
Hip Hop Video Analysis

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In today’s society we have become so desensitised to seeing woman used as sexual objects that you can look at most hip hop videos today and see the same themes running through each video. I reviewed three hip hop videos for this article the following songs were reviewed:
“My house” – Flo Rida
“Sweat” – Snoop Dogg
“Candy Shop” – 50 Cent
The videos all have 100s of millions of views and for the amount of views on each video the dislikes on the videos are not as high as expected, compared to how many people have viewed the video. In each of these videos women are all portrayed in the same of similar way. In each video there were multiple women to each man. Even though according to the lyrics they all wanted to please the woman …show more content…

Hanging posters like this around schools and even around clothes stores could change a person’s thoughts about themselves dramatically. Instead of seeing unrealistic body types as they walk into a store and go to try something on they will see normal every day women. Yes some women are born naturally very skinny but very main stream models and stores do photo shop to some extent so again people are never going to look like the image of that pretty model. But standing up to body image issues will help not only every day women but the future women, the next generation that sit down while they’re doing their homework and see on the TV how Flo Rida treats his women and what they look like. A time restriction of what time these videos can be played on TV is another way to help the younger generation preventing very young boys and girls from seeing these inappropriate music videos may help prevent them from learning that this is what is considered “normal” in today’s

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