
How Is Holden Caulfield Crazy

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Holden Caulfield from Catcher in the Rye only likes the innocent parts of people. Throughout the book we are given examples of how Holden has different feelings based on who he is talking to. Three important characters in the book give three different personalities that add up to the overall conclusion that Holden is crazy.
Stradlater is one of the most non-innocent characters in the story, and we see throughout the book Holden picking fights with him. He is known to take girls on dates and rape them in the back of his coaches car. After he takes Holden’s childhood friend, Jane, on a date, he refuses to tell Holden what they did. Holden assumes he tried to rape her and take away her innocence, and immediately he grows in hatred toward Stradlater. The text says, “I told him he didn’t care because he was a goddam stupid moron. He hated it when you called him a moron. All morons hate when you call them a moron.”(50) Holden then gets into a big fight with Stradlater. In the story he calls him, “A dirty stupid sonuvabitch moron.”(50) And says, “That’s just the trouble with all you morons. You never want to discuss anything. That’s the way you can always tell a moron. They never want to discuss anything.”(50) He yells at Stradlater, tries to anger him, and ends up losing in a fight to him. This is the first time Holden shows hatred toward someone in the story. Someone that has taken away someone else’s innocence. Overall, these pieces from the text give us evidence of Holden

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