The ACA goes against many Christians religious beliefs because it includes a contraceptive called the ‘morning-after-pill’ and it considered by some to be an abortifacient, and many Christians do not approve of abortion, and some do not approve of birth-control in general. With the ACA legislation, businesses were forced to provide health insurance to their employees, this insurance included providing emergency contraceptives to their employees, and many Christian companies did not want to provide it because of their stance against abortion. Hobby Lobby, a chain of craft stores won their fight against the ACA legislation that would have forced them to participate in going against their beliefs, but other businesses were not as fortunate (Liptak,
On September 19, 2013 the supreme court saw the case of Hobby Lobby V.S Sebelius. If the courts agree with Hobby Lobby then millions of women are out of essential health care they need just because their employers don 't want to cover contraceptives. Even though congress made it clear that these laws made for religious freedom were made for individuals, religious institutions, and religious organizations. If corporations were given religious freedom, it does not necessarily mean that they will be given freedom from contraception requirements that do not burden religious freedom. All the health care plan was made for was to give women the health care they need for their well being.
stand up for what he believes in would be considered a respectable trait to many.
Galloway (2013), Galloway argued that the town of Greece violated the establishment clause. The establishment clause within the First Amendment of the U.S. Constitution states that the national government is unable to establish an official religion. In this court case, it was ruled that the prayers at the town hall did not violate the establishment clause. The basis for this ruling had to do with tradition. In the case of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby Stores (2013), the Green family had to provide health care to their employees under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (ACA). The ruling for this case was that the religious beliefs of the Green family are a factor that can let them deny health care to employees that have different religious beliefs. With a five to four ruling, the Hobby Lobby Stores won the case. These two cases show how Freedom of Religion can be used
The HHS made the argument that there is no substantial on the Greens because the decision to use these contraceptives is made by the employees of Hobby Lobby stores, not the owners themselves. Because of this, the owners are not violating their ow religious beliefs. The United States Court has, in the past, defined the specific mandates of a religion in several cases. For example, in Bryant v. Gomez, the United States Court of Appeals ruled that a United States prison system had not violated the right of exercise of religion of an inmate. This inmate, Bryant, desired to practice his religion in a Pentecostal ceremony. However, the court denied him this right on the grounds that Bryant had no proof that he would not meet a religious mandate by not attending this ceremony. However, another case determined the exact opposite. In Mack v. O'Leary the United States Court of Appeals decided that the government essentially has no right to determine the mandates of a religion. The RLUIPA supports this argument fully in its definition of religious exercise as "any exercise of religion whether or not compelled by or central to a system of religious beliefs" (Shorba). Therefore, if the Green family feels as though the process of following the contraceptive mandate in the ACA violates its religious beliefs, the mandate simply
The ACA has been fraught with much controversy ever since it has been signed into law. Even almost four years after the law was passed, it is still a “hot-button issue” for politicians, health providers, business owners, insurers, and patients. There are many challenges to the long-term success of the ACA, but in my opinion, the greatest threat will come from the fact that the American culture has long favored independence and individual choice, with minimum government involvement. This mindset is what led the U.S. to declare independence from Great Britain, and it has even defined the Bill of Rights, which most Americans hold near and dear to their hearts. Many people thus view the ACA as the government getting involved in their health care.
The Dollar General is an American wholesale company that was first initiated in Scottsville, Tennessee by Turner and Cal Turner. Its headquarters are located in Goodlettsville, Tennessee. The mission statement of the Dollar General is "Serving Others." This mission statement helps to bring out the innate requests and intentions of the company in the United States of America and other countries in the world. The company has a vision that describes how it manages to cater for four different types of people. These four groups of people include the customers, the community, employees, and shareholders. Within these categories of people, Dollar General aspires to serve others through deliver of price quality and terrific prices for customers, opportunity, and respect for employees, a superior return for shareholders and a better life for the communities.
