Hip Hop has always had a reserved section of my heart, so I decided that I would learn how to produce Hip Hop beats. This process began with me learning how to use a Digital Audio Workshop (DAW) such as FL Studio 12. On this computer program, I would layer multiple instruments on top of each other, each with their own distinct sound and pattern in order to create an original “beat.” To accomplish this task, I had to teach myself how to play the piano and the drums. By learning how to play the piano, I was able to learn the musical scale, which I could apply to other instruments and synthesizers. However, the drums are the most important instrument in Hip Hop music because they often lay the hard and aggressive sound to juxtapose the melodic
The ethnography Hip-Hop Japan by Ian Condry is an in-depth interpretation of the young, strong Japanese hip-hop culture. Ian explains how a certain music and culture that originated from a different part of the world can now be found in local Tokyo recording studios and clubs. Not only did Ian Condry interview music company executives, journalists and rappers but, additionally he was able to sit in on over a dozen studio recording sessions. He also notes that he was able to attend easily over 120 Japanese hip-hop performances around Tokyo. This engulfment in the Japanese hip-hop scene is able to give this outside point of view a completely bias free feel. Finding a way to situate each of the voices of Japanese
The Black Power Mixtape follows momentous events between 1965 and 1975. It is directed by two Swedish directors, and their nationality is very important for the layout of the film. The film takes place during the Civil Rights Movement, and included leaders such as Stokely Carmichael, Angela Davis, Malcolm X, and Medgar Evers. This was also during the time of the Vietnam War, whom Sweden saw a useless war. The heads of this country were the Nixon Administration, and Lyndon Johnson’s administration.
In this article Robert Tinajero analyzes rap/hip-hop through its Christian religious ethos and the deception of how the media attempts to use rap/hip-hop for the reason why religion ethos in lyrics can change the views of young urban adults to be non-affiliated with a religion (Tinajero, 2013). Rappers use a form of religion in lyrics that have characteristics of the common suffering of Jesus and the mistrust of society with the goods and evils in urban communities.
I enjoyed Rebecca Walker’s descriptions of the hip hop culture when she was younger. I did enjoy the author’s style, she explains how she discovered what hip-hop “was”, and how it didn’t only change her but, and how it has changed the way people think about hip-hop too. Walker states, “That desire to come together irrespective of superficial differences and sometimes in celebration of them, was what gave hip-hop authenticity that was what kept it honest.” (From the story Before Hip-Hop Was Hip-Hop). If you asked someone today what they think hip-hop is, they wouldn’t actually know. "
Jahron Anthony Brathwaite, commonly known as PARTYNEXTDOOR, was born on July 3, 1993 in Mississauga, Canada. His sound is "a fractured blend of minimal hip-hop and R&B that has drawn natural comparisons to fellow Canadians Drake and the Weekend”. Drake discovered the artist and signed him to OVO Sound Records. PND released his self-titled mixtape with the label on July 1, 2013. The album peaked at number 34 on the Top R&B/Hip-Hop Albums chart for the week ending July 20. On August 26, 2013, PARTYNEXTDOOR released his first single, Over Here ft. Drake. The song made its impact on radio and charts for that week. PARTYNEXTDOOR released his debut studio album, PARTYNEXTDOOR TWO, on July 29, 2014. It charted as the #15 album of the week and top Rap/R&B album. It sold 15,924 units its first week. The song, Recognize ft. Drake, from his album topped #9 in US R&B charts. His next studio album, P3, is expected to be released this year. And recent rumors have circulated that the album will be released tomorrow, July 1st. Party recently released a single from the album called Come and See Me ft. Drake, which took the #10 spot on the US R&B charts. He has made appearances on many Drake songs, along with other artists such as Big Sean, P Reign, Amir Obe, King Louie, and Young Thug. He headlined his first world tour in 2015 and was a supporting artist on Drake’s Would You Like a Tour? in 2013.
Contemporary Rhythm and Blues, best known as modern day R&B is a musical genre that dives down into musical categories of African American origins. The components of R&B are a mixture of Soul, Jazz and the Blues. In most cases, the bass stands out from the song, and the beats are repetitive and predictable in nature, giving it a catchy feature. Furthermore, the beat follows the singer’s vocal high and low notes, as if the beat was singing along. Relating to the lyrics and grooving with the captivating melody are how listeners interact with this genre.
Tonight (August 17, 2015) on 'Love and Hip Hop Atlanta' it started where it ended off. Jessica Dime had Margeaux perform "Start A War" at the show, Mimi put together but things did not go well after the performance. See clip below.
