
Hitler's Use Of Anti-Semitism In Germany During World War II

Decent Essays

The holocaust was caused by Hitler in order to get rid of Jews. Adolf Hitler was a German leader born in Austria which was later annexed by Hitler and was called Anschluss.Hitler distrusted his generals and believed in anti-semitism which is the hostility or prejudice against jews which is one of the reasons he used them as scapegoats. Hitler’s leadership was very significant. He ended democracy in Germany by using the Weimar Republics weaknesses. He also used propaganda to try to make Germany anti-semitic and without him the Rhineland wouldn’t have been re-militarized because his relationship with his generals was complicated.

Hitler’s belief in anti-semitism greatly impacted Germany. He created concentration camps where millions of Jews died.” His establishment of concentration camps to inter Jews and other groups he believed to be a threat to Aryan supremacy resulted in the death of more than six million people in the Holocaust.”(Robert Cowley and Geoffrey Parker). There were also laws that were put in place to exclude Jews . According to “From 1933 until the start of the war in 1939, Hitler and his nazi regime instituted hundreds of laws and regulations to restrict and …show more content…

“He shunned serious, comprehensive intellectual effort and was largely ignorant of military affairs and foreign cultures. He tended to reject any information that did not fit with his (Often wildly inaccurate) preconceptions.Instead he relied on his instinct and a belief that the will to win would overcome every obstacle in the end.”(Dr Geoffrey Megargee). People feared that France and Britain would enforce the treaty so nobody wanted to do anything in fear that they would be outnumbered. Anschluss would not have happened without Hitler because he was willing to bully the chancellor of Austria in order to get what he

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