One of the most hotly debated and legally challenged aspects of the Affordable Care Act has been the contraceptive coverage or the birth control mandate. It mandates the healthcare plan providers to cover the costs of at least one type of the 18 FDA approved preventive contraceptive services/birth control measures to women without copays or shared costs. Although initially employers were required to provide health plans covering contraceptive services to their employees, it was later clarified that certain religious employers including but not limited to religious non-profit organizations, hospitals, educational institutions etc. can opt out of providing birth control/contraceptive services
Christmas Eve 2009 marked an important date for the beginning of the Affordable Care Act Bill (ACA). It was on this day that the bill was passed through the Senate where the majority democratic party voted yes on this historically altering bill. While the main provision of the bill is to provide health care benefits for all American citizens the bill is a lot more than just that. With provisions that have nothing to do with health care reform, new taxes that will affect the businesses that have to follow the new regulations, and the questions raising the constitutionality of the bill the ACA is a very intriguing topic. Small businesses account for a large portion of job growth in America and there are fears that the ACA will squander this
Though the AFA was intended to provide cost-effective medical coverage, the constitutionality of the legislation is now being called into question. In 2014, the case of Burwell v. Hobby Lobby (and other lawsuits) argued that employers should not be required to provide coverage of contraception if it violates the morals and beliefs of the employers or organization. The courts agreed and ruled that forcing employers to provide this type of coverage was in direct violation of the Religious Freedom Restoration Act as well as the First Amendment’s right to religious freedom. As a result, a third party provides coverage for contraception at no cost to individuals who work for employers
Originally, the major dispute over President Obama’s proposal focused on the coverage of contraception and its “pressure” on religious practices. Some statistics brought to light by the Guttamacher Institute state “that 98% of sexually active Catholic women have used birth control.” Yet, after this was justified opposers of Obamacare then tried to segue into the argument from religion to money. Based on this fact, it’s difficult to make the assumption that all Catholics are anti-contraception. While they may have their religious freedom, they like many others also want to make the decision for themselves when it would be appropriate to have children (Guttamacher Institute).
Organizational Hierarchy Structure- Toys R Us was a decentralized organization, which had a leadership type setting from country to country. This type of structure was difficult because all the leaders from different countries were not communicating effectively. The company knew they had to make some changes to the system, if they wanted to be successful. Therefore, after careful consideration, the company decided to move to a more centralized structure. This change was needed to strengthen their business with regards to their compatibility amongst countries and creating a more efficient workplace in the United States and abroad. In the company’s business in Europe, instead of their being different leaders across the continent, there will
The Affordable Care Act is one of America’s many insurance plans to attempt to lower costs and provide a wider coverage for citizens all over the country. It is a widely controversial topic in America; especially within the past year. Although there are some people out there who support it, there are also those who base their campaigns on getting it repealed; Donald Trump is a prime example of this. When instituting this policy, Obama had very good intentions, but he was far from fulfilling his intended purpose. Today, the ACA has many flaws that affect Americans both as a whole and individually. Obamacare has raised costs for individuals, contributed even more money to America’s debt, is the complete opposite of what President Obama said it would be, it takes away civil liberties, and puts new standards on patients.
In fact, under the Affordable Care Act only non-profits are exempted from covering contraceptives in their health insurance plans (Bassett). While this saves churches and other non-profits that are against birth control, what does it do for the business owners who are personally against birth control coverage? An example would be David Green, who is the founder of Hobby Lobby, a craft store that supports Christian beliefs. According to Green “This legal challenge has always remained about one thing and one thing only: the right of our family businesses to live out our sincere and deeply held religious convictions as guaranteed by the law and the Constitution…Business owners shouldn’t have to choose between violating their faith and violating the law” (Howell). Green has voiced his objections to government mandated birth control through the court
Use the sales forecaster’s predication to describe a normal probability distribution that can be used to approximate the demand distribution. Sketch the distribution and show its mean and standard deviation.
This paper researched the fact that the Toys “R” Us Company was displaying a weakness in financial related issues due to the lack of proper strategic planning. This made the company susceptible to many threats in the industry’s competitive environment. The research has shown that its main competitors Walmart, Target, and Amazon are functioning successfully in the industry while Toys R Us heads for bankruptcy. This research emphasizes the fact that Toys R Us has not taken steps to strategize its operations properly which resulted in a loss of revenue and opportunities in their environment. If the company does not take steps to better its strategic planning, the company will not