
Home Depot Mission Statement

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Evaluating Mission Statements: Home Depot and Nike The Mission statement is the proclaimed affirmation, generally with smaller or bigger text length, which articulates the standing attitude behind organization’s existence, its meaning, a reason for its existence, and its objectives. In fact, it shows the direction, dream, template, and approach, strategy, philosophies of any organizations (Pontefract, 2013). Nevertheless, it should be customer centric, concise, and explicable, relevant to what it asserts, well-timed, concrete, and extraordinary to entice and appeal the customers towards the business. Hence, the thesis of this paper is- this paper offers an assessment of the mission statement of …show more content…

At the outset, with price’s and diverse product’s inclusion in the mission statement proves that, it has focused upon satisfying the customer needs. Also, it hits the bull's eye by way of inserting business types (home improvement business) to identify and respect their customer base together with categorizing their habitual needs. Further, the customers always want to know how they will be treated or handled by any business. In fact, they are very thoughtful about business’s attitude towards them. They sometimes go without having desired products, but, they never forget how business treats them. So, the mission statement should slot in the matter of serving method (Campbell, 2006). As luck would have it, the said mission statement has eight core values, among which, some of the matters, such as customer service, giving and caring attitude, respect and relationship concept’s presence convey a sense of customer serving way of the given company …show more content…

Haplessly, the given undertaking declaration leaves them a little disappointed. It’s true that it comments on or includes “Taking care of our people”, “Creating shareholder value” and “Respect for all people” text in the mission proclamation, but, they miss the target to motivate or inspire employees with their true meaning. In fact, it makes employees feel unexciting and mind-numbing. They should insert some exciting value fetching text to inspire them fruitfully. Moreover, it sounds realistic to its readers as it generally talks about the business and doesn’t stray anywhere and homes in on the thought matters. One of the remarkable features of the mission statement is regarding its length (word count) (Pontefract, 2013). Looking at the length of the mission statement, it deviates the length standard and seems elongated and forgettable. Moreover, it cannot be thought that, the company has enough attention on how it wants to be hailed or remembered as dream’s absence in the statement.
Evaluation: Nike’s Mission

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