Madison Mumbauer In today times , hip-hop music is growing becoming more vital and it’s unquestionable that it’s a force in popular culture. In the movie, Hip-Hop Beyond Beats & Rhymes the filmmaker states and makes it well known that he is a fan of hip-hop music. In the Hip-hop culture, he states that manhood is put into a box and if you don’t fit those ideal man stereotypes. Then people start calling them soft, faggot, pussy, and a chump which is wrong to demean the LGBT community and women by calling men that aren’t fitting to the culture.
In this peer-reviewed academic article the central argument was that in many schools only Caucasian music and literature is being learned about instead of Native American music. This is an issue because children in school now are not able to learn about a different culture due to the limitation of only learning about Caucasian music and literature. Also, another issue is that since the world is made up of many different cultures, the students should be learning about more than one to get a better understanding on that culture. The result of this is children will understand the history of Native Americans and the different types of music from other cultures. Another result is that children will not understand the meanings behind these types of music and literatures.
Hip-Hop isn’t just four elements combined within a culture, it is also “ a way of life, a language, a fashion, a set of values, and a unique perspective” (Efrem 2), the hip-hop basic and sub-elements have a strong impact in the American society mainly on its
“I want kids of this generation to see that everything is cool, that there 's some kind of unity in hip-hop. We all found something that 's really important to us, and music is all we 've really got” – Missy Elliot. Hip-Hop is a cultural movement and popular genre of music that emerged during the early 1970 's by working class Black youths in New York City. The cultural movement has rapidly expanded across different countries and ethnicities over the years, becoming one of the few markers that define a generation. Hip-Hop can be seen as “the fundamental matrix of self-expression for this whole generation” (Katz & Smith, 1993). Through music, itself, artists can express their feelings towards different events or social changes that they’ve see or have experienced in their lives. According to Frith (1986), this perspective towards writing music is similar to Mooney’s argument that popular song lyrics is a reflection of what’s missing or needed at their time, giving us a trace of America’s ‘mood’ throughout history. In return, music artists captivate the minds of people among various backgrounds who use these relatable music lyrics as a source of empowerment or as an expression of their own thoughts. While some music artists create music to uplift their audience by giving them a sense of freedom, other artists create music that separates their audience by dehumanizing one group and giving power to the other.
1.) In this class we have examined the sociological forces that created the social conditions from which Hip-Hop emerged in the Bronx. Drawing upon Chang, as well as videos (Bronx is Burning, Flying Cut Sleeves etc.), discuss the sociological roots of rap. Specifically, what social forces (for example: state policies, global economic trends, technological advancements, community characteristics as well as race, class, gender politics) were present and facilitated the development of Hip-Hop?
Today’s hip hop videos are very predictable with fancy locations (a mansion perhaps!), expensive jewelry, cars and of course, lots of beautiful scantily clad women who are used as eye candy to sexualize the content which is usually offensive and demeaning lyrics about women. T.I sexually explicit lyrics “no mediocre” addresses women as hoes and bitches and raps about his extremely high standards of what kind of “ women/bitch” he considers worthy to be with him and a music video that does just that, uses women as sex objects and nothing more. According to T.I in the video “Hip hop Vs America” he admits that nobody will watch a music video if he does not include half naked women and in order to be a successful hip hop artist sexualized images
What is Hip-Hop? According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Hip-Hop can be delineated as a music genre consisting of a stylized rhythmic music that commonly accompanies rapping, a rhythmic and rhyming speech that is chanted.1 Originating from a disparaged subculture in the South Bronx and eagerly spreading through other sectors of New York City during the 1970’s, Hip-Hop evolved from formerly being a relatively fraudulent style to currently being a commercialized and disseminated music genre among diverse areas around the globe. Hip-hop 's evolution into a composition distinct from R&B ensued around the time that drum-machines and sampling technology became widely available to the general public at a financially affordable cost for the average consumer. Turntablist techniques (i.e. scratching, beat mixing, matching, and beat juggling) ultimately developed along with the breaks, producing a base that could be rapped over, in a manner similar to signifying, as well as percussive breaks (an influence found in Jamaican dub music). The art of manipulating sound and creating illustrious music were few of the techniques that identified the aeon of the hip-hop genre: Three of whom will be presented - The Diamond Era (1983 – 1988), The Golden Era (1989 – 1993), and The Silver Age (1994 – 1998).
stuff, so I don't listen to that genre all that much, but there are many