Evaluating Mission Statements: Home Depot and Nike The Mission statement is the proclaimed affirmation, generally with smaller or bigger text length, which articulates the standing attitude behind organization’s existence, its meaning, a reason for its existence, and its objectives. In fact, it shows the direction, dream, template, and approach, strategy, philosophies of any organizations (Pontefract, 2013). Nevertheless, it should be customer centric, concise, and explicable, relevant to what it asserts, well-timed, concrete, and extraordinary to entice and appeal the customers towards the business. Hence, the thesis of this paper is- this paper offers an assessment of the mission statement of
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At the outset, with price’s and diverse product’s inclusion in the mission statement proves that, it has focused upon satisfying the customer needs. Also, it hits the bull's eye by way of inserting business types (home improvement business) to identify and respect their customer base together with categorizing their habitual needs. Further, the customers always want to know how they will be treated or handled by any business. In fact, they are very thoughtful about business’s attitude towards them. They sometimes go without having desired products, but, they never forget how business treats them. So, the mission statement should slot in the matter of serving method (Campbell, 2006). As luck would have it, the said mission statement has eight core values, among which, some of the matters, such as customer service, giving and caring attitude, respect and relationship concept’s presence convey a sense of customer serving way of the given company …show more content…
Haplessly, the given undertaking declaration leaves them a little disappointed. It’s true that it comments on or includes “Taking care of our people”, “Creating shareholder value” and “Respect for all people” text in the mission proclamation, but, they miss the target to motivate or inspire employees with their true meaning. In fact, it makes employees feel unexciting and mind-numbing. They should insert some exciting value fetching text to inspire them fruitfully. Moreover, it sounds realistic to its readers as it generally talks about the business and doesn’t stray anywhere and homes in on the thought matters. One of the remarkable features of the mission statement is regarding its length (word count) (Pontefract, 2013). Looking at the length of the mission statement, it deviates the length standard and seems elongated and forgettable. Moreover, it cannot be thought that, the company has enough attention on how it wants to be hailed or remembered as dream’s absence in the statement.
Evaluation: Nike’s Mission
The Home Depot mission is rooted upon 8 fundamental values. “ The Home Depot is in the home improvement business and our goal is to provide the highest level of service, the broadest selection of products and the most competitive prices. We are a values-driven company and our eight core values include taking care of our people, giving back to our communities, doing the right thing, excellent customer service, creating shareholder value, building strong relationships, entrepreneurial spirit, and respect for all people” (
34). The organization’s mission statement should “work through metaphors that help employees make appropriate decisions when faced with day-to-day situations, which sometimes can be novel or stressful” (Rothaermel, 2013, p. 34). More specifically, customer-oriented businesses should have a customer-oriented mission statement, while product-oriented businesses should have a product-oriented mission statement (Rothaermel, 2013). Product-oriented businesses should be wary, however, as customer-oriented mission statements allow for greater strategic flexibility (Rothaermel, 2013).
The mission of Lowe's was first introduced in February of 1990. Leonard Herring sought to start the decade with a clear statement of Lowe's mission. "Lowe's is in the business of providing the products to best help our customers build and improve their homes. Our goal is to be their first-choice store for these products." Since 1990, Lowe's has expanded its mission to improving the communities in which its customers and employees reside. The company has also committed itself to providing customers with sustainable products and services in order to protect the environment for future generations.
The second statement is ‘To consistently provide our customers with impeccable service by demonstrating warmth, graciousness, efficiency, knowledge, professionalism and integrity in our work’
This company is a well-defined; well-establish organization that has been able to stand the test of time. One thing that I do believe stands out though is not defined by a long list of words is the fact that it is a powerful message in that it is speaking to people around the globe.
Marketing Plan: Phase IIntroductionThe Home Depot is a well respected company leading the do-it-yourself home repair market. In the demand for better service, Team A has identified a potential project to augment the services provided to customers. This paper will identify the Home Depot Company and its values; define the proposed project; examine SWOTT analysis for implementing the project, and develop a marketing plan.
According to Miller and Dess, mission statements are the driving motivation of an organization (1996). The mission statement of the Boys & Girls Clubs Indianapolis (BGCI) is, “Boys & Girls Clubs of Indianapolis believes every young person deserves to live a life filled with hope and opportunity. Because we care about our young people, we provide a safe, educational and positive atmosphere where they can prosper and reach their full potential”. This mission statement does a great job of embodying what BGCI represents and hopes to provide for its members. The mission statement is not something that is unattainable; it is a very well attainable and is a very possible mission. For someone who has never part took in the BGC, it makes them very eager to want to volunteer or have their kids or family members join. Research shows that having a strong mission statement is the first step to overall keeping a firm survival in an organization or business (Miller and Dess, 1996). Theory and practice have helped prove that
The Home Depot mission statements speaks volume as to the organizations form of business. Their 100% customer services surpass their competitors and loved worldwide. In the last sixteen years, Home Depot has increased its dividends from 0.04 in 8/29/2000 to 0.69 in 8/30/2016. The increase of net income and dividends displays the organization has maximized its earning potential. The mission was clear and its objective has clearly opened the doors for success.
Exploring The Home Depot’s mission and vision statement through work experience, internet conducted research, on-site courses and lectures. Conducting this extensive research, illustrated how the Home Depot has grown in the last thirty-seven years. This paper explores how the Home Depot has invested their time and money in associates to operate this unique evolving organization that it is today. When Bernie Marcus and Arthur Blank Co-Founded the home depot they had a vison, a vison that consists of its employees and customers. Striving to become the “The number one Customer service agent in the world.” By using a matrix organizational structure, that is a series of dual reporting relationships. Implying a “Value Wheel” system that every associate can refer to, and building stronger relationships with its associates. Undergoing many of Home Depot University courses shows how this company has invested in building the strong culture and values it adapts today.
"A good mission statement portrays an organization's unique and lasting reason for being, and energizes stakeholders to follow common goals. It likewise enables a focused allocation of
It is meant to state in the clearest way possible what everyone job is when serving the clientele. It keeps the employee on tract and motivated to do their job as best as possible. This is important when an ethical issue arises. The mission statement will help guide a person to making an ethical decision based on the organizations goals and philosophies.
A personal mission statement is a philosophy or creed that one plans to follow in daily life. It is usually designed with positivity, purpose, and with personal goals for every aspect of life such as career, finances, etc. It also focuses on personality traits that one would like to possess and the accomplishments that one wants to achieve, both short-term and long term. It also houses the individuality of the person writing it. Every person writing a personal mission statement is will produce a different statement. This is primarily because people value different things, characteristics and have different goals. The purpose of this paper is to explore my mission statement (Covey, 2013, pp.113).
Take a position: Mission statements are critical to a successful marketing organization versus mission statements rarely provide useful marketing value. MY OPINION:Pro: A well-crafted corporate mission statement reflects the values of the firm as they relate to the community at large, its stakeholders, its employees, and its customers. Once the firm’s positions are delineated in the mission statement, marketing can begin the process of setting its priorities, goals, and objectives derived from the stated priorities of the firm. With the advent of holistic marketing, what the firm
The mission statement is a written document that an organization declares its core purpose. The mission statements defines the essence of the organizations needs and their core purpose of their existence. It describes the role that they play in the community and portrays the club’s image, charisma, and individuality. If the mission statement is written correctly it can provide an explanation to internal and external individuals on what the organization stands for. Some of the components that are key to the mission statement are members, product and service, market, technology and philosophy are just a few that should be in the mission statement. Without and effective mission statement to inspire your employees and members on why you exist it won’t mean anything to them. Here is an example of a mission statement from Kohl’s