
Historical Accuracy Of A Knight's Tale

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A knight’s tale is a medieval adventure and romantic comedy that employs a method of modernizing historical events and ways of life. Determined to change his stars and his status William creates a new identity for himself as a knight and begins competing in jousting tournaments. The story of William and his companions is told be inspirational. The setting of the mediaeval time period is used because of the more restrictive social classes that are often associated with it. Inspiring people to always dream big even in the face of challenges. To be relevant and appeal to audiences today the film uses modern music, mixes modern and historical language, and employs other modern negotiations. The film attempt to be historically accurate in its portrayal …show more content…

For, example in the movie only the nobles are permitted to participate in the jousting tournaments. Medieval sports tended to employ cultural discrimination and reserve a categories of activities for the exclusive use of the elite. Jousting tournament were similarly exclusive, catering towards the elite. The movie accurately discusses the exclusive nature of the joust when Geoffrey explains “They’re limiting the field at Rouen. Noble birth must be established for four generations on either side of the family. Patents of nobility must be provided.” This statement and the continuous examples of the restrictions of the joust in the movie are historically accurate for Medieval Europe. In addition to participation the film accurately portrays the separation by social class of observers at the jousting tournaments. Throughout the movie spectators of the tournament are clearly separated by class. With the higher classes observing the tournaments from luxurious seats in the grandstand and the commoners watch the tournaments from the lists. The movie is accurate in its representation of social class separation within the jousting

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