The first major I chose is history. The first reason I chose your history major is because I love to study history, especially military history and I want to make a career out of what I love. I want to be an military analyst for the CIA and have heard a the outstanding quality of your history department, which I reason will be of benefit for me in my field. finally, I am pursuing a history major because of my firm believe that the past is best teacher of the present. These are the reasons I chose a history major.
The second major I chose was Arabic language and culture. The first reason I chose this major is because the CIA prefer their military analyst to have a specialist in a regional area and the Middle East is the most active spot
I chose Mechanical and Electrical Engineering, because designing, creating, and problem solving are things that I enjoy and engineering provides all of that.
BACKGROUND INFORMATION: Who are you? Where are you from? Why did you choose your undergraduate major? (Min 200 words, Max
My major is Biology Pre-Med. I chose this particular major because I eventually want to become a doctor. The thing I like about this field is I like helping people; I want to save as many lives as possible.
Life is full of choices. Everyday people are forced to make choices: waffles or pancakes? Jeans or leggings? Most of these choices are trivial, but the few that are important affect your life in the long run. Your major or college you choose is one of those choices.
The reason behind why I’ve chosen the major is due to my enjoyment of technology, and being unable to enter related course while in high school like learning about 3D animation or computer hardware. Eventually in eliminating various interest related to software/technology than concluding I will focus my careers in information security. Additionally, if possible incorporate my minor a nontechnical skill set where I will focus the majority of my upper-level courses on international politics with an emphasis on terrorism and interaction with various networks that connect our world. In the future I will like to involve myself in a government agency or private sector whose main cause is in preventing foreign interference in organizational
I chose the CSD major because it is a field that I am passionate about and intrigued by. I went to speech therapy as a child and that is how I became introduce to the occupation of a speech therapist. When I began deciding which career path to follow, I knew I wanted to work in a helping profession. Communication is a huge part of daily life, and I love the idea of being able to impact someone on such a profound level. The major incorporates everything I was looking for when I began to search for a possible major.
1. The author (Ostrander) emphasizes that students should not stress out over choosing a major. He tells us that what one majors in is less important than the overall qualities, knowledge base, and the skills that one develops. Ostrander also points out that a major is much less important than the skills that people gain by using a quote from an executive, “I look for people who take accountability, responsibility and are good team people over anything else. I can teach the technical.”
Choosing a major has been one of the most difficult challenges I have faced as a student. While many students select their major based upon statistics and ideals, I base my decision primary on my strong commitment and my passion. Furthermore, I have learned that a major should encompass your love, talents, and desire for success in that subject. Forensic Chemistry wasn’t my first choice. When I first came to Grambling State University my major was nursing. I wanted to be a nurse ever since I was little, my mother is a nurse so I been around that environment all my life. My plan was to graduate from Grambling State University with a Bachelor degree in nursing. Then go to a community college to get my certification in forensic science to become
I further considered what the major was all about I thought more to myself about it. I was motivated by how passionate my high school agriculture teacher was while teaching his students. He never doubted a student and their ability to do something and always motivated students to do things they normally wouldn’t. This would be the greatest influence while making my decision to become an agriculture teacher in hopes that someday I would be half the teacher Mr. Schraufnagel was. A week later I would talk to Mr. Schraufnagel about the decision I would be making to attend college in River Falls.
In the novel “Tale of Two Cities,” Charles Dickens starts of the book with multiple parallel structures to introduce the theme throughout the rest of the book. The parallel structure is identified by each phrase starting out with “it is” and following those two words with a certain time. The 10 parallel phrases are further split up into 5 groups with each group sharing the same type of time: time, age, epoch, season, spring and winter. This use of parallelism creates a steady rhythm conveying the idea that good and evil, light and darkness, and wisdom and folly stand equally matched against each other in this time of struggle. Furthermore, by introducing the contradicting ideas in parallel structure, Dickens is able to hint at the novel’s prominent
Selecting a college major is an important decision, and it is not one that should be made lightly. It is important to remember, however, that declaring a major is not an irreversible decision. It is not uncommon for college students to change majors one or more times after they enroll in college. Sometimes, you need time, research, and reflection before you can choose a college major. Setting college goals can help you, as can understanding different college majors and how they can move you closer to your goals. Do your research, keep an open mind, and be honest with yourself, and you can choose a college major that
There are many career fields available to young adults in the United States of America, some of which include the military. The Marines is a great career field because people can apply themselves in a structured environment gaining self respect along with learning skills that will help them later in life. Specifically, the Marines are a proud organization that celebrates their history, uniforms, as well as their principals and values.
Now, most of the people decide to go to college or university after graduates from high school. College major is the compass for a student in future. The major is variable in a lot of fields; everyone should pick at least one. I realized I chose biology as my specific major is a good advance for me later. I want to follow my passion for the medical field; I feel interested in learning more about science; it will support me well in the future.
I want to share with you about a process that can be helpful in determining a major. The process includes determining possible college majors of interest, collecting data
Factors to be considered are salaries, what will I start off with? What degree do I need to earn what I actually want? What am I good at? For sure the decision is complicated. Throughout this essay, we have compiled the three most popular fields of study chosen by college students.