I believe that Hofstra University is perfect for me. But I am not a part of the Admissions committee at Hofstra University. So I am going to tell you why I believe why Hofstra is right for me. Instead of simply telling you, I’m going to guide you through by quotes. Each of my points for why Hofstra University is right for me will begin with a quote. Each quote is a piece of advice an important figure has given me throughout the years.
Quote 1: “Kala, don’t be afraid to stop and ask for help...Asking for help is a better option than failing and being embarrassed” Something my Mother said to me throughout high school. The First reason why Hofstra University is right for me is because of all the resources on campus. I know my mouth will not utter the words “oh my gosh! I can’t find help!”. Hofstra has many options of support. A couple of examples of the resources provided by Hofstra University; the Center for Academic Excellence, the Center for University Advising, and the Student Access Services. These centers providing me help with active learning, engagement, self-regulation, academic interests, and monitoring of the
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umm.. Your home away from home” A piece of advice my 24-year old cousin, a recent Barry University graduate, gave to me. Hofstra websites states that 1,647 enrolled at Hofstra in the class of 2020 alone. With Hofstra being a large University I was frightened that I feel alone. But with the average undergraduate class size being as small as 21 students. As well as 200 student clubs and hundreds of social, academic and cultural events every year. With this information I anticipate that loneliness will be the last emotion I will feel at Hofstra University. The Second reason why Hofstra University is right for me is because small class sizes, student-faculty ratio of 13-to-1, and of course the student involvement on
It feels like everyday I meet people who ask me what college I want to attend. I give them the usual list of colleges I wish to apply to, but when Hofstra University comes up, people ask me, “why do you want to apply to Hofstra University?” I say there are infinite reasons why I wish to go to Hofstra. The number one reason being that it is really close to home. Hofstra is an excellent school - one of the best schools in New York. Hofstra has over a 100 distinct majors and minors to choose from ranging from Biology to Engineering to American Studies. I plan to major in Biology, and Hofstra is the best for my major because it has resources to offer its students giving them hands on experiences. Being an AP student, I love to take arduous classes
In Frank Bruni’s article “The Real Campus Scourge,” the main argument that many college freshmen are extremely lonely at the start of their college careers is supported by numerous testimonials and statistics, which add to the credibility of the argument and ultimately make the argument very believable.
Not only does Mt. SAC offer a high-quality education, but also a large number of support services. Mt. SAC provides services both on campus and online to help students in all different types of situations as they work to achieve their educational goals. Being able to have access to these support services on and off campus is essential for students in our 21st century colleges as they guide students on the right path toward success. That being said, a system like Minerva’s that requires students to use outside resources and fend for themselves, is a system that greatly neglects the students that are incapable of doing so on their own (508). Although, some students may feel comfortable managing on their own, other students have a harder time
Going to college and being in a university setting was the first time my perspectives and ideas were broadened. I was able to see the world outside my small suburb, and learned harsh realities, which I was sheltered from my whole life. Social justice advocate, Bryan Stevenson, expounds the idea of getting proximate to issues that one cares about. For me, getting proximate was accomplished by being on a university campus, and learning from the ideas of others, as well as new, first-hand experiences. As I was supported and encouraged in my growth at Loyola, I want to provide the same assistance for other students. Through my years I have excelled at organization and coordination, skills that I hope to apply in order to help students in a university setting. More so, I want to help support students who enter college, those who wish to expand their knowledge, viewpoints, and minds. Higher education would offer me a unique opportunity where I would be able to support students in their growth as a person, while offering encouragement and assistance to students throughout their college
College can be a very difficult place if you don’t have any assistance but with these recourses you have help in every area. I haven’t gotten a chance to use all of these recourses but the ones I have used have been more than helpful. When I first got my schedule I was confused about how the textbook numbers and the bookstore worked. I walked into the bookstore and someone was able to help me right away. A woman walked with me around the store and collected all of my textbooks within minutes. Another important recourse is the counseling service. Being a college student can be very stressful and confusing. How do I know I’m taking the proper classes I need? This service gives assistance in that area. They are also able to help with personal
The allurement to Hofstra come in a myriad of ways that make it a top college and a prospective place to apply. It is the largest private college on long island, New York, which is beautifully situated on a 240-acre campus. The thing I love about Hofstra is the dedicated faculty and the way they aid Students and make themselves available to everyone. The student faculty ratio 14:1 shows the personal attention devoted to students. In the past few months, they have reached out to me and helped me in the most cooperative manner. You can almost feel the love resonating from the campus. The wide range of majors and minors that are offered on campus – 140 undergraduate programs – gives the sophomores a variety of programs to choose from while shaping
When I think about student success I immediately think of the term a “sense of belonging”. While there are many factors that positively impact students both academically and socially, I believe that having a supportive community serves as a backbone for all overarching areas of a student’s career. Historically the main focus was the extensions of the boundaries of knowledge (p.3 the student personal point of view, 1937).As a first-generation student, from a working class family in rural America, I was significantly influence by the supportive communities provided by student affairs professionals. My academic success and personal development went through a transformation that ended up leading me to the field of student affairs.
