These results are probably right since I like to help people. At the same time, these results reflect my personality, but it does not reflect my interest because I know what I want to do, I know what I want to be, and I know how I want to see myself in the future. For instance, I want to help animals which are my passion, consequently; I want to be a Veterinarian, and I see myself in the future having my own veterinarian clinic. I have really clear in my mind what my goal is and I am going to work towards my goal to achieve it. In path to my goal probably, I am going to work in places like the jobs I chose in the Holland Career Assessment, and I know that it will be satisfying and motivating working helping people because at the end that is
My goal is that my education will prepare me to become a serviceable member of society by using my abilities in order to help lead the improvement of the community. This is my goal because I personally fill that as humans we should try to use our lives to make society a better place than when we arrived.
My top three preferred traits from the Holland Career Inventory were Artistic, Social, and Enterprising. I believe the results are right on the mark since my B.A. was in Studio Art and I am a Special Education Teacher. I employ my art background in my class and our CTE program. In my class, my students learn in all modalities often creating amazing study guides and this year I am going to incorporate visual notetaking. I adore the freedom I have as a teacher. In our CTE programs, I create posters, brochures, and other items using Adobe and other products. Becoming a teacher has brought out my social and enterprising side and the development of these areas helped me become a part of our CTE pathways. Every opportunity I go out into the
My number one goal in life is to make a difference. I want to be the reason that people smile and have joy-filled lives. With this, I plan on either being a veterinarian or a chiropractor, which I will be going to Saginaw Valley State University in the fall to pursue. I want to either help animals, or I want to help people in my community by giving them the ability to have bodies free of pain, or at least reduced pain. I am currently looking more into being a chiropractor, because I have a more personal connection to this career, for my dad is disabled with chronic back pain, but seeing a chiropractor has turned his life around and he can now be my loving father again, instead of the depressed, pain-filled father I once had.
My goal in my career is to make people’s lives better. Throughout my life I have tried to help people in whatever ways possible. I have had the unique opportunity to grow up in a family of nine people, myself being the oldest of seven kids. These experiences have helped grow my desire to help others. This will help me in my future career as it has taught me empathy and how to go above and beyond to help others.
I have performed similar quizzes in the past and each have had similar results to the Holland Career Assessment. I have began to seriously consider going into politics after my time in the Navy is through. I want to have a positive impact on people around me and each of the jobs I have chosen can do just that. This kind of tool is great way to narrow different degree paths for potential college students and the earlier this kind of assessment is performed, the better. A young person can begin to tailor jobs or apprenticeships in different areas to eliminate careers that are not interesting. An adult can do the same thing when changing careers to find a new career that matches his or her personality. It is also important to know the different
One of my many goals in life, since I was younger, was to major in a profession where I can change the world and make it a better place. I want to help people and positively impact their lives. This is when I decided to major in occupational therapy and focus the profession towards youth. Hopefully, I will be able to
I do not have a goal in mind. There is no deadline or additional information I can provide for my dream. I want to make a positive impact on the world. I want to have an outstanding legacy.
Everyone is awesome in their own way, and some fail to achieve their potential because of the family they were born into. My goal will not only help others, but help me in meeting new people. The fact that there are seven billion people on earth, and that every single one of them is different is mind-blowing. To go to a third world country and see how they live, and how different life is there would be such a humbling experience. By giving of myself to help them learn, explore, and succeed will be how I would do my part to change the
My short term goal is to work endlessly towards obtaining my Bachelor's degree in Nursing. I put in more efforts, more time towards achieving my dreams and pursuing my passion. I feel like it was always meant for me to help people because when I was younger, I helped people when they were sick, had cuts and bruises, and etc.…
My goal in life is to help people who are less fortunate than me. I want to help even if is just one person. Because that one person can change the world. Trying to figure out what I want to do without knowing how to help someone is hard. There is some many jobs and careers out there where you help someone, but I want to help someone more than one time. Making this decision is hard, it will be the reason for what I do for the rest of my life and that is scary. It is scary because I do not want to regret my decision. I do not want to look back and think in should have decided something else. I want to make the right decision the first time. Making the right decision for the rest of my life is something I do not look for to
The first goal would be to invent new techniques to use in therapy continually throughout my career. This is because it has always been exciting for me to change routine and have new and entertaining methods of learning. Another goal of mine is to come up with affordable adaptive devices and different tools of modification. The idea of how a simple alteration could impact a human life to such great extents is one of the reasons why occupational therapy was so intriguing to me from the start. Transformations such as different sized utensil grips made from items at home so an individual with trouble in fine motor skills is able to feed
Throughout life one will encounter many experiences and there is a lesson within each of those experiences. Right now as an activity aide in a nursing home my passion is to make sure each and every resident gets some sort of enjoyment out of their day whether it’s from reading the newspaper, having coffee outside or its getting their nails painted. I just want to make sure their day has some activity that they enjoy. My dream job after graduation is to work in a hospital in the palliative care/hospice as a social worker. In this setting I will still get to make
My goal is to work in a Residential Treatment Facility, and work with the children and adolescents. I want to get to the root of their behavioral problems. Hopefully when they are able to leave the facility they can take what they have learned from our sessions and utilize them in a positive way. They will be able to live a productive and hopefully happy life, and can achieve the dreams that they have set for themselves. Hopefully with everything they have learned they will not end up another statistic and end in prison.
I see community service as the key element to my future. I believe that each person should leave the world a little better than how they found it. Community service has held a huge part of my life already. I currently am very involved with a program called Candlelighters. Candlelighters is a program that works with cancer patients and their families. As a part of the Candlelighters program I have seen many children lose their lives to cancer. Each child has left a mark on my heart, and I am a better person for knowing them.
My life time goals are oriented towards self-improvement, making a positive impact in people’s lives. This field is always evolving and I am excited to grow in my knowledge as well. I want to obtain my Master’s degree after getting a feel of the field. I want to teach and possibly work in research. Another main goal is to obtain a lab manager position over time. Overall, these goals would help me expand my knowledge and help my self-improvement. I have always wanted to acquire a profession where I would have a positive