Halal is now not just a religious issue in fact it is considered as symbol of quality assurance. Market share of Halal industry is increasing by a large number every year and because of this more and more brands are going for Halal certification (lada, Tanakinjal and Amin, 2009).
Halal is used as a marketing tool by marketers. Marketers are using Halal as brand element to promote their brands. Organizations are now considering Halal as important brand component to increase its market share. The Halal philosophy is used to enhance branding, marketing and to develop the product market. Halal is used as a co-brand like Halal insurance, Halal financing etc. Many Halal products are priced below if compared to
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Halal logo also plays are very important role for consumers who are not aware about the product manufacturing process (Andersen, 1994). Religion on the other hand can influence consumer’s way of thinking and making purchase decisions Mullen, (2000).
Halal products can be made popular in non-Muslim countries by creating awareness in consumers about the values of Halal that is pure and hygienic product as non-Muslim market has great concern and issues regarding health and hygiene Rezai, Mohamed and Shamsudin (2012).
The popularity of halal products is going high in non-Muslim countries day by day as non- Muslim consumers believe that Halal products are healthier and safer as compared to the products which are available in the market which are not Halal Rezai et al. (2012). Many Fast restaurants like KFC, Macdonalds and Burger kind have introduced Halal variety which has increased their market share by 20 percent Sabri, (2006).
Brands that are not yet Halal certified have loosen their market share because consumers started questioning their credibility. Brands that wish to capture Muslim countries market can use Halal to win consumers trust and use Halal as a branding tool to attract consumers Ahmed, A. (2008)
According to Ariff (2004) Halal certification is a very lengthy and time consuming process as it requires complete inspection of the site (factory), workers and ingredients used in the product. Brands which successfully meet all the requirements are the allowed to
People are directly affected by their cultural surroundings when making purchases. Like peer groups, employers, clients, colleagues, boyfriends, girlfriends, mothers, fathers, etc. Consciously, the purchaser has these people in mind when buying certain
Discuss what is meant by the term “customer orientation”. Illustrate with examples how companies demonstrate their customer orientation by reference to at least two elements of the marketing mix.
Ethnic diversity is a key driver for global market change. In 2015, Canada imported vegetables that worth approximately $851 million (Statistics Canada 2015). In the GTA alone, ethnic consumers are buying around $400 million ethnic vegetables per year (Harris, 2017). So the market demand of ethnic vegetables creates a niche market in the GTA (Nawaratne and Filson, 2012). The North American ethnic food market is growing by around 5% yearly. In 2010, over 1500 ethnic food products launched in the US which worth about $63 billion (AAFC, 2017). From 2012, annual import of okra is about 3,515 tons which worth $7,758,562 (Elford, 2013). Canada’s internal halal market is about $12 million and globally $580 million per year (AAFC, 2017). The Vineland
However, even if the author delivered a blow to these people, they also care about brand equity and the reputation of the companies who sell these products that have been labelled incorrectly. They defend the producers by stating,” The food industry is just as concerned about food fraud as consumers.”
All of the ingredients were of the highest quality and freshness. To ensure this, the parent company came up rigorous standards for product uniformity and quality, which were to be met by all of their suppliers regardless of the region.
1. Each student will read the case(s) ahead of time before attending to the class.
However, this trend is not just true of the pre-dominantly Muslim countries. Muslim travelers to foreign countries were usually cautioned about the unavailability of Halal in foreign countries at their fast food chains. In response to this big restaurant chains including Subway and McDonalds have started serving Halal to their customers in many countries. In fact, in close to 200 stores in the UK, Subway removed pork and ham and replaced all meat with Halal to serve its growing population of Muslim customers. Other fast food chains in Britain have also jumped on the Halal
Cultural diversity can create a problem when Loreal launches its marketing strategy. Cultural factors affect people buying behavior, because religions, beliefs, values, attitudes, colors, makeup styles and lifestyles differ from one country to another. Loreal captures local markets with specific products, but sometimes these products can be targeted wrongly with different local markets. Because people have their own beliefs, needs, wants and aspirations. Loreal may not fit these needs and wants with its existing products/brands. So the company must create adapted brands for new markets (as we seen in the case Exhibit 3, adapted
In 2004, in order to adapt to the multi-cultural domestic market, the brand adjust its production line and gained a “Halal”
To get well known as the manufacture of traditional cookies which use “HALAL” ingredients and have great qualities.
Obstacles to achieve higher market penetration of takaful are because of lack of players, market awareness, lack of products, low capitalisation of takaful companies, poor culture of consumer education and inconsistent messages from some Shariah advisories (Parker, 2006). Competitive advantages of takaful are on the unique offerings and follow the Shariah compliance that should be utilised by the Malaysian takaful operators.
Brands, the world’s face of everyday products not complete thought American Eagle , Forever 21, Nike we crave “name” brands that show society we make enough money to afford those trendy, fashionable items. Yet, these are the very companies that create an appalling byproduct: unethical manufacturing. Unethical manufacturing, in other words the immoral treatment of workers through use of child labor, low wages, and large corporations are intent on reaping the poor labor pool of third world countries. The already depleted resources these countries have is being stripped away by brands.
Accordingly, the mode of packaging will impact in the attraction of consumers desire to purchase the unique looking products. According to (Hafeez, pg. 385), use of unique, stylish labels on my product would be a key factor to ensure that they attract customer’s attention and guaranteeing effective branding. The best packaging style earns the product good sales in the market. I would first ensure that I register my product with legal usage policies in UAE and then involve a packaging design company from the country which would help in labeling my product in a culturally acceptable manner. I believe that the involvement of the UAE design company would help in the representation of my product artistically thus getting my message conveyed in a loud and clear, attractive and innovative way. It will also earn my products a competitive advantage in the market. Use of UAE branding company will be a change from my existing products which are customized to fit in the culture of people of UAE (Hafeez, pg. 398). My products will undergo some labeling changes which will be customized to provide a bilingual message about the product, i.e., use of Arabic and English language in product description labels. Pricing would be determined by the internal and external factors.
People have different consumption behaviors in relation to the using of various health products. Their experiences and cultures determine if they are likely to purchase given health products. Chinese culture is different to the Australian culture which creates vast differences in how the consumers carry out their purchases as well the decision making process. Even though features such as flavor and brand name is similar across all the nations it is the Australian vitamins that they prefer to buy for the greatest quality. The customer values and the role that the culture is attached to a given product plays a critical role in influencing the purchase behavior. In this case, the consumption of the health products is primarily affected by
To meet customers’ requirements, Saudee Group Berhad has to modify the products to meet the cultures and preferences of the customers they are going to serve. As most of the citizens in Malaysia is Muslims, therefore, Halal is the primary requirement for their food. In this situation, Saudee Group Berhad had taken some alternatives to cope with this issue such as apply for the halal certification, set up halal committee to ensure the products, the productions process, trainings meets the halal standards and