
History of Psychology Time Line Essays

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Time Line The history of psychology just might be the greatest type of history to explore. From 387 B.C Plato?s Academy of Athens, where his metaphysics, epistemology, and social philosophy found expression and came to pervade Western thought. Plato was a dualist, separating the physical world from the world of true form. His assertion that reality is known through reason was not challenged until the rise of empiricism, to the Supreme Courts ruling on April 30, 1979. In Addinton v. Texas, ruled that a person may not be civilly committed to a mental institution unless the state presents ?clear and convincing? evidence they require hospitalization. This standard of evidence is greater than the ?preponderance of evidence? rule for …show more content…

The first ?keeper? was James Galt, and the first patient was Zachariah Mallory. The hospital was closed during the American Revolution, raided by both sides in the Civil War, burned in 1885, moved in the 1960?s and continues today as Eastern State Hospital. ? 1892 Hugo Munsterberg came to the United States. Munsterberg came to direct Williams James?s laboratories at Harvard University. He was one of the first applied psychologists, extending research and theory to industrial, legal, medical, clinical, educational, and business settings. ? *1908 Hugo Munsterberg published ?On the Witness Stand? which talked about psychological factors that can affect a trial?s outcome. Munsterberg was often called the first forensic psychologist. His studies suggesting that the time it takes for a person to answer a question could be a factor in determining guilt or innocence. The demand for psychologists in the legal system has grown considerably over the past several decades. Currently, almost 2,000 psychologists belong to the American Psychology-Law Society. ? 1908 Walter Dill Scott ?Psychology of Advertising?. Walter Dill Scott was a pioneer in industrial and business psychology, as it was then called. He was the first to apply the principles of psychology to motivation and productivity in the workplace. He chaired a committee that devised the first personnel classification

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