“Hitler became chancellor in January 1933 because he was the leader of the most popular party in Germany” – How far do you agree with this opinion.
Hitler did not become chancellor in January 1933 because he was the leader of the most popular party in Germany, it was however to do with the support of the elite that made him Chancellor. There were other factors also such as the decline of the Weimar Republic and the economy but it was mainly to do with the conservatives.
One factor that shows that the support of the elite was the reason that Hitler had become Chancellor was the event of the Bamberg conference. It could be argued that this conference had changed the ideology of the NSDAP and had made it more conservative. In the Bamberg
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The political violence in the run up to the election was the perfect excuse for the removal of the SPD dominated Prussian government. President Hindenburg ordered the army to seize control; this resulted in the new regime in Prussia to be an authoritarian one. This demonstrates how the destruction of thee Weimar republic could have been the reason why Hitler had become the chancellor. However it did not directly make Hitler the chancellor, while the support of the conservatives did. Although it does show that Hitler did not become the chancellor due to the fact that Hitler did not become the chancellor due to the fact that he was the leader of the most popular party.
The fear of a communist takeover could also show how it was due to the support of the conservatives is the reason Hitler had become the chancellor. The KPD had seen its vote increase from 3.2million in 1928 to 5.9 million in November 1933. It was the Nazi’s determination to reduce the communist militia that caused conservatives to back Hitler. There were a number of influential industrialists and bankers including Hjalmar Schacht, IG Farben and Gustav Krupp, who put pressure on Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor. The reason behind why they had done this because they feared loosing their wealth and power in the event of a communist takeover. This shows how the support of the conservatives had led to Hitler to being chancellor, as it was them that pressurised Hindenburg
The Nazi group had a major impact on the government and influenced the decision for the next Chancellor of Germany. “...Paul von Hindenburg, had appointed Hitler Chancellor. Having won more than 37 percent of the vote in the previous year's legislative elections, Hitler's Nazi party had enough power to effectively paralyze Germany's democratic government, which had been in place since 1919,” Smith says (pg.15). This shows that Hitler's Nazi group was extremely powerful and explains how Hitler arose to power. This quote reveals that Hitler had the most power since 1919, which demonstrates how powerful Hitler will become in the future. “By the early 1930’s, Germany was in desperate shape. Its defeat in World War One and the harsh conditions imposed by the United States, Britain, and France in the 1919 Treaty of Versailles - included debilitating reparation payments to the victors - had left Germany humiliated and impoverished, with ruinous inflation eating away at its economy. The worldwide Depression that followed the 1929 U.S. stock market crash exacerbated the situation as banks
The Collapse of Weimar and the Rise of Hitler In 1919, a defeated Germany was forced to abandon government under the Kaiser, who had fled to Belgium and adopt the Weimar, a democratic but flawed system. Soon after Hitler and the Nazi Party appeared, and years later the Weimar Republic fell. What accounted for the fall of the Weimar? My essay will prove that there was not a single reason, but in fact a series of events that lead to the collapse of the Weimar. President Ebert used the Freikorp, who were a rightwing mercenary unit, to put down the Spartacus uprising, a communist inspired revolution.
There was a power struggle in Germany after the 1932 election. Many of the political parties thought they could use Hitler's popularity to their advantage. The power struggle ended in the President asking Hitler to become Chancellor in January 1933. As chancellor, Hitler encouraged fear of communism and imprisoned thousands of his political opponents. In February 1933 the Reichstag building was set on fire and Hitler cleverly blamed the Communists, who were feared by many Germans. By August 1934 Germany was a single-party state and Hitler was dictator. Hitler used his power to reverse key decisions and limitations imposed by the treaty of Versailles.
In the lead up to the depression the Nazis had 12 seats and just two years later in the peak of the economic crisis the Nazis had 107 seats. This reflects the dissatisfaction that was shown in the present government and the fact that Hitler was the only person who promised the solutions that they people wanted. Many historians have stated that if Stressman had not died in 1929 then Germany may have recovered to its former strength and Hitler may never had the chance at gaining power. From 1930 onwards the country is being ruled by presidential decree through the use of Article 48, so therefore no party could gain a majority for the German economy to get back on its feet. Hitler took advantage of these times of hardship and promised these desperate people what they wanted, employment and a way out of these poverty times. Hitler was the only option left, and is desperate time people look for desperate politics to solve these problems. Weimar
How far do you agree that Hitler’s consolidation of power between January 1933 and August 1934 can be described as a “legal revolution”
In the following investigation, the following question will be addressed: In what ways did economic and political issues in Germany between 1922 and 1932 contribute to Hitler's rise to power? The scope of my research will fall between the years of 1922-1932, the start of Hitler’s attempt to run for office. A variety of primary and secondary sources will be used to answer the question. The bitterness caused upon the change of government systems in Germany will be analyzed, along with his childhood that all primarily drove Hitler to run for power. Then, the harsh effects World War I had on Germany along with the Great Depression that followed as a result will also be looked at. Finally, a conclusion will be reached.
