
Holy Sonnet 10 By John Donne

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John Donne, Holy Sonnet 10 (page 1412) John Donne presented “Holy Sonnet 10” in a very phenomenal way. Within the fourteen lines, one can really dig deep into the message that Donne is trying to portray. The reader can really read between the lines and receive something different each time this sonnet is read. I believe that is what Donne tried to do when writing “Holy Sonnet 10.” This is a sonnet that one must read more than once to really become intrigued within the meaning Donne tries to lay out for the individual reader. It is almost guaranteed that a reader will not gather some of the same thoughts as someone else, which is one amazing aspect to John Donne’s work. When reading this sonnet I gathered many different hidden meanings that were between the lines, being the reason I chose to move forward with this individual piece. Holy Sonnet 10 speaks of death, or really this sonnet addresses death. When analyzing this sonnet I noticed that Donne sometimes capitalized the “D” in death and other times he does not. After reading the whole sonnet I gathered that there are certain points where Donne is addressing death, as death in a human-like aspect. Where as Donne is addressing death singly as an individual. In the other aspect, where Donne does not capitalize death, he speaks of it as the actual meaning that life gives us of death. The action of actually dying, where Donne does not address that type of death himself instead, he just speaks of death. The way Donne

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