
History and Importance of Sports amongs Ancient Civilizations

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History and importance of sports amongst ancient civilizations Sports have been around for centuries, dating back to 776 BC with the first Olympic Games. Ancient civilizations like the Egyptian, Greeks and Mayans all had a sport they enjoyed taking part in. They were created to bring people together and help them settle disputes or conflicts in an organized manner. Great leaders of the ancient world saw a fascination in sports and made it part of their reign to promote the human’s natural competitiveness. Since then, new sports have emerged and also new reasons for one to play. New sports evolve every day all over the world. Everywhere in social media and magazines you will find images of famous athletes and their achievements. Not much history has been left behind by these famous civilizations except for some cave paintings and stories passed down through generations. However, these sports have helped new ones all over the world flourish and the competitive aspect has been kept intact with some modifications to minimize some of its historical brutality. Male or female, sports were often introduced to many at a young age. Some vigorously exercised from their childhood just to be physically prepared to endure the sport’s requirements. Winning at these games brought great honor to some families and some were disciplined to dedicate their whole lives learning the game. Many civilizations involved sports within their community as a form of entertainment and competition. Even

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