The National Honors Society believes in leadership, character, scholarship, and service. I believe that I can bring that to Manchester High School. The National Honors Society gives the opportunity students to participate in the community. Without the NHS, the community wouldn’t be able to run the way it does. The NHS not only helps the community, but it also helps the students with their academics. It encourages students to keep their grades up and stay up to date with school events. My sister was a part of the National Honors Society and has encouraged me to join as many clubs as I can. My history of community service includes mission trips, food drives, and other activities for Swift Creek Presbyterian Church. The two mission trips I’ve
The National Junior Honor Society is one of the first stepping stones to becoming a remarkable leader and citizen in my community. I have had many opportunities throughout my life to participate in my community, be it through my church, swim team , or other groups. But I truly believe that I am not a perfect citizen. I have many lengths to strive for to become the person I would like to be. NJHS will help me on my path to becoming a leader by giving me opportunities to work with people who see the world the way I do. Who see the world as full of opportunity, most of it untapped. Full of people that struggle for food, or are being crushed with work. I would like to change this , and NJHS will help me achieve my vision.
National Honor Society is a great opportunity for me to give back to the community. I am Marcel Kas and I am currently a sophomore (2016-2017). I was the president of NJHS in middle school (2014-2015). Through my first two years of high school I have been able to take honors and AP courses allowing me to have a GPA of 4.143. I am also involved in many after school activities. I am currently a part of the tennis team, German National Honor Society, and the Greenfield High School marching band. I also volunteer my time to my community. I always volunteer for Polish cultural events like Polish Fest, I volunteer at church by being a lector and by helping out the priest every Friday and Sunday by being an altar boy, I am in a choir, I babysit,
As an underclassman, I focused on my schoolwork in order to obtain the goal of joining National Honor Society my junior year. Being a member of NHS has instilled in my values that I intend to employ. The four pillars--scholarship, leadership, character, and service--have shaped my high school development in a positive manner, and I plan to apply these pillars to my future goals and overall life. The four pillars of NHS have greatly shaped my life choices and development.
NHS serves those students who have demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, service, leadership, and character. NHS is a great opportunity for students to serve the community. I have plans to improve MHS National Honor Society and make it even better. To make NHS better I would make sure that students get to know everyone and not just stay with their friends, I would make sure that the service projects are helpful to the community, and I would make sure that the activities interest the students into coming.
The National Honor Society is for high school seniors who have “demonstrated excellence in the areas of scholarship, leadership, service, and character”. At John Marshall we really push the “service” area. There are so many different reason I wanted to be a part of NHS; It gives me satisfaction that I was able to become a member of such an elite society, it also is very rewarding to give back to a community that has done so much for me. Each service project I have volunteered at has taught me something different. Since July, I have volunteered at eleven different projects (over 32 hours), and I have learned something new every time. When I volunteered at the Marshall County Family Resource Network’s gift packaging for teenagers at Cameron High and Middle, Moundsville Middle, Sherrard Middle and John Marshall High Schools, I didn’t realize there were so many of my peers in need of simple hygiene products. It inspired me to help and give back to them by donating to Paws for a Cause at John
Being selected as a member of Grove School’s National Honor Society would be a great honor for me because I hope to achieve my goal of exhibiting my dedication to academics, community service and extra circulars. I strive to be a role model and a resource for my peers by guiding them in the right direction. I think I could be a valuable addition to NHS because I have a strong work ethic, have a passion for helping people and not only meet but exceed all the qualifications of leadership, character, service and scholarship.
National Honor Society is built upon four pillars; scholarship, service, leadership, and character. As a member of NHS I strive to demonstrate these pillars throughout my day to day life. Within my first two years of high school, I focused mainly upon myself, caring only about the grades I was receiving, and striving to better my own education. While I know prioritizing education is important, I know that it is also important to help those around me, whether that be through tutoring or simply reaching out and being a friend to those in need. It wasn’t until I was inducted into NHS at the end of my sophomore year when I realized this. After being introduced to these four pillars, I feel as though my perspective of high school dramatically changed.
