Hindu nationalism. It is important to remember that even though the Hindu nationalism movement was marginalized electorally during the early years after the Independence, it remained strong and influential throughout society and over there years gradually gained support and electoral posts in Indian politics. The BJP is a party of the strong, meaning that it is an organization run by the educated upper class and is backed by political and economic elites. It follows a dual targeting voter strategy, in which the Party politics takes care of the interests of the upper class (consisting of business and political elites), and then there are social organizations in place that do charity and other social work that takes care of the poor. The BJP as a party has an organization centric party structure.

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