Chiropractic is a holistic and multifaceted field which is often not fully understood. Chiropractic care has a plethora of uses and benefits that many people are unaware of. For example, chiropractic care has been used to treat ear infections, constipation, and asthma (Kratka, 2011). Chiropractors use spinal adjustments to treat tissue damage which can be caused by a traumatic event or repeated stress (American Chiropractic Association, 2017). These adjustments could be used to relieve the referred pain that can cause headaches. Yeomans (2014) discusses how chiropractic treatment can relieve referred pain which is perceived as coming from a different part due to a miscommunication between the brain and the spinal cord. Chiropractic …show more content…
Almost everyone experiences headaches throughout their life, approximately nine out of ten Americans suffer from headaches (American Chiropractic Association, 2017). Given the number of people who experience headaches, evidence of a previously debatable treatment option could impact the lives of many. Chiropractic care could be a better alternative to medical care because it is holistic and does not involve any drugs or surgery (“Benefits of chiropractic,” 2017). Chiropractors focus on the fixing cause of a disorder rather than treating the symptoms (“Benefits of chiropractic,” 2017). This holistic approach does not introduce any potentially harmful substance to the body like drugs or surgery could. Therefore, there are fewer risks and side effects associated with chiropractic care (“Benefits of chiropractic,” …show more content…
This region contains the top seven bones in the spine (Farmer et al., 2014). Jackson and Blumenfeld (2016) expand on this, saying, a cervicogenic headache involves referred pain which originates in the neck but the brain interprets the pain as coming from the head. Jackson and Blumenfeld also say that these headaches are caused by an injury or other problem in the neck (secondary headache) and treatment for these headaches should be focused on helping the neck. Garcia et al. (2016) conducted a study to determine if manipulation of the cervical spine was an effective treatment for cervicogenic headaches. However, the study was relatively inconclusive and the only result was that cervical manipulation could be beneficial for cervicogenic headaches (Garcia et al.,2016). This inclusivity was due to differences in the studies which were being
Chiropractic is and always will be incredibly significant to me and my family. Regular adjustments from my father, who is a Palmer alumni, aided me to stay in exceptional shape and helped me to remain healthy. Ever since I was a young child, the primary health care that my family used was chiropractic. Growing up I suffered from headaches, earaches, and other annoying problems that affected my childhood. However, after receiving chiropractic adjustments, the pain subsided rapidly and prompted me to appreciate life to a greater extent as I became older. My family is a strong believer in the power of chiropractic and the ability it has to aid in improving one’s health and preventing various health related problems.
Headaches: Headaches are stem from misalignment of the cervical vertebrae. Our chiropractor may perform manual adjustments and/or utilize computerized spinal decompression techniques to restore normal alignment and elongate the spine.
The mission of chiropractors is to enhance the lives of this and future generations through the power of the chiropractic adjustment and wellness lifestyle. Many athletes go to the chiropractor to get their health to full potential again. Although, most clients go to the doctor and get hundreds of dollars worth of x-rays and medicine, if they went to the chiropractor then their injury could easily be fixed with quicker treatments and less money spent. Going to the chiropractor is a better option to heal client’s spinal issues than going to the doctor.
Get Chiropractic And Acupuncture care in Omaha under one roof at cost-effective prices. The practitioners will examine the patients to reveal areas of the spine causing nervous system malfunction. This information helps to determine the best course of care for the individuals. Chiropractic care is a natural, safe, and effective approach to improve the health. The goal of the team of specialists is to detect the bones and joints, which are functioning improperly, adjust the particular areas, and suggest stretching, exercises or other conservative ways so that the nervous system can work at its best.
Chiropractors are health care specialists who can resolve problems related to the musculoskeletal and nervous systems, like headache, backache, neck or joint pain. The experts suggest rehabilitative exercises and offer dietary and lifestyle counseling, but are chiefly known for their practice of "spinal manipulation," in which they put pressure into joints that have suffered tissue injury to restore mobility.
Chiropractic care helps relieve pain and improve wellness by properly realigning the spine. Once the spine is realigned, the central nervous system can function normally.
