
Hkd Case Studies

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Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most common neurobehavioral disorders diagnosed in school-age children
When evaluating patients for attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), or hyperkinetic disorder (HKD), it is typical to use multiple stages of assessment before the diagnosis. Following assessment, diagnosis is based on the patient’s systems and how well their assessment went. Assessment of ADHD typically involves the comprehensive evaluation of information gathered from a number of sources, including parents/careers, family members, teachers, partners and colleagues, depending on the age of the patient . A range of qualified healthcare professionals may be involved in the assessment and diagnosis of ADHD, …show more content…

This may include observations of symptoms/behaviors in different settings, developmental, medical and psychiatric history, associated family functional difficulties/issues, presence of any co morbidity, patterns of ADHD or related co morbidities present in the …show more content…

“This comprehensive approach to treatment is often called “multimodal” and consists of parent and child education about diagnosis and treatment, behavior management techniques, medication, child and/or family counseling, and school programming and supports.” Treatment should be tailored to the unique needs of each child and family. Reports on medication use vary. For some, the benefits are extraordinary; for others, medication is quite helpful; and for still others, the results are more modest. “Attention span, impulsivity and on-task behavior often improve, especially in structured environments. Some children also demonstrate improvements in frustration tolerance, compliance and even handwriting.” Relationships with parents, peers and teachers

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