When spring 2016 semester started I was sure to stay on top of my grades. I became familiar with the Ms. Rebecca Sturgill at the Center for Academic Success. Generally, the visits consisted of proper studying methods and what I needed to help enhance my performances in my courses. Using the Center for Academic Success is one of the higher contributions my success at Longwood University. I am certain that I will take full advantage of my academic responsibilities. I realize that I must be in control over my actions regarding my studies. I will continually seek assistance from faculty regarding my grades by attending office hours and tutoring sessions regardless of my grade. I will not let any negative outside interference contribute to my career at Longwood University from this point forward. I will also communicate with faculty about having any sort of personal difficulty. Furthermore, I will also construct a detailed schedule that will include class, work, tutoring and office hours to stay organized and prioritize. Overall, I will do everything in my power to reach and exceed the grades necessary for academic success.
My list of universities consisted of both familiar and obscure schools. As I was reading through I saw one that caught my attention, Hofstra. I had never heard of it before, but the name was interesting. A simple Google search gave the basics: Hofstra is a relatively small school, located on Long Island not too far from Philadelphia. I end up moving onto stage two. I talked with teachers and people close to me. I went through the list, asking for their opinions. From my list I would tell them Hofstra, and surprisingly most recognized it. Some commented,saying “it is a nice school” and “you would do great there.” The popularity of this school, once unknown to me, was quite shocking.
In a few short months I will be 900 miles away from my friends, 900 miles away from my family, and 900 miles from my favorite coffee shop. All of the familiarity will vanish as I am immersed into a new city with unfamiliar faces and absurd street names. I am fortunate, however, to be able to live among thousands of other freshmen who are learning how to “do life” on their own for the first time. Living in Cougar Village II will place me right into a community of academically motivated individuals who will shortly become my second family.
The thrill of moving out for college, the new profound independence that one encounters once they indulge themselves in the undergraduate experience is something I’m yet to experience. ASU recommends every Freshman to live on campus at least their first year of college and to join various clubs and organizations in order to fully enhance the undergraduate experience. Unfortunately, I couldn’t partake in that tradition, due to financial problems, I haven’t yet had the privilege of living on campus. Throughout my undergraduate career thus far, not living on campus has been a huge burden that often prevents me from being able to attend beneficial events that will help me in my future. If I’m selected into the McCord Scholars Program, it will greatly
As a high school senior, I spent all year searching for a compatible college that fits my requirements. I wanted a college that is affordable, so when I graduate I am not stuck with a massive debt. I wanted a campus that is has friendly people and feels like home. Finally, the college must provide me with the right skills to start my career. With those three standards in mind, I narrowed my choices to one perfect college.
It has been almost eight years since my family moved from New Windsor, New York to Northern New Hampshire. Yet, New York still feels like home when I return, even if it’s just to drive through it. When my college search began, the state of New York was the first place I started. With Hofstra's location being close enough to the city, but far enough away for me to properly adjust from living in a rural area to a more urban area.
As I went through the research process for this paper I conducted many interviews with former classmates who are now either attending a four-year university or a local community college. The original intent was to find out their reasons for attending the institution they chose to attend. As I accumulated information I began to see a glaring trend in the relationship between the social group the individual was a member of and the college they ended up attending. This then drove me to further examine the influencing factors in these students’ social lives, in a hope of identifying the degree to which they are influenced by each other. Thus, the first part of the paper explores
Each location has resources that could benefit a student academically, financially, and personally. Based on my experience, I conclude that students would benefit from the advising office, career services, the learning center, and library. According to Lone Star’s official day student demographics in spring 2017, 63.8% of the students attending in North Harris were between the ages of 18-24 ("Lone Star College Credit Student Demographics By System and Colleges Official Day Spring 2017" 4). A vast amount of young adults at that age are unsure of a major or even a career to focus their studies on, which they would benefit from speaking with an advisor or career counselor for guidance. Similarly, it’s an inevitable situation that a student faces challenges at some point in their courses, either due to a lack of understanding, resources, or proper study skills; to which the office of academic success may aid them with the various tutoring programs offered, or the library which provides access to a stable internet connection and a wide database for research purposes. Regardless, having knowledge of all the locations and resources available is useful and essential in college success. This assignment has been helpful to me by expanding my knowledge in areas of the campus I already knew about and by bringing awareness to other areas and services I was unaware