
Holy Trinity Research Paper

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According to the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Holy Trinity is defined as the mystery of one God in three persons. Although the Holy Trinity is at the base of the Catholic faith, the Catechism also states that the Holy Trinity is “inaccessible to the human mind” . The Catholic Church practices monotheism, the belief that there is only one supreme God. Within this Godhead, there is an undivided trinity of three divine persons. The foundation of the Holy Trinity within the Catholic Church is found within the sacred scriptures in both the Old and New Testament. Writings from the early church fathers such as St. Augustine of Hippo, and Tertullian have influenced the apprehension of the divine nature of the Holy Trinity. Encyclicals from …show more content…

In the Catholic Church, the Holy Trinity is the most fundamental mystery of faith. The Church does not see the trinity as three separate gods, but as one whom embodies three different personalities. This concept of believing in one God who is composed of three persons is unattainable to the human mind, it is beyond human intelligence and comprehension. St. Augustine of Hippo who lived in years A.D. 354-430, was an early church father just like many others who spent many years attempting to encompass the mystery if the Holy Trinity. Augustine spent many years developing a dissertation on The Holy Trinity called De Trinitate. St. Augustine constantly contemplated on this great Mystery. According …show more content…

God’s essence is to exist, from him comes all things and he forms all things. God made his name know to his people in the beginning of time through the Prophets. He reveals himself as the way truth and love. He was merciful to the people, and for that same reason, the Son reveals the Father; this is read in Matthew chapter eleven verses twenty-five to twenty-seven . The Father becomes known because of the Son. God’s love and truth are truly known when he sends his beloved Son to save the

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