Chiropractic is an invalid and harmful therapy, which is created on the basis of pseudoscientific ideas. Chiropractors use manual therapy, especially manipulation of the spine, other joints, and soft tissues to treat diseases and proclaim a cure-all and vaccination opposition. Only one of therapy (chiropractic) was used in the medicine and would not allow any vaccine inoculation to be made available to people, which is chiropractic theory. Chiropractic followers set up own theory, method and system and peddle this treatment. As modern humans we enjoy a wide range of medical treatment, and they provide a healthier life. However, advances in modern medicine as with the further research traditional medicines like chiropractic it met with incredulity. For decades the chiropractic has denied modern medicine to treat patients. Although chiropractic followers profess that it can cure all diseases by removal of the subluxation and replace vaccinations, more and more evidences support that chiropractic is an unscientific and dangerous therapy. What people must understand is that tradition and history are no excuse for therapeutic effect but should be more focused on scientific method that is widely proved to be effective and safe in the medicine.
As a Chiropractor, when I tell you that drugs and surgery are risky and often don’t work, you expect to hear that. How about when someone that made their living selling drugs tells you drugs are risky and dangerous? Then you know it’s the truth.
Despite being many categories on the field itself, all forms of chiropractic follow one principles and that is closing the safety pin. Most chiropractic’s believe that treating the cause, not the symptoms will help a person attain a normal life. Though it sounds simple, closing the safety pin has been hard to do, because health professionals most of the time will target the symptoms and not the actual cause of an injury. Thus, one major fact I learn in this class is that chiropractic’s will help individuals target the cause of their injuries thorugh personal
“Understanding Migraine Headaches,” a pop culture article, prevails itself as a concise, but accurate description about migraines, its causes, treatments, and other interesting facts. This article explained migraines to be highly concentrated and severe headaches. It also revealed the fact that auras often precede a migraine allowing a migraineur to be prepared for the coming wrath. The article also describes the possible causes of migraines- disturbances in nerve patterns. Along with this, the article also explained about treatments for migraines which happen to be medication which can lower the pain of a migraine and prevent them for short periods of time. The article even talked about rebound headaches -headaches which come as a result of overmedication. The article even described the effect of migraines on strokes.
Chiropractic patients typically experience an overall increase in the performance of their bodies, as well as increased mental capabilities and clarity. Chiropractic treatment is becoming more and more popular because it uses natural, manual techniques and does not require the use of drugs or surgeries. It can even help enhance your immune system, keeping you healthy, and allowing you to think, move, and perform better.
Pain relief is the most common reason, and it may not only be back pain. Headaches and migraines may occur because of pressure on nerves. When a chiropractor performs adjustments to remove this pressure, your body functions better. As a result, your headache may dissipate or completely disappear. If you have chronic headaches, chiropractic care is a good place to start treatment.
Migraine is a form of neurovascular pain syndrome with alters central neuronal processing by activating the brain stem nuclei, cortical hyper excitability, and spreading cortical depression ("Migraine: Headache: Merck Manual Professional", n.d.). Migraine also affects the trigeminovascular system, which triggers neuropeptide release and causes painful inflammation in cranial vessels and the dura mater ("Migraine: Headache: Merck Manual Professional", n.d.). Migraine attacks are not caused by a primary vasvular event, but episodic and varies among different patients (Goadsby, Lipton, & Ferrari, 2002).
‘Chiropractic (Greek kheir, hand, and praktikos, practitioner) is defined as the science of treating human ailments by adjustment of the spine’ Bradbury, P. (1957). It is grounded in the principle that the
Methods: Consecutive patients with migrainous chronic daily headache in our headache clinic enrolled a prospective before and after therapeutic study during 2010-2013. Fourty mg Metylprednisolone was divided in four subcutaneous injection doses. Two injections were done in right and left suboccipital area exactly at retromastoid cervicocranial junction and two injections were performed in lower medial frontal area exactly at medial right and left eye brow limit. A headache daily was filled out by the patient before and one month after intervention. The severity of pain was classified based on the Pain Intensity Instrument, using a 0-to-10 point numeric rating scale. Paired t test and Chi-square served for statistical analysis.