
Hobbes Vs Locke

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The main focus of this class is to understand the basic ideas and theories that have shaped our modern politics. There are two philosophers who drew my attention the most throughout the course. Those were Thomas Hobbes and John Locke. I thoroughly enjoyed John Locke’s theory of government and the systemic functions of citizens in our everyday society; while at the same time I found myself having reservations about Hobbes’s philosophies. Locke’s philosophy on the state of nature is something I agree with; he believed that the state of nature was ultimately peaceful while there are some who will act irrationally and disturb the peace. Locke also stated that his theory of government has separate divisions in charge of one certain aspect of …show more content…

Hobbes’s view on society was generally negative. The main thing that I disagreed with from his writings was the idea that power should be based in one person or small group. Hobbes once said, “I authorise and give up my right of governing myself to this man, or to this assembly of men, on this condition, that thou give up thy right to him, and authorize all his actions in like manner” This is what leads to dictatorship mentalities and the oppression of others when you feel someone is competing against your own interests. Thomas Hobbes’s philosophy on people in society is also pretty harsh. Hobbes argues that people in society will work for their own self-interests and will pursue pleasure while mechanically avoiding pain. I personally felt that Hobbes’s views on society were negative due to his views on people in general. Hobbes viewed people as machines with tools such as emotions and thoughts as a way to survive. I completely disagree with this because he viewed humans as soulless beings, and this is in complete objection to my own personal views. I believe we, as humans, are predestined to rationally make decisions soulfully and emotionally. We make decisions and live rationally through our emotions. Hobbes ignored the basic idea of humans as being rational in and actual capable of doing more than just quarrelling or working towards their own

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