
Historical And Social Models Of Disability

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This weeks reading discusses different models through which to understand disability. The historical and social models of disability include: medical, rehabilitation, disability, and moral models. The medical model results from a person’s physical or mental limitations rather than social environments. The rehabilitation model regards disability as a fault that must be fixed by rehabilitation professional. According to The Definition of Disability, Deborah Kaplan states,” The disability model is defined as a dominating attitude by professionals and others, inadequate support services when compared with society generally, as well as attitudinal, architectural, sensory, cognitive, and economic barriers, and the strong tendency for people to generalize about all persons with disabilities overlooking the large variations within the disability community"(Kaplan). The disability model is often referred to as the social model, which is a …show more content…

The article, How to Uphold White Supremacy by Focusing on Diversity and Inclusion discusses the benefits of focusing on individual equality before social power. “Liberalism as an ideology deems equal rights and equal treatment as a higher priority than material justice, or as an effective means towards it”(Kyra). Liberalism is important because it rejects the traditional power structures to promote equal opportunities for minorities, promotes economic growth, and supports human right issues. The article discusses assimilation and how marginalized groups naturally need to blend into dominant groups rather than disrupt power structures. “At is it that says that ending racism means setting aside our differences and finding commonality? Liberalism. What is it that says that we need love to bring us together and to end the hate which drives us apart? Liberalism”(Kyra). I am a liberal and feel individuals’ equality and liberty is of upmost

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