HIV is a human immune virus while AIDS is acquired immunity-deficiency syndrome. From sampling, I chose HIV/AIDS to be my topic of research, based on the magnitude of the rate of infection and spread of the disease given that it is relative to behavioral and social relations of people. This topic is controversial in the sense that it 's one of the major factors responsible for the underdevelopment of most of the nations in the world. The purpose of the research and study was to identify the rate of HIV/AIDS infection and design ways and methodologies towards reducing the rate of infection of the population. The study is also aimed at providing a detailed analysis of available studies on the effects of AIDs. It was also to investigate …show more content…
How to address the HIV/AIDS pandemic/ Intervention programs
Sex education
Sex education should be provided to all, especially the young generation so that they get to learn about ways of preventing them and reduce chances of them contracting the disease. By giving them sex education, it enables them to take care of their bodies.
Peer counseling
This is also another method of preventing the likelihood for the spread of HIV/AIDS. This one helps to withdraw negative peer pressure, which may mislead and lead others to carry out irresponsible sexual behavior
Adoption of safe sex practices It’s advisable for people to practice safe sex. This will lead to prevention of the exchange of body and virginal fluids and this increases chances of getting infections. Research has it that oral sex is much less risky than anal or vaginal sex (Balmer, 1993). Anal sex is the most risky type of sex for the spread of HIV
Sexual abstinence Abstinence is the best method in which one can prevent the spread of a disease. Here the married couples are advised to remain faithful in their relationships and for the unmarried people to abstain from sexual activities until marriage.
Immigration regulation
There should be in place policies regulating migration from one region to another, especially in war torn areas where we have refugee camps. These cases led to evils like rape and other sexual activities with aliens or people from different regions whose status is unknown, hence
Another consequence of sexual activity is the risk that your boyfriend or girlfriend may have an sexually transmitted disease. The best way to avoid all of these consequences is abstinence, so you won’t have to worry if your partner has a disease you don’t know
In 1913, sex education became a topic that was found to be an important education tool. Since then, this form of education has been a hot and debatable topic among many Americans. The original reason for sex education classes was to reduce problems such as sexually transmitted illnesses and prostitution. In recent years, abstinence has become the focus of sex education curriculum. Abstinence means refraining from sex completely. Although, it is the only one-hundred percent way to prevent sexually transmitted diseases and unwanted pregnancies, abstinence-only instruction should not be the only form of sex education taught. Our youth need to know about all aspects of sex. This intails how to protect them if they choose to become sexually
Next, a very useful way to stay STD free is to know your status. Most students today have no clue they are infected and unknowingly pass it on to partners or spouses. The government has made available health clinics where check up’s to know your status on STD’s are free. Clinics are also places where treatment can be given, if a certain STD is found and is treatable. Many students are embarrassed or scared to know their status and would rather just live their lives, not knowing their status. This mindset among citizens is very selfish, which can lead to the danger of others. In the sense of a woman knowing her status, she will be able to determine if birth is still an option if a certain STD has affected her fertility. Offspring’s are also kept safe, so parents can make wise decisions on whether diseases would be passed on off
With progressing attitudes towards sex and greater acceptance of alternative sexual behaviours, the amount of people engaging in a wider variety of sexual behaviours has increased tremendously over the years. With greater participation in sexual behaviour comes a greater risk of pregnancy and contracting and passing STIs.
Many studies have shown that programs that focus on abstinence rather than contraceptive use are successful in reducing teen sexual activity”(Kim). She goes on to explain that abstinence is the best possible choice. Also that early sexual activity during teen years can have a risk of causing a contraction of a sexually transmitted disease, damage psychological constitution, lower academic achievement and cause unwanted teen pregnancy. All of these side effects are completely avoidable. The definition of “abstinence” is “Abstinence from sexual activity outside of marriage as expected standard for all school age children (Kim). It is emphasized as a healthy lifestyle and is explained by its effect on social, psychological, and health aspects. She cites that “Studies have shown that abstinent teens report, on average better psychological well being and higher educational attainment than those who are sexually active. She makes sure to repeat the claim that early sexual encounters can cause early irreparable psychological damage. A 2010 study in medical journal archives of pediatrics concludes that a abstinence only education reduced sexual initiation in the group of African-American adolescents. Two years later one third of the participants had initiated in sexual activity. “By
number one method to prevent STDs, many on the adolescents in this study “perceived sex as normal and abstinence as unlikely” (Akers, A., et al., 2012, p. 92).
Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)/AIDS is a pandemic problem affecting global health. At the end of 2015, 36.7 million people were living with HIV/AIDS globally. The rate of incidence is more prevalent in Sub-Saharan Africa with almost 1 in every 24 adults living with HIV/AIDS. In the united states, HIV/AIDS is a diversified health problem affecting all sexes, ages and races and involving the transmission of multiple risk behavior. However, with the introduction of various prevention programs and antiretroviral drugs, the incidence of HIV/AIDS has reduced.
As a human being, we are faced with several pathogens that can cause harm to our body. As health care professional, we are encouraged to obtain knowledge about these different types of diseases; so that we can educate and as well as treat the patient diagnosis. Due to the action of our sexual behavior, we open our bodies to a vast amount of sexual transmitted diseases. Even though, sex plays one of the most important roles in our daily lives. It is essential to be educated on the prompt ways of performing safe sex; nevertheless, it is necessary to be aware of infections you can acquire.
To conclude the battle against AIDS and other STD’s is a long and hard one. Especially for young children. Leaders and parents need to realize that the path of abstinence is not chosen by everyone. There is no reason to not inform teens of all choices they can make. The only way to even come close to ending this war is for everyone to stress the importance of a
In a generation, where being forever young is the motto and a mindset of being invincible convinces various young adults to live a high-risk lifestyle, unsafe sex is one of the many risky and at times dangerous behaviors that young people take a part in. There are many factors that may lead to this misconstrued judgement. Either these young adults are being ill informed, simply just do not care or are not receiving proper education on the topic of sex and its many pros and cons. Each time they indulge in these risky behaviors they are dancing with the devils of (a)STD 's the most important and deadly which is HIV, (b)increasing the chances of becoming impregnated at a young age, and (c)missing out on opportunities and goals they set out for themselves previous to these unfortunate, life changing encounters. It is imperative to educate these individuals on the importance of safe sex. The education of safe sex is an imperative and crucial step in preventing the previous consequences.
Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) threaten nearly everyone in the modern environment. However, with the introduction of the condoms and an intense campaign to adopt a healthy behavior can salvage the situation. Apart from the STDs, it is important for the society to protect the society against the worst scourge, the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). According to Helweg-Larsen and Collins (1994), condoms can rarely prevent the infection of STDs and HIV, but it can reduce the risk of the disease and unplanned pregnancies. It is also evident that the fatal prognosis of the human immunodeficiency virus infection has encouraged the use of condoms. The intervention program would persuade the people to change their healthy behaviors by adopting the use of condoms in reducing the risk of STDs and HIV infections.
The use of condoms can help this problem. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention “Consistent and correct use of latex condoms is highly effective in preventing sexual transmission of HIV, the virus that causes AIDS, lab studies have shown that latex condoms provides an effective barrier against even the smallest STD pathogens. Condom effectiveness for STD and HIV prevention has been demonstrated by both laboratory and epidemiologic studies. Evidence of condom effectiveness is also based on theoretical and empirical data regarding the transmission of different STD’s.” Using condoms during sexual activities is the safest way of protecting yourself from any possible STD’s spreading. The latex condoms provide protection from the reproductive organs directly making
People say that sex education teaches the students about how sexual intercourse is done but the truth is sex education lets the students know about the consequences and the truth about sex. One may likely suffer emotional or mental depression which may lead to suicide. Students are also informed that it is only for unity and procreation of married couples who are committed to each other. They are also informed that they will know the true purpose of sex when they grow up as adults. Appropriate sex education in schools has a great impact on preventing sexual problems in adulthood. Also, it teaches students on what is right and what is wrong.
In conclusion, the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) is an infectious disease transmitted in several ways. Since the first outbreak of HIV in the 1980s the annual number of new cases has dropped by more than two- thirds since the 1990s. This is a result of new and advanced treatments for the disease. The government on the national, state, and local levels are working together to try to prevent new cases of HIV by educating the public and providing medical care to infected individuals. The largest group new cases of HIV infections are of men who have sex with men. The CDC is keeping track of how many new cases are arising and how many individuals are taking advantage of the services that are provided.
AIDS (Acquired immune deficiency syndrome) is a disease caused by a virus called HIV (Human immunodeficiency virus). This changes the body’s immune system, exposing individuals to infections and diseases. HIV / AIDS is the most threatening pandemic in the whole world. It is one of the infectious diseases that has claimed lives of many individuals all over. This has been propagated by its means of transmission from one individual to the other. For this reason, many organizations have come up to look for ways of controlling it. Among the organizations responsible is the World Health Organization (WHO) which has made efforts to control its spread.