
“Hitler Became Chancellor in January 1933 Because He Was the Leader of the Most Popular Party in Germany” – How Far Do You Agree with This Opinion.

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“Hitler became chancellor in January 1933 because he was the leader of the most popular party in Germany” – How far do you agree with this opinion.
Hitler did not become chancellor in January 1933 because he was the leader of the most popular party in Germany, it was however to do with the support of the elite that made him Chancellor. There were other factors also such as the decline of the Weimar Republic and the economy but it was mainly to do with the conservatives.
One factor that shows that the support of the elite was the reason that Hitler had become Chancellor was the event of the Bamberg conference. It could be argued that this conference had changed the ideology of the NSDAP and had made it more conservative. In the Bamberg …show more content…

The political violence in the run up to the election was the perfect excuse for the removal of the SPD dominated Prussian government. President Hindenburg ordered the army to seize control; this resulted in the new regime in Prussia to be an authoritarian one. This demonstrates how the destruction of thee Weimar republic could have been the reason why Hitler had become the chancellor. However it did not directly make Hitler the chancellor, while the support of the conservatives did. Although it does show that Hitler did not become the chancellor due to the fact that Hitler did not become the chancellor due to the fact that he was the leader of the most popular party.
The fear of a communist takeover could also show how it was due to the support of the conservatives is the reason Hitler had become the chancellor. The KPD had seen its vote increase from 3.2million in 1928 to 5.9 million in November 1933. It was the Nazi’s determination to reduce the communist militia that caused conservatives to back Hitler. There were a number of influential industrialists and bankers including Hjalmar Schacht, IG Farben and Gustav Krupp, who put pressure on Hindenburg to appoint Hitler as chancellor. The reason behind why they had done this because they feared loosing their wealth and power in the event of a communist takeover. This shows how the support of the conservatives had led to Hitler to being chancellor, as it was them that pressurised Hindenburg

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