
Holmes 's Unbelievable Flaws : Holmes

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Holmes’s Unbelievable flaws Holmes is a very complex and moody character who, although of strict habit, is considerably messy. Holmes appears to undergo periods of obsession and depression, the latter of which are accompanied by violin playing, and cocaine use. All of Conan Doyle’s stories are told from Watson’s first-person perspective, and yet, Holmes flaws are not criticized but glamourized. While Holmes is a clever and observant man, his flaws are very clear to people around him. Holmes takes considerable pride in his ability and his ego is clearly evident to those around him; also, his impatience with those of lesser intelligence than his makes it trying to others who are with him. On the 20th of March, 1888 in “A scandal in Bohemia,” Watson and Holmes are arguing in 221 Baker Street. Watson and Holmes argue, "Then, how do you know?" "I see it, I deduce it. How do I know that you have been getting yourself very wet lately, and that you have a most clumsy and careless servant girl?" "My dear Holmes," said I, "this is too much. You would certainly have been burned had you lived a few centuries ago. It is true that I had a country walk on Thursday and came home in a dreadful mess, but as I have changed my clothes I can 't imagine how you deduce it" (Scandal). "Burned"? Watson appears to have just called his best friend Holmes a witch. But his point is actually that Holmes 's thought processes are so beyond an ordinary person 's that his deductions seem like witchcraft

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