
Hobbes Lord Of The Flies Comparison Essay

Decent Essays

“Perpetual and restlessness of desire [for] power…. that ceases only in death” (Thomas Hobbes). Though Hobbes and Golding share similarities on human nature and government, they differ in some aspects, as well. In the novel, The Lord of the Flies, Golding’s fundamental view on human nature is that people are naturally evil. He believes that people are in constant struggle between good and bad. Also, Golding asserts that when people are free of the constraints of society, it draws them away from common sense and towards savagery. He believes in a representative government that provides more freedom to people and their beliefs. Hobbes and Golding both believe that people are naturally evil in the state of nature, and they need a government in order to provide law and order. On the other hand, they both differ on how society will end up and the most effective type of …show more content…

He wrote a book called The Leviathan; where he states his views on human nature and his implications for a proper government. Hobbes believes that all people are equal, but equality brings about competition. His view on human nature is that people are “naturally evil and selfish in the state of nature” (Hobbes). In order to maintain order amongst the evil people, a social contract should be signed with the Leviathan. When people sign the social contract, they give up all their rights to the Leviathan in return for law and order; this ensures protection and peace for the citizens. Since people are selfish, he concludes that they should not be allowed to make decisions because they will look at what is best for themselves, rather than what is best for the society. Therefore, he thought absolutism was the best way to rule and the rulers had the right to be cruel and unfair. In addition, he did not believe in the divine rights of god, rather that people decided a certain ruler who was best for

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