
Holden Stradlater

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In his limbo between childhood and adulthood, Holden strives to remain in the former due to his perceptions of sex, a strictly adult concept. Throughout the novel, sex and sexuality are strong motifs which are mentioned rather frequently from Holden or other characters. An early character whom Holden introduces the reader to is important in determining how Holden views sex. Stradlater is described by Holden as: “he weighed about twice as much as I did. He had these very broad shoulders. … Old Stradlater started taking off his coat and tie and all. ‘I think maybe I’ll take a fast shave,’ he said” (26). Given this description, Holden sees Stradlater as incredibly masculine and adult. Stradlater wears a suit and tie, clothing which is typically …show more content…

He mishears the lyrics to Comin’ Thro’ the Rye which describes a catcher in a field of rye. Given his already strong desire of protecting innocence, he imagines himself protecting children: “‘... I keep picturing all these little kids playing some game in this big field of rye and all. … And I’m standing on the edge of some crazy cliff. … I have to catch everybody if they start going over the cliff” (173). This imaginary scenario Holden has clearly represents his desire to protect the children from losing their innocence by falling off the metaphorical cliff. He assigns this responsibility to only himself, as he feels that he has not completely lost all of his innocence unlike others his age and older. Baer and Gesler support this idea in their own work: “The field of rye is a rigidly defined space within which no adults are allowed. … By keeping the children from falling off a cliff, [Holden] makes sure that they remain innocent in an area that is not defiled by adults” (Baer and Gesler 409). Holden wishes to make it his life purpose to protect children from entering adulthood, which he is already doing, so that they will not lose their innocence and succumb to the many flaws he sees with

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