Due to the failure of the Weimar Republic and general public dissatisfaction arising from poor economic conditions exacerbated by the Treaty of Versailles, coupled with the 1929 Wall Street Crash, German citizens were understandably desperate for change. Until this point in time the Nazi party, and Hitler, had been essentially unpopular. However, the economic situation ensured Hitler’s increasing popularity as the people looked toward more extreme but non-communist ideals. The initial consolidation of Nazi power in 1933 arose from key events such as the support of the Nationalist Party with the Nazis to form a coalition government, implementation of the Enabling
The rise and subsequent take-over of power in Germany by Hitler and the Nazi Party in the early 1930s was the culmination and continuation not of Enlightenment thought from the 18th and 19th century but the logical conclusion of unstable and cultural conditions that pre-existed in Germany. Hitler’s Nazi Party’s clear manipulation of the weak state of the Weimar Republic through its continued failure economically and socially, plus its undermining of popular support through the signing the Treaty of Versailles all lead to the creation of a Nazi dictatorship under the cult of personality of Hitler. This clear take-over of power and subsequent destruction of any
The Reasons Hitler Became Chancellor After over ten years of trying, in 1933 Hitler and the Nazis had almost fulfilled their goal to hold all power in Germany. The Nazis were by far the most powerful party in the Reichstag holding the most seats, and Hitler being made Chancellor, but it wasn't that simple, in fact it was very complicated. There were several big contributors to Hitler becoming Chancellor.
The Reasons Hitler was Made Chancellor of Germany In Germany in 1933, Hitler's Nazis party was growing extremely popular with the Germans. This posed a problem for the current government, The Weimar republic who were losing popularity. Hitler promised things that the German people needed: Hitler offered a strong leadership, like that of the Kaiser, older Germans who were alive during the reign of the Kaiser, warmed to this type of ruling. Hitler promised the cancellation of the treaty of Versailles, which was still a subject which angered many people; many still held the signing of the treaty against the Weimar.
With incompetent leadership and an unhappy nation, the German people began to realize that their country was in a vulnerable situation and began to look for stable alternatives to democracy. Hitler’s
During the 1930’s Germany was at an all time low as the worldwide economic depression hit Germany hard. The confidence in Germany from the people was lacking due to the fresh memory of their defeat in World War I. This caused great need of a new leader, someone who could give the people change, and Adolf Hitler knew he could do just that. His rapid rise to power began when he started to promise things that intrigued the German people. He promised the hopeless and needy a better life, and promised opportunities that were exactly what the people needed. This caught the attention of so many young unemployed and middle class people. His party, known as the Nazi Party, won 33 percent of the votes in the 1932 elections. And by January 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor, which was the head of the German government. Germany started to feel like they might've found the leader they'd been so desperate for.
Hitler was appointed chancellor because they thought he’d be happy with the power and not be a tyrant. “Hindenburg hoped that by appointing Hitler, he could satisfy the Nazi Legislators, and break the deadlock, while maintaining control of the government behind the scenes.” (Smith,15). This shows that Hindenburg thought that appointing Hitler as chancellor would’ve helped. This
Even though Germany was left in a period of struggle and economic weakness after WW1, Adolf Hitler would take a stand by creating a party that would help refine the structure of the economy. This party, when abbreviated, was called Nazi, would also create harsh laws and unrelentless punishment. Due to the Nazi party’s quick growth, there was an immediate impact on lifestyle and politics for the people of Germany. The long term impact brought forth by the consequences or legacy of the Nazi party included a population decrease and an increase in deaths. To make both of these impacts, Hitler had to overcome many hard challenges.
<br>Hitler, however, found a way to please the people of Germany, and after the rebuilding of his Nazi dynasty he was back in the race for the dictatorship of Germany. Hitler despised and overthrew all the other political parties, and the Nazis became the strongest political party. "At midday on January 30, 1933, Hitler was sworn in as Chancellor. By nightfall the streets