I believe this to be most essential in NHS members for the National Honor Society is a service club and is therefore concerned with giving its best to the community. In my life, I believe that I consistently demonstrate that I enjoy helping others and that the benefit of other people is more important than any monetary gains that I can make. This is evident by my involvement in the middle school sports program, as well as in the Hoops for Hope community service
Throughout high school, being a member of National Honor Society has benefitted me in ways that have bettered me as a student and as a person. As a member of this organization, I have had many qualities instilled within myself that I will carry throughout my entire life. The four pillars of National Honor Society: Scholarship, Leadership, Character, and Service have been brought to me through this organization, and without them I would not be who I am today.
Although I have only been in National Honors Society since last spring, I believe I have nevertheless demonstrated the kind of commitment to the community that NHS members exemplify. Throughout high school, I have been involved in many school-related and independent charitable activities. I have participated for the past three years in the annual Feed My Starving Children food packing event at the high school, one year staying late to seal the 300,000th meal so we could reach our goal. I have volunteered for Osceola Public Library on numerous occasions, and I have also volunteered for the Books for Africa and Operation Christmas charities.
Recognition with the invitation to National Honors Society is an incredible opportunity to come across in the four years of high school. It would be an honor to become a member of National Honors Society to attain leadership qualities throughout my high school career. When I moved to Peachtree City in the 9th grade, I have stacked leadership skills and activities to help others in need that qualify to become a candidate for National Honors Society through campus involvement and community involvement. Interactions with the Mcintosh faculty and students give a chance to build leadership skills by creating friendship. Throughout my high school career, I have joined club organizations such as spanish club, where I worked together among my peers
I believe that the National Honor Society should play a sizable role in the school community. The National Honor Society does an outstanding job commemorating students not just for academics, but also for leadership, characteristics, and service. Almost all other awards given at schools deal strictly with congratulating students for excellent academics, whereas top students of the National Honor Society excel in all of the criteria.
"The best way to find yourself is to lose yourself in the service of others" Gandhi. I always like to volunteer and join charitable events because their benefits are numerous. For example, volunteering let me meet a wide range of people from different backgrounds and this helped me to enhance my character, improve my social skills, and make me a better citizen. In addition to that, volunteering let me embraces new experiences and knowledge. When I went to a high school in the United States in 2013; I was selected to be a member of the 'National Honor Society’.
Everyday, countless amounts of people are working hard, trying to change the world for the better. They are researching cures for cancer or taking twelve hour shifts to help keep oceans clean. There are people who are working towards a better world, and making life safe for the children in need, the animals in danger, and the men fighting for our country. Seeing these changes happen has motivated me to want to be a part of these developments. I wish to serve those around me, and believe that if I can have a positive impact on my community, it can affect the rest of the world. Therefore, I have made it my goal to be a part of the National Honor Society, in hopes that I can help my school, Middleville, and all who have impacted me. I believe that I represent the characteristics of scholarship, leadership, service, and character, and hope to use these qualities so that others may benefit.
In addition to scholarship, National Honor Society emphasizes community service. I have a passion for service and have been involved in service projects through my church, Dance Team, FFA and 4H. As I reflect on all of the community service events I have assisted in, I have realized that each time I have helped others, I have grown as a person. I have learned to be appreciative of all of the opportunities that my situation has provided for me. Leadership is yet another quality that National Honor Society builds. I have worked on developing my leadership skills through my participation in 4H, church youth group, FFA, and dance. I would like to gain more leadership experience by helping to organize the activities that National Honor Society has throughout the year. A positive character is recognized and developed by National Honor Society. I strive to always maintain a good character. I work hard and try to be a positive role model as a student, employee, volunteer, and friend. Character is important to me because of the leadership position I am put